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Todays' Menu
Todays' Menu

Literal or metaphorical. I recall a couple of moderately active threads from other forums. One was "What are you having for Dinner?", and the other was "What are you doing? So, combined to a single via appropriate title to include the figurative as well.

I don't know yet what's on the literal menu for today, but Fathers' Day and a certain someones' birthday fall in very close proximity to one another, so I'll be going(dragged) a couple towns over to deliver some gifts and hang out for a couple hours.

I did see Chuck Norris advertising his new Morning Kick breakfast drink and thought about trying it, but it's only available online. I did tell a friend that works at a natural foods store about it and they matched the ingredients to a similar product. So I suppose that would at least be the "literal" breakfast "menu" for today.

Those yerba mate Tweaker vitamin shots are pretty good in the morning too. I don't even bother much with coffee anymore.
Five Pounds of Turkey Bacon

A friend brought back five pounds of turkey bacon because the cooler at work gave out. It's not like regular bacon, it cooks weird. I fried two packs and made a BLT, and she asked: "Do you like it?", and I said: "Yeah it's okay, but I don't think I want to eat five pounds of it.".

Bubba Burgers

This is the second time I wake up at around 4:00 AM and fry a burger because I didn't eat much the night before.

Dry pan with heat all the way up. If it doesn't grease the floor and smoke the house, you're not doing it right. I put the salt, pepper, and garlic on after it comes off and then the cheddar cheese. The typical condiments are mustard and ketchup, but I also put sweet relish on this one. A little pink is okay.
Further Exploration of Unventured Lands

I took up driving as a hobby back around 2018 when I purchased my first semi-muscle car. In the beginning I took hundreds of photos and would post them on whatever site I was currently partaking - mostly just nature photos. I later ditched the photography and switched over to a dashcam, but transferring the videos became a pain so I started using Facebook live; I would've used YouTube but Facebook was more straightforward with less requirements.

I suppose now I just drive for the sake of the driving itself. I enjoy getting out of the house for a while and traveling to remote areas. I like the minor g-forces involved with short bursts of acceleration, and I rarely drive at a constant speed.

Plus it is also interesting to experience people and places that I would otherwise be oblivious.

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