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Conspiracy thoughts on the recent debate
It might not be too hyperbolic to consider that Biden's final debate was a set-up for a metaphorical assassination.

Considering that it is virtually impossible that those closest to the President were unaware of the extent of his difficulties, however you might theorize their nature.  They certainly knew how he was performing his duties, what his limitations were, and what had been afflicting him.  While it is understandable that they would employ every measure to mitigate these problematic elements of public performance, and even employed every PR tool and media connection to protect the office-holder, it was inescapable that this was not a 'tolerable' circumstance (especially today, in light of the public's awareness and engagement in questioning whatever the hell was going on with him.)

In the unlikely event that everyone was completely 'surprised' at the outcome, it shows with even more emphasis that whomever was pulling the strings in the cloistered background had completely lost track of reality, and was using his position as we use an old used car which can't be repaired... drive it until it can go no further.  The immediate onslaught of press revealing the not-so-sudden willingness of party members to "abandon the (leader)ship" and call for another candidate shows an underlying (yet unspoken) awareness of the problem, and perhaps even hints to a 'design' or 'plan' of his party - which is firmly entrenched in ownership of media direction (among other things.)

It implies (to me anyway) that there was probably already 'underlying preparations' lined up and ready to go.  Considering that the party has fully embraced the errant strategy of "appearances" superseding 'substance,' we can expect that whomever the "new" candidate may be, will be lying in any utterances or posture of "who knew?"  Also, we can expect that the eventual "replacement candidate" will be fully entangled with all the 'buzz-word' and 'faddish' precepts of the "New Left."  They will use words like "regrettable," or "unfortunate" as if they only now "just heard about this," or "just realized..." (as if the press' reporting of Bidens' performances was absolutely truthful all along.)

I do feel for the man who glowed so strongly with genuine pride at finally having achieved his goal of becoming president, after long hovering around the circle, waiting for a chance to sit in the chair.  Who he is now doesn't seem to conform to the image of a President anymore.  Maybe he just partied too hard for too long.

The fall has begun... and it will be ugly and won't lack in shameful exposition.  Some folks seem to never learn that old American concept of "comeuppance."  Of course, he will be protected, as most presidents are... but it won't change the knowledge that is inbound, regardless of "what we can or can't do about it."

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RE: Conspiracy thoughts on the recent debate - by Maxmars - 06-30-2024, 01:57 PM

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