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Unwelcome AI data scraping ... we do what we want.
My first thought about AI takeover is this is being promoted by the same type of azzhats that promoted the Y2K potential meltdown. Yes, the marketing of it also bugs TF out of me too. Add we are already seeing incredible AI pics and videos and it's not that there is a tell, in them all, but for enough people, it's a quick glance, and boom it's accepted as real tangible fact, clicked on, saved, and reposted. 

Because of the layered marketing Im already tired of it, all the generic collections of bullet points most open and free AI have are useful for giving you more ideas for research. 

Until its open-sourced and vetted it is still a technology thats ripe for abuse, such as slanted or biased presentation, manipulation, and or brainwashing indoctrination among others let me ask AI the dangers of AI.

If it's like RoboCop it might just burn out its motherboard...well shit that didn't work, but at least it's self-aware enough and semi-honest about itself to admit its faults. That's a trait our leadership might ought to learn from AI, BTW.

What is going to happen will there be hearings and legislation to regulate AI. The companies that lobby the hardest and make campaign contributions will be the ones rolled out and get business contracts and be influenced, and manipulated by the politicians and Department and Agency heads and officials whose hands they grease.
Quote:The use of artificial intelligence (AI) presents several inherent dangers that must be addressed to ensure the technology benefits society without leading to catastrophic consequences. Here are some of the key dangers associated with AI:
  1. Lack of Transparency and Explainability:
  2. Job Displacement:
  3. Social Manipulation and Bias:
  4. Privacy and Legal Issues
  5. Algorithmic Bias and Bad Data
  6. Market Volatility and Economic Impact
  7. Weapons Automation
  8. Uncontrolled Self-Awareness and Behavior
To mitigate these dangers, it is crucial to implement ethical guidelines, ensure AI systems are designed with transparency and explainability in mind, and establish clear legal frameworks that protect consumers and workers alike. Furthermore, investing in research and development to improve the fairness and reliability of AI algorithms should be a priority for stakeholders in the technology industry.

FWIW thats sounds like big Tech will require extra funding for this potential problem bigT researched developed and promoted. Then there is this nugget about Y2K...minimizing sumbeech

In conclusion, while the world did overreact to Y2K, the reaction was deemed necessary and appropriate at the time due to the gravity of the potential consequences. The overreaction served as a testament to the global collaboration and ingenuity required to solve a complex technological issue

Its potential use for graphic design and videos is phenomenal, however much like Photoshop, I expect companies to install access through a monthly fee bullshit. 

If today's AI were autonomous, omniscient, and all-seeing and knowing would it need monthly fees for its platinum or professional levels to finance itself, money-grubbing little bastages 

Lastly, it would seem the lower one's IQ is the more susceptible they will become to saturation bombing ie like the COVID overreaction and mandated vaccine push.

Is there any doubt an early AI model probably pushed that...

Here's why AI has a long way to go...

My question....
Quote:Wasn't mandatory COVID vaccination, masking and distance a massive overreaction?

and  Mister Spock and HAL 9000's inspired creation by KOMO AI's smirking condensending answer which is just pulled from the usual suspects with the most #hashtags 

The query suggests a skepticism regarding the necessity of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, masking, and social distancing measures. However, the information provided from various sources indicates that these actions are crucial components of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's a detailed explanation supported by the sources:

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination:
  • The primary goal of the COVID-19 vaccines is to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death  Vaccination is shown to significantly reduce the risk of symptomatic infection .
  • It's important to note that achieving herd immunity through vaccination is essential to control the spread of the virus . This requires a substantial proportion of the population being vaccinated, which can lower the overall amount of virus circulating .
  • Face masks are proven to reduce the spread of the virus, particularly when worn over the nose and mouth . They help to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets .
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initially recommended that everyone aged 2 and older wear a mask in public settings. Although the guidelines have relaxed, the CDC still advises wearing masks in certain situations, such as in crowded, poorly ventilated spaces .
Physical Distancing:
  • Maintaining physical distance from others, especially in crowded or indoor settings, is a key strategy to prevent the spread of the virus .
  • The CDC has emphasized that avoiding medium and large gatherings and close contact with individuals outside one's household is important, especially in areas with high levels of community transmission .
To address the concern that these measures might have been a "massive over reaction," it's necessary to consider the following points:
  1. The rapid spread of the Delta variant and the potential for future variants underscores the ongoing threat posed by COVID-19 
  2. The vaccines are highly effective, offering 94% to 95% protection against severe disease  However, the effectiveness may vary depending on the type of vaccine and the timing relative to the second dose 
  3. The CDC's guidance on masking has evolved, reflecting the changing nature of the pandemic and the availability of vaccines
  4. Local mask mandates have been associated with reductions in COVID-19 case rates, suggesting that masking can be effective in mitigating the spread of the virus 
In conclusion, while the situation with COVID-19 has improved due to vaccinations, it's premature to declare the end of the pandemic. The virus remains a significant health threat, and the actions taken to combat it, such as vaccination, masking, and social distancing, are prudent and science-based.
Quote:Coronavirus Updates: Covid-19: C.D.C. Guidance Prompts ...
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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RE: Unwelcome AI data scraping ... we do what we want. - by putnam6 - 06-30-2024, 04:53 AM

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