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Julian Assange to be released from jail
The key problem with the Wikileaks fiasco is the identity of Julian Assange being 'used' by the authorities to deflect the actual information the site accumulated.

Wanting to rely on the protections afforded "journalists" by principles we all had 'cherished' as part of the 'service' we wanted to believe in, Assange's allies 'went there' offering the notion that he was "a journalist."  But in fact, he was not.  He gravitated towards an "activist" conduct, not a 'reporter' of facts.  (But then, how is that different from "journalists" today?)

Inference, implication, and supposition accompanied much of his utterances.  Even if he is correct in such things, that alone does not make one a "journalist."

On the flip-side of that was the fact that essentially, he was a 'whistleblower' who could not be controlled or mitigated by those same authorities.  Hence their ridiculous over-the-top reactions to the exposition of their secrets (I mean kidnapping, murder, really?) 

People thought that this was damaging exposition, and it was, but not to national security, not to military 'safety' (if such a thing exists,) but instead the threat was largely political, it clearly reflected the cabalistic constructs 'within' the governments... you know, the one's they like to pretend don't exist.  There was a lot of graft and 'influence-peddling technique' exposed in those emails, and worse for some, it showed a potential chain of command that extended from beyond our borders.  Embarrassing to say the least for those who must posture as patriotic, while taking their marching orders from private and corporate concerns.

But Assange is no innocent... he knew full-well that the authorities had placed legal roadblocks to any 'discovery' which would threaten the establishments 'façade.'  That the act of actually 'having' this information was, in and of itself, 'a crime,' (at least, in their courts.)  His persecution by them was not 'surprising' in any way... his utter abandonment by his own government, and his treatment by European 'press' was the surprising part.

Rather than attend to the crimes and malfeasance exposed, the "cabal" spent nearly all of their influence in the press worldwide to create a criminal out of an activist.

That made Assange a martyr... a terrible outcome for them.  Assange, perhaps banking on more meaningful support, suffered terribly by being ultimately 'disengaged' from life... and more that no doubt we will shortly see in the "of course" upcoming "book" or "project" to follow. 

Presumably, the specific details of his negotiated freedom might never be fully revealed (who's to say what is agreed upon behind closed doors.)  But I bet anything that no more 'exposition' of the internal workings of a party, cabal, or 'organizations' will ever be revealed.  I believe that was the entire point of the government's apoplexy triggered by the potential exposure.

The Military Industrial Complex, and nearly all of it's allies are crying foul, this is no surprise either.  But I expect it's nearly all "noise."  Part of "appearances."  Something which has become a normal component of the status quo.

Isolating Assange inhumanely wasn't a smart solution.

Those idiots in government who conceived of leaking the "assassination" or "kidnapping" story should be fired.  Apparently they thought that people won't believe that the CIA does this for every "antagonist" they identify... they nearly always have... even though it's ben shown to be true again and again.  Because they believed in the cloister's anti-mantra "People are stupid."  It was like handing the antagonists a 'bone' to chew... as long as it's only about Assange.

All I can say is that somewhere, in the body of data that Assange obtained, was something that angered a very powerful cabal...  powerful enough to orchestrate the hyper-drama the media fed us for years over this matter.  But never a word about the substance of the content.  That information about the conduct and behavior of our officially-appointed public representatives was 'stolen' therefore their malfeasance and bad behaviors, are "safe."  A license to abuse built-in their political service... go figure - who would have ever guessed they'd fight so hard to protect...

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RE: Julian Assange to be released from jail - by Maxmars - 06-28-2024, 05:29 PM

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