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How about an Interesting as HECK thread???
(06-25-2024, 10:59 AM)schuyler Wrote: The way to get ketchup out of a bottle with some finesse is to turn the bottle horizontal and lightly tap on the neck. This will break the seal of ketchup around the top of the bottle allowing air to flow in and the ketchup to easily flow out.

No doubt, and shaking the bottle first will make that process even easier.



This one always cracks me up!

Did you know...Several cities in the United States as well as internationally in the mid-2000's started drafting up legislation to outlaw...WATER!!  Yep!  Plain old water...LOL!  It's true too, as crazy as this sounds.  Not polluted water here either, just plain, pure, water!

Even funnier is the fact that this has happened not just once, but several times since the early 80's...and it will probably happen again in the future!  So what's the story?

Well, back in about 1983 a small Michigan newspaper ran an article calling for the ban of a substance known as "Dihydrogen Monoxide".  The article stated that the substance had been found in the City's water system, and warned that exposure to this substance was..."fatal if inhaled, and could produce blistering vapors".  The date was April 1st, 1983 (April Fools Day).  "Dihydrogen Monoxide" is H20...(two hydrogen, one oxygen)...water.  It sounds scary, but it's just plain water.

Not long afterwards the Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide was formed (seriously!  These people are actually serious!).  At various times since then pranksters have made up warning signs to place in public places warning people at places like public pools, lakes and other areas of the perils of Dihydrogen Monoxide (or "DHMO" as it is now often called).  Here's a couple examples of some of the signs, one of them in on a Kentucky water facility...

[Image: PScn8kR.jpeg]

[Image: e3M17JA.jpeg]

The Dihydrogen Monoxide prank has been circulating for years, often now called "DHMO".  And almost every time it does circulate, the enviro-nutjobs start organizing protests, circulating petitions calling for it to be banned, and even legislation being initiated for new laws...all because people didn't pay attention in their boring High School Chemistry classes!

"Dihydrogen Monoxide" - The gift that keeps on giving!!!

(slowly shaking my head in despair)

Messages In This Thread
RE: How about an Interesting as HECK thread??? - by FlyingClayDisk - 06-25-2024, 12:00 PM

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