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How about an Interesting as HECK thread???

Back to the subject of McDonald's for a second...when I was living/working over in Malaysia the McDonald's there didn't have Egg McMuffins.  They had Egg Muffins, but no McMuffins.  And, an Egg Muffin was egg, cheese...and ketchup.  So, I guess the Canadian Bacon defines the "Mc" part of a Mc-Muffin.  McDonald's also didn't have "Hamburgers".  How could a burger joint like McDonald's not have hamburgers??????  Well, "ham" is pork, and thus not 'Halal' (i.e. okay for Muslims to eat), so hamburgers at McDonald's in Malaysia were called "Beef Burgers"...which is kind of fitting really, because hamburgers today do not contain "ham" anyway.  The origin of 'hamburgers' was Hamburg, Germany where sausage was used initially.  So, the name "Hamburger" refers to a place, thus 'ham' had nothing do do with it, BUT the original ingredients did originally contain one of the main ingredients for sausage, ground pork.  So Malaysia elected to remove the word "ham" from hamburgers.  So confusing. 

Pass the McPizza please!  (BTW...McPizza was awesome!)

Messages In This Thread
RE: How about an Interesting as HECK thread??? - by FlyingClayDisk - 06-25-2024, 04:22 AM

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