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How about an Interesting as HECK thread???
Did you know....that "antidisestablishmentarianism" is not even close to the longest word in the English language?

The longest word in the English language is 189,819 letters long!!...and FAR too long to print here (let alone type).  It would take (50) pages of a standard Oxford Dictionary to print it all.

Even so, the word, "hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia" trumps 'antidisestablishmentarianism" by (2) letters...and is totally legal in the game of Scrabble!  (I wonder how many points that would be??)

So what does "hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia" even mean anyway?

Well, it is the irrational fear of the number '666'.  Who knew???  LOL!

edit -- Oh, and how could we possibly leave out the word for... "the fear of exceptionally LONG words" ... "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"!!



Did you know (I didn't)...that the spelling of every number below 1,000 does not contain the letter "a"??  I did not know this!

"Five hundred seventy two", "Two hundred sixty nine", "Nine hundred forty three", "One hundred eighty four", "twelve", "eight"...yep, checks out!  Crazy, huh?



It is against the law to own only one guinea pig is Switzerland.  You can own (53) of them and it's perfectly fine, but if you own only (1) you are a hardened criminal in Switzerland.  Because...guinea pigs have rights too you know!



In my lifetime, I've eaten "McSushi", and "McPizza", at McDonald's.  I even had "McPoutine" once in Canada and I've heard about "McLobster" rolls (but I've never had one)...BUT I had absolutely NO idea McDonald's once offered Bubble Gum flavored...BROCCOLI!  What would you even call that????  "McBroco-Blammo????  (Why...just why???)



And finally (for now), in the "WT absolute F?" category......I had absolutely, positively, NO idea that the chainsaw was actually first invented for...CHILDBIRTH!  (????)    Yep!  Long before felling mighty oak trees, the chainsaw was invented to remove pieces of obstructive bone and cartilage from the pubic region of women during childbirth!  (Savages!)  Only decades later did someone think..."Hey, we could use somethin' like this for like cuttin' down trees n' stuff!  Hey, Sven, put down the axe for a second and come check this badboy out!"


Messages In This Thread
RE: How about an Interesting as HECK thread??? - by FlyingClayDisk - 06-25-2024, 03:19 AM

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