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The dangers of choosing a side - Printable Version

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RE: The dangers of choosing a side - DBCowboy - 11-19-2023

I stated on the other site that if war was so terrible, we'd never know what it was because the first war several thousands of years ago would have been the first and the last.

There is something in humans that crave war, want death, disease and destruction.

We are a flawed species.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - IdeomotorPrisoner - 11-19-2023

(11-19-2023, 06:54 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: I stated on the other site that if war was so terrible, we'd never know what it was because the first war several thousands of years ago would have been the first and the last.

There is something in humans that crave war, want death, disease and destruction.

We are a flawed species.

Have you ever read The Lucifer Principle, by Howard Bloom?  

Quote:The Lucifer Principle is a 1995 book by American author Howard Bloom, in which he argues that social groups, not individuals, are the primary "unit of selection" on genes and human psychological development. He states that both competition between groups and competition between individuals shape the evolution of the genome. Bloom "explores the intricate relationships among genetics, human behavior, and culture" and argues that "evil is a by-product of nature's strategies for creation and that it is woven into our most basic biological fabric".[1] It sees selection (e.g., through violent competition) as central to the creation of the "superorganism"[2] of society. It also focuses on competition between individuals for position in the "pecking order" and competition between groups for standing in pecking orders of groups. The Lucifer Principle shows how ideas are vital in creating cohesion and cooperation in these pecking order battles. In the book, Bloom writes: "Superorganism, ideas and the pecking order...these are the primary forces behind much of human creativity and earthly good."

My answer would essentially be parroting that.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - Blaine91555 - 11-19-2023

(11-19-2023, 06:54 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: There is something in humans that crave war, want death, disease and destruction.

We are a flawed species.

We have no choice but to pick a side. The consequences of not doing that and allowing a group of wrong-minded people to end all of us are too profound. We've removed natural selection from the equation and the number of people mad enough to want war is too great not to defend a side.

Tribalism has been passed down from our caveman genes from a time when too many people in the same area meant starvation for everyone. Combine that with weapons so powerful they can end life on Earth and it's a miracle we've lasted this long.

We survive only until the wrong person gets their hands on the button that begins the end.  We should be scared terrified of ourselves.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - midicon - 11-20-2023

I might be the only person that has not taken the slightest bit off interest in this conflict. I haven't read or watched a single thing. I see the odd headline or get a YouTube suggestion but I've never clicked on it.

From my uninformed perspective I see the Palestinians as being held captive by Hammas. I remember years ago they dragged an oppostion leader through the streets by a rope attached to motorbikes. That just about summed them up for me.

Other than that, all I see is generational hatred and religious mania.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - BiothermalReactor - 11-20-2023


RE: The dangers of choosing a side - music is magic - 11-21-2023

(11-19-2023, 03:22 PM)argentus Wrote: I think in similar terms as you DCB.   Humans are not as refined nor civilized as we want to believe.   We should be able to get along at least to the point where we weren't always at war, and countries and groups constantly fighting.   (Yeah, right, bluebirds and daisies and unicorns crapping skittles).  

If someone or an entity or group is a credible threat to my family, or those I care about, they are in dire peril.   Simple as that.  Hamas chose a particularly brutal way to attack Israel; they didn't do it as soldiers, nope.  They did it as terrorists, and I believe for the expressed purpose of starting the crap, in order to start the BIG crap, which would involve the world, or at least the players of the Middle East.   

Okay, so you start crap and then cry when you have to face the consequences?   Insofar as the global awareness is concerned, the stirrers of crap are trying to pretend they are the victims.   Nobody is fooled.   NOBODY is fooled.   

45 years ago when I was in college, I wrote a paper titled "Propaganda and News Suppression."   Propaganda includes a little truth for the sell.   Propaganda leaks into the "news" -- and I put that in quotes, because mostly "news" is not factual, but opinion pieces.   

So here we are.   On one hand, few countries want things to escalate, because that leads to a nuclear exchange and the whole End of Days thang.    I mean, my family is mostly prepared for it as much as we can, but we don't WANT it.   There are folk that I know who are more religious than myself, who believe that the ending of everything brings in the prophecy of ages, and everyone who is worthy is saved.  

I guess I'm more of a watcher.    I think that if someone brutally attacks someone else, the former is in a place of "**** around and find out."   I support the folk who didn't start the crap.   I support Israel.  

Terrorists often play on our humanitarian policies.   They would not deal with us in the same way that we deal with them.   Nope.   They would deal with us quickly and brutally

What  a very great post. Thanks.   MIM

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - CoyoteAngels - 11-24-2023

I was shocked to see the little 4 year old girl that had been held hostage in Gaza.  So wonderful to see she has survived.  Hopefully, she will recoved from the trauma and will live strong and happy for all her remaining days. 

For her and her family and friends,  this 4 day pause was a miracle.  Perhaps there is a way to keep these small miracles happening.   

eta:  Her 2 year old sister was also released, with other adult members of her family.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - putnam6 - 12-20-2023

Im not Jewish, and Israel isn't perfect by any means
but only one side screams death to America


RE: The dangers of choosing a side - BobbyPill - 12-20-2023

(11-20-2023, 09:38 PM)BiothermalReactor Wrote: NnnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNOPE

Intriguing argument. I hadn't considered that.

RE: The dangers of choosing a side - KTemplar - 03-21-2024

What happened in Israel that day was horrifying.

I have read the horror stories of what those poor people went through, and some hostages maybe still are. It is the stuff of pure degenerate evil.

I stand with Israel, and all the poor innocents caught in the middle.