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Registration Date: 03-01-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 09:02 PM
Status: Offline

0bserver1's Forum Info
Joined: 03-01-2024
Last Visit: 11-28-2024, 12:52 PM
Total Posts: 6 (0.02 posts per day | 0.03 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 2 (0.01 threads per day | 0.1 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 2 Hours, 49 Minutes, 22 Seconds
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 4 [Details]

0bserver1's Latest Threads
Beware of your 14e ammendment
Forum: Decision 2024, 11-16-2024, 06:25 PM
Replies: 5, Views: 225 Hello guys, My first post to be actually about politics beats me , but must be a form of precognit...
Lifeboat hauling from the Titanic, I'm here now :)
Forum: Introductions, 03-01-2024, 06:44 PM
Replies: 9, Views: 318 Hello old and new friends, many probably know me from most of my Alien and Ufo topics the ones that...

0bserver1's Latest Posts
Forum: Political Conspiracies , 11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
It's not only that , they also try to call President Trump out, to start a nation wide civil war so...
Forum: Political Conspiracies , 11-17-2024, 08:10 AM
Something I wanted to say for a long time.. As I was a participant of this thread for like four ye...
RE: Beware of your 14e ammendment
Forum: Decision 2024, 11-17-2024, 05:24 AM
I'm not a an expert either, but I read some of those parts, and section 3 Seems something they mig...
RE: Lifeboat hauling from the Titanic, I'm here now :)
Forum: Introductions, 03-02-2024, 03:34 PM
Thank you I've to find my way around here but that wouldn't be a problem Thank you Nerb I will d...

0bserver1's awards.
This user has no awards at this time.