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After their introduction of 'the Great Reset' ( launched by King Charles) and 'the Great Narrative' ( launched by Schwab) looks like the WEF are now going full steam ahead with the new eugenics of 'transhumanism' on what's being called 'the Great Convergence'.
This thread might be a long one (so apologies for that) but there truly are some highly disturbing things being discussed in government documentation that almost sound like some sort of dystopian horror science fiction.
• 'Transhumanism' and 'the end of the human species'.
Quote:Haven’t heard of The Great Convergence yet?
Oh, it’s just the plan to merge biology with digital technology and redefine what it means to be human, that’s all.
Today on the podcast James covers the biodigital convergence that is already being rolled out and what it means for the future of homo sapiens.
Canadian Government Document:
Quote:Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
The first thing to note about this revealing document is that it is an official Government of Canada publication. More specifically, it is from "Policy Horizons Canada," which describes itself as "a federal government organization that conducts foresight.."
The second thing you'll notice about the document is the smirking face of Kristel Van der Elst, who, we are told, is Director General of Policy Horizons Canada and the erstwhile author of this document's foreword. Three seconds of searching will reveal that Ms. Van der Elst is the former Head of Strategic Foresight at (you guessed it) the World Economic Forum, whose globalist bingo card is almost as impressive as Dr. Leana Wen's.
Would really recommend that Corbett video and I genuinely think the way the WEF envisions the near future is completely insane - this unelected and unaccountable group certainly appears to be insinuating itself into positions where they can steer (or dictate) government policy though.
The authors of that Canadian Gov 'Policy Horizons' document also sound rather unhinged - here they are banging on about ' non vitalism' after they describe their ' three ways biodigital convergence is emerging'.
Quote:• Full physical integration of biological and digital entities;
• Coevolution of biological and digital technologies; and
• Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems
As we continue to better understand and control the mechanisms that underlie biology, we could see a shift away from vitalism – the idea that living and nonliving organisms are fundamentally different because they are thought to be governed by different principles. Instead, the idea of biology as having predictable and digitally manageable characteristics may become increasingly common as a result of living in a biodigital age.
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It strikes me as insane. The notion of coupling the immense hubris and monopolar conceptualization of the human future, with the idea that it's pathetic scientific undertakings can offer a framework for the 'advancement' of mankind.
We are, as I understand it, talking about marrying 'technology,' that stumbling, clumsy application of ingenuity, to 'biology' that body of knowledge which we have barely begun to understand well enough to model.
Yeah... this one goes right up there with eugenics, and the proto-fascism of 'social' engineering.
I will be attending this closely, as it is usually within the 'new' ideas foisted by these 'thinkers' that they offer a true glimpse of their love affair with the status quo and their place in it.
By the way...
Technology doesn't 'evolve'... we do.
Digital technology is a compromise with reality... reality is not "one's and zeros."
The pronouncement that humans are just biological "systems" is another form of compromise...
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Always did wonder about this freaky 'transhumanist' sculpture from the 2013 Bilderberg conference and considering Schwab was on the Bilderberg Steering Committee then probably not surprising he's promoting a future that would ' lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity'.
If all that's not freaky enough then also looks like the Klaus cult are all aboard the 'synthetic biology' train heading full speed towards the complete redesign of living organisms ' for what the WEF deems useful'.
If they're advocating radical human experimentation and ' AI-assisted genetic engineering to create new or modified life forms' now then suppose you've also got to wonder how many times they've tried it in the past.. and just how many ethical guidelines (and international laws) they've actually broken.
Quote:• Report: World Economic Forum Sees Synthetic Biology as Force to Reset Living Systems
Technocrat/Transhuman scientists define synthetic biology as "the design of novel biological components and systems" and "the re-design of existing biological systems." This means AI-assisted genetic engineering to create new or modified life forms. This is why the UN has called for a complete mapping of all DNA on earth to be used as a global commons database.
Link: 1 / 2
As for other things they've got planned for everyone there are some rather sinister proposals here from the 'WEF Future Health Care Committee' (and Rockefeller's Hastings Centre) and the vid below gives a glimpse of some upcoming misanthropic DARPA brain manipulation tech being discussed at the World Economic forum.
Really can't help thinking these people are all clinical sociopaths and we may all soon wake up and find ourselves living in a 'pathocracy'.
Quote:• Davos Elite Reveal Orwellian Plan to Decode Your Brain and Read Your Mind.
Still think we aren't living in the Matrix? Sadly, this isn't science fiction but science fact and it's coming in the next decade as part of the Internet of Things smart surveillance grid they want everyone swept up into. Technology is about to openly bring us an era where government authorities can read people's minds without their permission and use it against them including in court, pre-crime, thought police/thought crime and labeling people including children as potential criminals based on their brainwaves... and all of this was discussed casually at Davos this year like it'll be a rip roaring roller coaster of rose-colored awesome instead of the Orwellian Nightmare 2.0 we all know is coming under the technocrats in charge. Hey, why watch a horror movie when you can watch a panel at Davos instead? Philip K. Dick and George Orwell are spinning in their graves..
• Transhumanist Toddlers
• The Evil Twins Of Transhumanism And Technocracy
• The New Eugenics: Transhumanism and the Myth of the 4th Industrial Revolution
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(08-29-2024, 04:21 PM)Maxmars Wrote: We are, as I understand it, talking about marrying 'technology,' that stumbling, clumsy application of ingenuity, to 'biology' that body of knowledge which we have barely begun to understand well enough to model.
Yeah... this one goes right up there with eugenics, and the proto-fascism of 'social' engineering.
I appreciate the post mate and definitely looks like we're on the same page - probably shouldn't have put this thread in the 'conspiracy' forum as they are quite clearly stating their goals on stage and in government documents.
In the vid below Schwab pops up at 4:20 speaking at the 'World Government Summit' and don't think I've ever met anyone who trusts this guy.
Also thought the lady at 12:00 raised some very interesting connections.
Also wasn't surprised to see they plan to go after children 'three years old and younger'.
Quote:Unsurprisingly, their three current programs are poised to develop incredibly invasive tech-focused, and in some cases overtly transhumanist, medical technologies, including a program exclusively focused on using artificial intelligence (AI), mobile sensors, and wearable brain-mapping tech for children three years old and younger.
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Not forgetting that the first patron of the WEF was a card carrying Nazi - Schwab's family background is also discussed in this short video.
Also open discussion of where the actual funding of Nazi 'eugenics' came from and how the WEF's transhumanist plans and just a unnatural progression of that.
Quote:In this clip Whitney Webb is connecting the dots of WEF and their plans with documented evidence to back up her claims on the podcast Radical w/Maajid Nawaz.
Whitney Webb is an investigative journalist and researcher known for her work on various topics including U.S. politics, foreign policy, and the intersection of technology and surveillance. She has written for various publications such as MintPress News, The Grayzone, and Consortium News, and is a regular contributor to the online publication Unz Review. Webb is also known for her research into topics such as the deep state, the military industrial complex, and the intelligence community.
The idea of the fourth industrial revolution and the concept of merging human and machine, as promoted by the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab, can be seen as a rebranding and reframing of the transhumanist and eugenic ideas that have been present in certain circles for decades.
The connections between the WEF, certain individuals and organizations with ties to eugenics, and the current push for mass collection of genetic data and the integration of artificial intelligence in genetic research, all point to a potential for the creation of a global technocratic tyranny focused on eugenics and transhumanism.
The World Economic Forum and its leaders, such as Klaus Schwab, have been linked to eugenics and transhumanism through their promotion of the fourth industrial revolution, which emphasizes the merging of technology and biology.
The WEF's connections to organizations and individuals with disturbing pasts, such as the Rockefeller family and Henry Kissinger, also raise concerns about their true intentions. Additionally, the WEF's involvement in initiatives such as the Great Reset and the collection and use of genetic data by companies like Google and Illumina, further support the idea that they are pushing for a global technocratic tyranny focused on eugenics and transhumanism.
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(08-29-2024, 04:21 PM)Maxmars Wrote: By the way...
Technology doesn't 'evolve'... we do.
Digital technology is a compromise with reality... reality is not "one's and zeros."
The pronouncement that humans are just biological "systems" is another form of compromise...
Not according to them mate (but I couldn't agree more).
Apparently Schwab's been telling his followers in China that ' humanity needs to be forced into collaboration' and ' the time has now arrived'.. so I guess we will see.
Bit of a long read but here's a handy speculative list of how they are going about it.
Quote:The Road to Human 2.0
The ultimate aim of the social engineers and the end game of the trans-humanist agenda is to completely invert natural biological life and to create a new synthetic type of Human (human 2.0) which is more mechanical, mindless, homogenous, predictable and obedient. This is achieved through a number of means, which I have summarized below (with a particular focus on the pandemic pantomime):
• Genetic Modification (Bio-warfare)
The aim is to edit our natural human biological blueprint into a more synthetic and lifeless form (in order to create a more mechanical and controllable sub-human). Bio-warfare genetic engineering has been conducted through a variety of medical, pharmacological and technological experiments, which have been particularly prevalent since World War Two. The intentional and systematic modification of our DNA (through GMO foods, vaccs, pharmaceutical drugs and EMF frequencies) has been ongoing now for many generations.
• Remove Biological Sex
There is an agenda to rid us of our natural biological identifications, in order to fulfill the trans-humanist goal of creating a new genderless, homogenous and mechanical type of ‘human’, divorced from our innate biological blueprint. State-enforced propaganda is peddling the dangerous idea that biological sex and gender are ‘human constructs’.
Children are now increasingly suffering from ‘gender confusion’, some of whom go onto having life-changing gender reassignment surgery (many of whom later regret it). This androgynous agenda is being peddled by the radical liberal left-wing and celebrity endorsement, with the backing of identity politics, compelled speech legislation (political correctness) and cancel culture.
• Abolish Natural Procreation
Sexual intercourse between committed and loving partners can be seen as the maximum expression of human love and a defining feature of our true spiritual humanity. It is also the natural gift in which new life is organically birthed. There are increasing attempts to demonize sex, in order to discourage people from engaging in this sacred and transcendent spiritual practice (through fear of contamination etc.)
Through increasing levels of EMF radiation, poor dietary/lifestyle habits and invasive medical tyranny (vaccs), levels of infertility are set to sky-rocket, thereby paving the way for artificial insemination, as predicted by Aldous Huxley in his acclaimed book; Brave New World. It is not implausible to foresee a future where parents can select the genetic characteristics of their offspring (natural selection), as already implemented amongst the plant and animal kingdom.
• Psychological Warfare
Intelligence communities have waged war on the human population, through covert mind control operations, which intentionally shape brain cognition, thoughts, behaviour, intelligence and perception.
There is a particular emphasis on the subconscious mind, which takes in information subliminally (outside of conscious awareness) thereby making it harder to detect, Subliminal programming (as seen most prominently in Hollywood) seeks to mould the minds of the masses and steer us away from our innate human tendencies.
• Diminish Uniqueness
Our uniqueness is what makes us inherently human. Masks can be seen as a symbol of the hive-mind, which strip people of their humanity/individuality, through masking their unique facial features/expressions. Face coverings subconsciously program us to see humanity as more homogenous, especially impressionable children who are more psychologically malleable and who learn about unique human behaviour through facial expressions and social cues.
Identity Politics leads to further group-think behaviour; where a disturbing number of new group identifications are divorcing people from their true unique spiritual essence, which is not concerned with labels or identity.
• Enforce Separation
One of the defining elements of humanity is our connection to each other. Through inhumane social distancing measures, the human right to freedom of assembly has been as good as abolished.
Separation has been enforced at an unprecedented level this past year, leaving us more isolated than ever before and divorced from our natural inclination towards connection and unity, as found throughout the natural world. We are being programmed to fear one another (through erroneous ‘germ’ warfare) and to turn against one another (as enforced through covert divide-and rule tactics).
• Breed Mechanical Behaviour
Freedom of movement is one of the most basic, yet fundamental of human rights. Social distancing measures (inc. the implementation of one-way systems) aim to funnel us into a robotic state of momentum, where we adhere to more linear, orderly and predictable patterns of movement.
Psychological warfare (as implemented through propaganda and subliminal messaging) aims to indoctrinate people into hive-mind consciousness and group-think behaviour.
• Destroy Religion/Spirituality
Scientism has infiltrated the global hive-mind, becoming the prevailing belief system in many developed nations across the world. This new religion aims to program us with a reductionist (non-holistic) view of the world, where we see everyone and everything as separate. This enforces the materialist narrative which rejects anything outside of five sensory perception and views humanity as nothing but an accidental cosmic accident.
There is an agenda to drive out spirituality and religious thought, in order to leave us feeling more mechanical and devoid of any divine spark. Draconian lockdown measures have stripped people of their freedom of religious worship/assembly.
• Increase Digital Interaction
Lockdowns have led to an unprecedented interface with technology (TV, video games, smart devices, social media etc.). Customer service has become increasingly digitized, with many companies now using AI based web chat services and online enquiry forms as a replacement for human phone calls.
Technology has replaced much of the human workforce in many sectors. We are being bred to become familiar with robotics (Alexa, Google Assistant etc.) who use a human name and friendly tone to bridge the gap between the organic and synthetic; as is also the aim with virtual/augmented reality. We have been predictively programmed now for many years though Hollywood to be accustomed to AI (so that we show less resistance upon their release into the public domain).
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Yet more horrors in the form of 'wetware' computing.
Quote:But what about the lab-grown human brains that are being enslaved to run the Neuroplatform?
Each of the 16 mini-brains is made up of approximately 10,000 living neurons, and they are kept alive by a “microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells”
During their short lives, the mini-brains are literally trained to perform certain tasks using a reward and punishment system…
If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure.
If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of “irregular electrical activity”.
In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey.
Reading that should literally make you sick.
What these scientists are doing is so incredibly evil.
They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers
More info on this and 'the great convergence' (and 'the shift away from vitalism').
Scientists Create Organic Slave Computers! (What Could Go Wrong?)
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Criminal World DNA hackers'
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'Transhumanist' agenda originally plotted by freaks in a castle after Bilderberg.