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Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'.
• Following on from 'funding' in this thread would be interested in folk's opinions on the content posted below but fair to say some of it is pretty disturbing stuff.

Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'.

Well they say you can't polish a turd but looks like 'bioethics' is playing an increasing role in global policy making and if you follow the timeline back then it's just rebranded Nazi eugenics.

If you don't know about the horrors of eugenic pseudoscience (and the tenets of modern bioethics) like banning the hippocratic oath, death panels, forced euthanasia, forced abortion, forced sterilization, spiking the water supply etc.. then really would urge people to look into it

Truly disturbing stuff and if you can stomach researching histories of things like the Nazi Aktion T4 program (murder of 70,000 children, senior citizens and psychiatric patients) and the antics of the (Rockefeller funded) Kaiser Wilhelm Institute then you'll probably get a good idea.

• Bioethics and the New Eugenics

Quote:The history of bioethics connects the Rockefeller funding behind the first wave of American eugenics, the Rockefeller funding behind the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes and the Nazi-era German eugenics program, and the Rockefeller funding behind the Population Council, the Hastings Center and other centres for post-war "crypto-eugenics" research. As a result, it is perhaps not surprising to find that many of the most well-known and most controversial bioethicists working today are associated with the Hastings Center.

Extra Video Link

Described in the video above there are some incredibly insane proposals being put forward by the Rockefeller's 'Hasting Centre' and the 'WEF Future of Health Care Committee' which really do seem right out of some sort of cartoon horror show.

There's also further info at the links below about how Ezekiel Emanuel (Chair of the WEF Future of Health Care Committee) and his fellow eugenicists have proposed that the Hippocratic Oath should become 'obsolete' and that 'people should choose to die at the age of 75'.

Whether it's Bill Gates discussing 'death panels' or Bill Gates Senior's Planned Parenthood Federation founder Joseph Fletcher promoting 'killing babies with Down's syndrome or other kinds of idiots' it all really does sound pretty inhuman, inhumane and horrific.

Just when you think it can't get any worse then you see John Hopkins hosting bioethicist Norman Fost's query about 'whether it's important that organ donors be dead?' and bioethicist Peter Singer's argument in favor of 'infanticide' stating that 'there is no relevant difference between abortion and the killing of severely disabled infants'.

Quote:"A newborn baby is not an autonomous being, capable of making choices, and so to kill a newborn baby cannot violate the principle of respect for autonomy."

Bioethicist Peter Singer

You've also got insane bioethicists Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva actually promoting infanticide via 'after-birth abortion' arguing that 'the moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus'.

As it states in the main video rarely are these people trained doctors, researchers or medical workers (more like Rockefeller shill quackademics) and their 'anti-human' eugenics cult ideology can be traced directly back to many of the horrors of WWII.

Would say the average person would be genuinely horrified and humanity does need protecting from these people.. and the Hasting Centre and WEF Future of Health Care Committee should be seen for exactly what they are.

• Quote from Historian Anton Chaitkin (confronting Ezekiel Emanuel)

Quote:"You think perhaps the backing of powerful men, financiers, will shield you from accountability, but you are now in the spotlight. Disband this council and reverse the whole course of this nazi revival now".

 Anton Chaitkin 


Eugenics and Bioethics

The Nazi Euthanasia Program Forerunner of Obama’s Death Council (PDF)

Rockefeller Medicine
Apparently the Nazis liked Margaret Sangers take on eugenics.

There is a lot of panic coverup information out there put out by the "choice" crowd and Planned Parenthood types who don't want to admit that.  But it's true.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
(06-03-2024, 11:00 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: Apparently the Nazis liked Margaret Sangers take on eugenics.

There is a lot of panic coverup information out there put out by the "choice" crowd and Planned Parenthood types who don't want to admit that.  But it's true.

Yes very well said and Sanger was an absolute whackjob.


Fact Check: Progressive Hero Margaret Sanger Was a Racist Eugenicist


SANGER AND THE HOLOCAUST: Margaret’s Nazi Connections in Historical Context

Considering Bill Gates Senior was 'Co Chair' of the Gates Foundation and responsible for its 'guiding vision and strategic direction' then suppose serious questions have to be asked about the man's incredibly close connections to the American Eugenics Society (rebranded as Planned Parenthood) and the direct influence of its founder.. Margaret Sanger.

NB: According to this link Bill Gates is part of the Rockefeller family and Fauci's wife is head of the 'bioethics' department at the NIH.

It's only a pejorative because Nazis used it for white people. Now it's okay if you do it on EVERY animal BUT humans. Ovine, Canine, Equine, Bovine, Feline, eugenic breeding et al.

Of course, it can never transition because to do it on humans involves selective breeding, which only escapes ridicule If a couple procreate because they each have a resistance to cancer.

This falls into the category of genetic engineering.

If it becomes a thing it will definitely be overly inclusive to compensate for being Brave New World shit.

This maybe:

[Image: New%20signature-retake-again-again.jpg]
(06-03-2024, 08:06 PM)IdeomotorPrisoner Wrote: It's only a pejorative because Nazis used it for white people.

Thanks for the post and there's a short clip below where Stephen Murdoch discusses American forced sterilization factories - not that it should matter but turns out most of the victims were white women.

Don't know if you caught the main video but there's another one here charting the history of the pseudoscience of eugenics - it also discusses 'the eradication of the dysgenic germ plasm' by eliminating anyone deemed 'unfit'.


In reality, the Rockefellers have been one of the largest financial backers and drivers of the eugenics and the depopulation agenda for over a century now.

Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize 15 Million Americans

Think it's fair to say eugenics is about far more than 'selective breeding' and suppose when the same ideologies responsible for things like the Aktion T4 programme are deliberately masquerading their intentions (especially when it comes to genocide and infanticide) then the more people that know the better.

Also don't think it's coincidental that the same family who funded the first wave of American eugenics and who then funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (not to mention the SS) are nowadays also funding 'the Hastings Center'.

Shame the full article is now behind a paywall but thought Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav gave a pretty powerful speech below and also warns of the 'current global threat confronting our civilization'.

Also some extremely important points raised about 'eugenics'.


"The real viral disease that infected Nazi Germany is Eugenics— Eugenics is the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides.

– Eugenics is cloaked in a mantle of pseudo- science.

– It was embraced by the academic & medical establishment as well as the judiciary — in Germany and the United States.

– Eugenicists justify social & economic inequality.

They legitimize discrimination, apartheid, sterilization, euthanasia, and genocide. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” — for the protection of the gene pool.
Medicine was perverted from its healing mission & was weaponized."

Also, considering his father's antics with Sanger's organisation did find it telling that Bill Gates chose to hold the Gates Foundation's London summit on the exact 100th anniversary of the first International Eugenics Conference in London.

