I just looked up the history of the Keffiyeh.
The Google AI overview says it originated around 3100 BCE in Sumeria as a way to designate priest rank, and I guess block the Sun. So it's actually pre-everyone but the oldest pantheon in Mesopotamia. But is it really?
The problem with using it is it became an antizionist symbol following WWI and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, The last caliphate to have presence in the Levant.
In the 1930s it became symbolic for taking back the holy land from the zionists. Fuck all the etymology here, it is now about Palestinian Nationalism and resistance to Israel existing. Symbolic of Zionist opposition.
From the Vaticans press release.
Quote:Finally, turning to the Nativity crafted in Bethlehem, Pope Francis remarked that it reminds us of our brothers and sisters who suffer the tragedy of war in the Holy Land and other parts of the world, and once again invoked peace. “Enough with wars, enough of violence!”, he pleaded, reiterating his strong condemnation of the arms industry that thrives on war and death.
Jesus Christ, you know doublespeak and dancing around the elephant in the room is what Satan does, just saying.
Just freaking say it, Mr. Pope, you SIDE WITH PALESTINE. And against a Western Military Industrial Complex providing support for Israel's self defense against Iran and Israel despising proxies. Like the rest of the world, The Vatican swallowed this pseudoprogressive claptrap that Israel provokes all wars and plays the victim.
There is NOTHING peace invoking about that scarf. It's like putting a klan hood on a black Jesus in Jackson Hole, WY and then calling it a message of peace to Jackson, MS.
You know what I think the Vatican should do? Freaking own their prejudice and go help all the Hezbollah and Hamas "Freedom Fighters" flee justice for their crimes against humanity. Possibly to Brazil and Argentina again? That's always what The Vatican does when a culture tries to get rid of the Jews.
They always side with the wrong belligerent.