06-16-2024, 03:27 AM
Reckon Professor Michael Swords is a wealth of knowledge on the UFO subject mate and he charts some of the speculative history about 'Time UFOs' (or UFOs as 4th dimensional objects) in his blog post below.
Ariel school witness Salma Siddick also reported bright flashes and time anomalies during her encounter (apparently "time seemed to have slowed down immensely").
Another Ariel school witness Emily Trim also described time anomalies.
Quote:Of course most sensible UFO scholars already knew that. People like Michel and Vallee, even looser thinkers like Fontes and Ribera, were trying to find a path in mathematical approaches. NICAP,APRO, the slowly-evolving Hynek, and non-US researchers like Gosta Rehn in Sweden and David Wightman [ the editor of Uranus] in England, felt that the amassing of piles of individually-strong cases was still the way [and so good case investigation was paramount]. 1963'FSR showed awareness of some of all of that.
A somewhat novel presentation of a clever theory was presented by Austrian scholar, Luis Schoenherr. This was the speculation that UFOnauts were travelers from the future..
Ariel school witness Salma Siddick also reported bright flashes and time anomalies during her encounter (apparently "time seemed to have slowed down immensely").
Another Ariel school witness Emily Trim also described time anomalies.