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UFO Animal Reaction Research.
A few years ago thought there was a truly interesting interview with research scientist Linda Zimmerman where she raised the subject of UFO 'animal reaction' cases and provided some truly freaky examples.

Quote:From 10:30


Guest Linda Zimmermann to discuss the reactions of animals during UFO sightings, which may provide clues to the nature of the phenomenon and how to conduct better research. So many sightings occur because the witness was alerted by a dog barking, or barnyard animals making sounds of alarm, but that aspect is usually just a brief mention in reports.

Linda has recently conducted a new interview and there are yet more extremely bizarre (global) cases being described - quite fascinating stuff. Beer

New Interview:


Back in the day Joan Woodward also conducted some great research which can be found on the NICAP website and the file 'Animal Reactions to UFOs: A Summary of the Evidence' is linked below.

[Image: oi5f514c5d.jpg]

Quote:This page represents the work being done by Joan Woodward (Animal Reaction Specialist) and Jean Waskiewicz (NICAP's Computer Database Specialist) and is under construction.

Joan Woodward's excellent report us linked below. This is summarized version from the original paper, Animal Reactions to UFOs: A Preliminary Investigation from the Animals' Perspective, MUFON Special Publication, July 2005, 60 pp, published as a submitted paper in the 36th Annual International UFO Symposium, (2005) pp. 229-278.

PDF Files:

Joan Woodward: DOC Animal Reactions to UFOs—A Summary of the Evidence

NSID Listing of Animal Reaction Cases

Plenty of very strange cases out there but If anyone's aware of any other relevant examples (or any idea what's going on) then please post away.

Alfred over at RealTVUFOs has also put together this very handy search page.

Focus On UFO Incidents Involving Animal Reaction

Bluebook's Dr Hynek describes the Iowa Toll Gate UFO incident (involving rabbits).

From 2:20


Also a section on the AR subject in this (free) E-Book 'Ufology' by James McCampbell. Beer

[Image: 51Eb0yUgrNL.jpg]

Quote:Physiological effects among animals are by no means limited to dogs. Among the 200 cases under study, influences were also noted upon wild birds, pigeons, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, sheep, cows, horses, and cats. All these creatures are severely agitated by UFOs and they seem to fear them. A cat, hissing and spitting, leaped into the air and then hid under a bed, (75) sheep stampeded, (76) cows in the field panicked and ran away, (77) horses reared up and cattle did everything but turn somersaults, (78) and so on..

Chapter Six - Physiological Effects (Animals Too).

For research purposes this paper by NICAP's Gordon Lore also deserves a post as it covers some very freaky physiological effects and animal reactions.

[Image: bp5fa698e2.jpg]

Quote:There have been hundreds of reports of strange effects, both physical and psychological, from UFOs, ranging from the most bizarre to well-documented cases from well-trained, competent observers.

Yet, even some of the more bizarre, almost unbelievable reports are well documented and come from witnesses whose reputations for honesty and integrity are undisputed.

It is the purpose of this publication to detail a cross-section of these puzzling cases, excluding, of course, obvious hoaxes, psychological aberrations and wild reports obviously intended for publicity and or mercenary purposes.

Some of the more fantastic cases have been presented, even if we do consider them dubious, so readers will be able to survey all this type of evidence and thus be in a better position to judge similar future reports.

Full Report - Scrib Doc

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