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The Property Of Infinite Uncertainty: Part 1, ∞ = 0, Infinity Equals Zero
The Property Of Infinite Uncertainty
∞ = 0, Infinity Equals Zero
The First Half Of An Improbable Binary

This theory is the first half of a two part preamble to my grander theory of The Property of Infinite Uncertainty which I will post when I’m well and truly ready.  It is also very much an abbreviated version of the story of ∞ = 0, in part because I'd like to see where this goes and I can reveal more ideas as things progress.
Okdokey, before we dive into this idea of ∞ = 0, there’s one thing you’re probably not aware of, because I haven’t mentioned it yet, and that is this is also something I have described with some Sculpture that I created. I won’t be banging on about that too much though, so you can rest easy there.
It has taken me a bit of time to get to these points of conclusion. In fact this little sculpture is one half of a subject, within an even larger subject, The Property of Infinite Uncertainty, that represents a near lifetime of study and consideration.  It’s other half, ∞ = 1, infinity equals one, is something that I will describe in its own post, but will touch on it briefly here too.
[Image: 20240311-160842.jpg]

It would be fair to say that the smallness of this sculpture, and it’s other half, which will be coming soon, really does contrast in size to the enormity of the subjects that they describe.  As would this earlier piece made back in Australia.  
[Image: IMG-1857.jpg]

It has very much been made around a similar subject, albeit String Theory and The Property of Infinite Uncertainty.

So then, going back to the reason for of all of this, ∞ = 0, ∞ = 1 and The Property of Infinite Uncertainty, as I have already noted, is the result of a lifetimes’ curiosity, contemplation and consideration of what this place is, this universe that we inhabit? what is this universe and beyond? Unsurprisingly, the answer to that is not something that’s easily knocked out in a couple of paragraphs.
But, there is one thing that can absolutely be knocked out in a single paragraph. And that is the statement that the universe, everything in it, everything outside of it? everything we know about everything we don’t know about everything we can’t know about, either came into existence in some form from an absence of absolutely everything, or, it has always existed with no beginning and possibly no end, in some form or other.
Now, to be clear, if you’re feeling fairly nauseated at the absurdity or complexity of that last paragraph, I can tell you you’re not alone. And I can also tell you it’s not my intent to address any of those questions about the creation of how we got here or anything else like that. It is my sole intent to describe what infinity is and is not, its real world impact and ultimately the importance of its role in our lives and why we need more of it, not less.
Anyway, and moving rapidly along into this whole infinity equals zero bizzo. Firstly, it’s important that I give you a brief overview of what of all of this is about, this is really important, and I will do that by way of a rather dry definition of what ∞ = 0 and ∞ = 1 actually are;
∞ = 0; Is a complete absence of everything.
∞ = 1; Is a simple binary statement that something exists.
It’s important to understand, particularly when we get to The Property of Infinite Uncertainty, that the underlying common property of everything, be it energy, particles, space, ideas or imagination or whatever else, is Infinity. It is not a thing that can exist in isolation, and it’s not just a mathematical curiosity. It is a property of “stuff” and has serious real world consequences. In a nutshell, if nothing exists then there is no infinity, and if something exists then there is infinity, it is that simple, kinda,………. there are also infints, which everything has, but I’ll go over those in another post.
I will start then at the beginning and the idea that ∞ = 0.
The complete absence of everything is a “state” that has to have the potential to exist, regardless of how improbable it may seem, and that’s really important. It has to function as the possible improbable opposite to the obviously possible and equally improbable ∞ = 1, Infinity Equals One.  Exactly what I mean by that is, infinity equals zero and infinity equals one are equally absurdly improbable, but possible. And we know that one of them is possible, because you just read this.
So then, they both, ∞ = 0 and ∞ = 1, have to exist as possibilities as it would be beyond any reason to say, or suggest, that creating something from an absolute absence of everything, ∞ = 0, is more likely, or less absurd, than something existing forever with no beginning and no apparent end, ∞ = 1, or vice versa. 

This is also a very important point, from a foundational perspective, as it helps to dismantle any dogmatic approach in our consideration of how our reality functions.  It removes any indoctrinated mental boundaries, or limiting and restrictive ideas about what this place we inhabit actually is.  Our universe and our existence in it is a reality that’s completely absurd and absolutely off it’s nut crazy.

But it is real.

Another reason that I have made this sculpture Infinity Equals Zero, and written all of this, is in response to the idea that “science” considers that it has come up with a process whereby it appears possible to create something from nothing. I know that “The Science” hates the idea of an undefinable universe, hence their sketchy straw clutching “science”. And with that in mind it would be fair to say that I completely disagree with the conclusions that they have drawn. Conclusions that, I may add, are extremely negative and serve only to box in whom it is that we actually are, and to limit the potential that we have. As with many opinions expressed in this world these days, in science and media, they are nothing bud morbid technocratic summaries born of a grey and bland corporate agenda designed to imprison your mind.
The failing of what they are claiming isn’t really that they’re claiming to create things.  The failing is that their definition of “nothing” negates the validity of their alleged creating. Aside from the likelihood that there are known, as well yet undiscovered properties of our universe contributing to their creating, the idea of infinity equals zero is impossible, in this case. It is impossible to have a state of infinity equals zero, absolute nothingness if you like, in an existing universe, regardless of its size and an apparent absence of “stuff” in it.  Even the idea of a state of maximum nothingness that they have invented, still does not sufficiently address the problem
[Image: Equals.png]
If at this point all you’re seeing is word salad, the following couple of passages are written to help you visualise what ∞ = 0 is. And it’s only reasonable that I tell you that thinking about this can seriously mess with your mind. It most certainly can induce sensations of nausea, so if you need to stop reading and walk away, don’t be shy, you’re not likely to be the only one.
∞ = 0, Visualising The Improbable State.
To get to this point of infinity equals zero that I’m talking about, what I’d like you to do is think about all the things in the universe, real or imagined. I’d like you to picture our universe and possibly a multiverse.  I’d like you to think of all of the galaxies, and all the planets, stars and black holes in them.  I would like you to think about all the forces  in the universe, like gravity.  I would like you to imagine all of these things or as much as you can in your mind, including all the space it occupies, even God, everything, simultaneously.Got it?
Right, now what I want you to do is screw it all up. I want you to see it all getting crushed together. I want you to collapse space and time into itself and collecting all of those other things as it collapses. And I want you to crush it all up into the tiniest little thing that you can imagine.
All good?
Now I want you to make that tiny little thing disappear. That tiny little thing with all of those gargantuan galaxies, all those things and concepts and ideas and space, I want you to make it disappear from your mind. Gone.
There is no God, there are no universes, there is no time, there are no forces, there is no space, they are all gone.
Hopefully at this point you have developed a sense of a total and complete absence of everything.  That total and absolute absence is so complete that it cannot even be described as nothing, because nothing doesn’t exist.  It is an absence so absolute that it can only be expressed by this binary notation, ∞ = 0, Infinity Equals Zero.
[Image: Nothing-There-white.png]
And there is a solid reason for describing this as infinity equals zero, because there is no creation, there is no “stuff”, therefore there is no infinity and, subsequently, there are no infints.
∞ = 0, Some Real World Visual Assistance
If the passage you’ve just read was a bit too far out there, then maybe the following few paragraphs will help.  In an attempt to help you visualise infinity equals zero, I am going to give you a real world analogous example that you can actually go and do yourself.
Imagine you’re sitting staring at a computer screen, the computer is turned off.  The blank screen is completely un-energised.  In this example, in-silica, this is the state of infinity equals zero.  There is no space, there is no time, there is no matter or energy. There is no infinity.
Then you turn the screen on, and instantly you see a jet black space with a large rotating red cube.  This is real, the space is real, the cube is real, and you can try it yourself, if you like, you can make this reality. This is the state, in-silica, of infinity equals one.  And we know this is the case, because we can measure the size of the cube, whereas previously we couldn’t, there was no cube, there was no infinity.  We can measure any side, we can time the rotation, we can even measure the redness of the red.
You can spin the cube around or you can spin your view around the cube, you can observe the cube from any point or direction you like.  The cube, for all it matters is real. It is there in space and time in the realm of the computer, in-silica. That is ∞ = 1.
Then you turn the screen off.
[Image: 20240312-111606.jpg]
You’ve just now re-created the “state” of ∞ = 0.  There is no space, there is no time, there is no cube, there is no infinity.  But that’s just in the computer world.  In the real world, you hit that off switch and you’re gone, the computer is gone, the universe and everything in it, the physical and non physical, that’s all gone too, and so is infinity.
And for those that know about it, the above passage is not in anyway a description, however brief, of the simulation theory of our existence.
And that’s that. That’s the first of two completely absurd possibilities.
I am hoping, now that you’re at this point, that you’re starting to see the universe we occupy is not the same as the one people get taught and told about. It’s not about the big bang or any other similar idea, this is much much more fundamental than that. And I hope that you are also starting to see that infinity is not a theoretical thing that exists as a mathematical curiosity. It is real, it absolutely has a real world impact, and consequences. All of these things I will continue to cover and expand upon in my next and following posts, etc.
Thanks for reading.

[Image: Crooked-Timber-Large-100x100-White.png]
This brings back the horror of your brain working on a clock cycle. In-between ticks you don't exist, there is an infinity in every moment.

Keen to see where you take this and would like to see you touch on energy states.
[Err%r: PNX-4▒▒: Ent▒ty_▒▒t_Fo▒nd] -> ▒YSTEM: "▒▒▒ S▒▒ You Se▒▒▒▒g Th▒▒▒" //  WARN▒▒G: Unread ▒▒pher F▒agments ▒▒▒ected [H3|L_L▒▒3] 
(01-06-2025, 07:28 PM)myselfaswell Wrote:
Hopefully at this point you have developed a sense of a total and complete absence of everything.  That total and absolute absence is so complete that it cannot even be described as nothing, because nothing doesn’t exist.  It is an absence so absolute that it can only be expressed by this binary notation, ∞ = 0, Infinity Equals Zero.
I am hoping, now that you’re at this point, that you’re starting to see the universe we occupy is not the same as the one people get taught and told about. It’s not about the big bang or any other similar idea, this is much much more fundamental than that. And I hope that you are also starting to see that infinity is not a theoretical thing that exists as a mathematical curiosity. It is real, it absolutely has a real world impact, and consequences. All of these things I will continue to cover and expand upon in my next and following posts, etc.
Thanks for reading.

Thank you for taking the time to post this; it's nice to see other people grappling with Life the Universe and Everything.

It jives with what i have been studying.

In one angle, since I just posted about the Tree of Life, the first three states of the Universe are nuomenal states that humans are incapable of undrestanding.
It's Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur
Nothing, No Limit, and Limitless LVX/light.

In the beginning (what is beginning? there is no time) , first , :), there was Nothing. a total absence/abyss 
Then it sprouts out to two dimensions.  a nothing that goes on forever.
Then the third , it becomes light, a limitless unending light. 
This is before the Universe even exists.

Put another way, Crowley had an interesting equation he came up with called 0=2
Put simply, everything in life comes from nothingness, and nothingness wants to Be.
It splits into 2, so it can know itself.
All opposites unite/love each other, and reconcile into Nothingness again.
(01-07-2025, 08:51 AM)Sirius Wrote: This brings back the horror of your brain working on a clock cycle. In-between ticks you don't exist, there is an infinity in every moment.

Keen to see where you take this and would like to see you touch on energy states.

LOL, yes there is infinity everywhere, which is to be expected I suppose given that it is the foundational property of everything.

The next part things get a bit more interesting.  I'm going to focus on how things are directly affected from a personal, and or, societal perspective, and I guess then it could be good to expand the conversation into energy & the states thereof.
(01-07-2025, 11:00 AM)sahgwa Wrote: Thank you for taking the time to post this; it's nice to see other people grappling with Life the Universe and Everything.

It jives with what i have been studying.

In one angle, since I just posted about the Tree of Life, the first three states of the Universe are nuomenal states that humans are incapable of undrestanding.
It's Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur
Nothing, No Limit, and Limitless LVX/light.

In the beginning (what is beginning? there is no time) , first , :), there was Nothing. a total absence/abyss 
Then it sprouts out to two dimensions.  a nothing that goes on forever.
Then the third , it becomes light, a limitless unending light. 
This is before the Universe even exists.

Put another way, Crowley had an interesting equation he came up with called 0=2
Put simply, everything in life comes from nothingness, and nothingness wants to Be.
It splits into 2, so it can know itself.
All opposites unite/love each other, and reconcile into Nothingness again.

Interesting.  I think you might like the next part.  It's different, but maybe there is some common ground there.
(01-06-2025, 07:28 PM)myselfaswell Wrote:  ∞ = 0

It almost makes more sense to say that 'eternity' is equal to zero, and the various symbolism does not appear to conflict with this. The circle as symbolism of eternity. Zero(0) itself makes use of this as well as the great eternal serpent Ouroboros.

Applying these circle symbols to a simple equation the Ouroboros(0) = zero(0) = eternity(0), or even more simply put: eternity(0) is equal to eternity(0) and nothing else.

Eternity appears to be inclusive of two forms of itself:

1. Eternity(zero) as non-temporal. In one theory, anything that involves time must have a 'beginning', and therefore, also an 'end' – which is excluded from the definition of eternity.

2. Eternity as a progression or sequence of events that goes backwards and forwards forever. No beginning and no end – the definition of eternity.

Which is not to say that the first proposition could/would not be included as part of the second, and in some cosmological theories it undoubtedly would be.

(01-06-2025, 07:28 PM)myselfaswell Wrote:  ∞ = 0; Is a complete absence of everything

While it may be an intriguing concept, you have no way of knowing that there was ever a complete and total negation of "everything". Some renowned cosmological models may be regressed in a manner as if to approach 'nothing', but it cannot be stated unequivocally that they ever ultimately arrive at that state of "total negation".

It might be more accurate to posit that "eternity"(or the eternal) is what remains in the absence of anything that is 'created' i.e. what is 'uncreated', and it's not likely that either you or anyone else knows precisely what that it is.

I myself am inclined to equate the "uncreated" with Aristotles' "unmoved mover", but also that this "uncreated" 'thing' or "unmoved mover" might also be just some unknown anomaly that happens to co-exist with eternity.

Eternity encapsulates everything. There is nothing that exists outside of or beyond it IMO, and probably stating the obvious to most.

And the source of all creations that come about from within this eternal construct I have come to refer as "the eternal algorithm". The theologians may of course apply the "God" terminology within the above here where appropriate and on occasion I myself would do so as well which is okay as long as it's not overdone.
(01-15-2025, 07:15 AM)CCoburn Wrote: It almost makes more sense to say that 'eternity' is equal to zero, and the various symbolism does not appear to conflict with this. The circle as symbolism of eternity. Zero(0) itself makes use of this as well as the great eternal serpent Ouroboros.

Applying these circle symbols to a simple equation the Ouroboros(0) = zero(0) = eternity(0), or even more simply put: eternity(0) is equal to eternity(0) and nothing else.

Eternity appears to be inclusive of two forms of itself:

1. Eternity(zero) as non-temporal. In one theory, anything that involves time must have a 'beginning', and therefore, also an 'end' – which is excluded from the definition of eternity.

2. Eternity as a progression or sequence of events that goes backwards and forwards forever. No beginning and no end – the definition of eternity.

Which is not to say that the first proposition could/would not be included as part of the second, and in some cosmological theories it undoubtedly would be.


While it may be an intriguing concept, you have no way of knowing that there was ever a complete and total negation of "everything". Some renowned cosmological models may be regressed in a manner as if to approach 'nothing', but it cannot be stated unequivocally that they ever ultimately arrive at that state of "total negation".

It might be more accurate to posit that "eternity"(or the eternal) is what remains in the absence of anything that is 'created' i.e. what is 'uncreated', and it's not likely that either you or anyone else knows precisely what that it is.

I myself am inclined to equate the "uncreated" with Aristotles' "unmoved mover", but also that this "uncreated" 'thing' or "unmoved mover" might also be just some unknown anomaly that happens to co-exist with eternity.

Eternity encapsulates everything. There is nothing that exists outside of or beyond it IMO, and probably stating the obvious to most.

And the source of all creations that come about from within this eternal construct I have come to refer as "the eternal algorithm". The theologians may of course apply the "God" terminology within the above here where appropriate and on occasion I myself would do so as well which is okay as long as it's not overdone.

Apologies for the late response, I hadn't clicked subscribe when I posted.
Quote:It almost makes more sense to say that 'eternity' is equal to zero,

I would say it doesn't because Eternity is not a fundamental property of everything.  Infinity operates in the quantum and in the macro, eternity, not so much.
Quote:While it may be an intriguing concept, you have no way of knowing that there was ever a complete and total negation of "everything". Some renowned cosmological models may be regressed in a manner as if to approach 'nothing', but it cannot be stated unequivocally that they ever ultimately arrive at that state of "total negation".

I have acknowledged that in my post ∞ = 1, Infinity Equals One, it's quite clear.
(01-06-2025, 07:28 PM)myselfaswell Wrote: But, there is one thing that can absolutely be knocked out in a single paragraph. And that is the statement that the universe, everything in it, everything outside of it? everything we know about everything we don’t know about everything we can’t know about, either came into existence in some form from an absence of absolutely everything, or, it has always existed with no beginning and possibly no end, in some form or other.

If the universe is created from this relative zero-volume existential negation, then nothing(no spatial parameter) would exist outside of it. There is no "outside of it", and if you go the 'ever-flowing' everything has "always existed" route (including time) then you are left dealing with infinite regression and how "the arrow of time" can progress forward in the absence of any initial 'starting point'.
(01-15-2025, 07:47 PM)myselfaswell Wrote: I would say it doesn't because Eternity is not a fundamental property of everything.

Eternity is a 'fundamental concept' that encapsulates(or transcends) "everything" e.g. an endless chain of universes.
(01-16-2025, 02:46 AM)CCoburn Wrote: If the universe is created from this relative zero-volume existential negation, then nothing(no spatial parameter) would exist outside of it. There is no "outside of it", and if you go the 'ever-flowing' everything has "always existed" route (including time) then you are left dealing with infinite regression and how "the arrow of time" can progress forward in the absence of any initial 'starting point'.

It would seem than that you're happy to accept that there is only "The Universe". ?.  As I have noted in the posts in part 2:
Quote:If, considering the absurd nature of what infinity is, and, subsequently, our existence in it, you are utterly tied to to the idea that this is all there is, then I have to say that's a pretty morbid conclusion, considering the infinite number of possibilities that exist.

The same applies to just "The Universe".

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