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'The Future Of Food'.
If you have friends, family or loved ones that eat food then you should probably give this new Corbett Report a watch.

Extra Link

Also here's what the Rockefellers have got planned for everyone when it comes to the future of food distribution.

Rockefeller's "Reset the Table:" Food Tyranny & Transform Food Supply
Rather disturbing new article:

“Future Food” – No Thanks!
I was thinking about how much profit there is to be made from establishing a market segment within the food industry that exploits insects.

Think of that nightmare image....

You turn on the lights in a strange place and 100,00 cockroaches scatter...

except now you say... "Yummy!"
(08-02-2024, 05:10 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I was thinking about how much profit there is to be made from establishing a market segment within the food industry that exploits insects.

Think of that nightmare image....

Already being done mate.

Naturally you've got well funded mainstream shills scoffing at the idea but it's a very real proposal by the usual suspects.

Quote:Eat Ze Bugs or You’re Racist!


I found a piece of propaganda so crazy, so self-contradictory, so hilariously reaching, so weirdly self-deconstructing that it has to be heard to be believed. Feast your ears on this wet hot dumpster fire of nonsense served up by the very confused propaganda pushers over at NPR.

Hopefully the video below is taken as non partisan but thought some important points were being made about how 'Big Food' has 'captured' the government agencies tasked (and trusted) to regulate them.

Chronic disease from food:

The future of food?

Came across this article on the BBC News website.

Inside Iceland's futuristic farm growing algae for food.

Quote:Under a strange pink-purple glow, illuminated panels buzz and cylindrical columns of water bubble away, as a futuristic crop of microalgae grows.
Quote:Now scientists and entrepreneurs are increasingly exploring its potential as a nutrition-rich, sustainable food.
About 35 minutes from the capital Reykjavik, the Vaxa site produces the microalgae Nannochloropsis, both as food for people, and for feed in fish and shrimp farming.

I recently re-watched the Battlestar Galactica remake and this sort of reminded me of the episode where they find an algae planet and harvest it as a food source for the fleet.
I believe in this and its been tested by research, he who fucks nuns will later join the church.
Reminds me of the glopitta-glopitta machine in The Matrix.

There is a reason they're called "mealworms".

Future proves the past. We've saved the best for last!

I think I'll have a slice of toast. Oh wait, no, the grain is poisoned.

That aside, isn't Mr Corbett the bee's-knees? There's something so perfectly Canadian there. I bet the Japanese women go all ahegao when he smiles at them, and that thought makes me laugh and think the world is not so bad after all.
I like that he provided a transcript so I don't have to watch the video.

Quote:The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

As it turns out, the “solution” to this food crisis, the one being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex, is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

Oh there's nothing paranoid about that.

The elites are disrupting the supply chain?
Do they still get to go fox hunting?

Quote:In 2022, there were over 168,000 poultry farms in the United States. 

In 2023, there were 5,524 meat, beef, and poultry processing businesses in the United States. 

In 2024 there were approximately 800 federally inspected (slaughter) plants and about 1,900 non-federally inspected plants under state inspection.
(Source Google)

So they have a dastardly plan to disrupt the food chain by burning 6 or 7 of several hundred thousand facilities? Seems like there's a lot of chickens in tiny cages to go around.

The other 2,699 slaughterhouses in the US can't handle our fat ass demand for animal carcasses?

Health recalls are disrupting the supply chain IMO. The egg supply shortage are also from mass recalls at mega-facilities supplying major distributors.

And while we are on it, why burn a chicken farm when you can use health and safety to issue mass recalls? Why not add some salmonella in your paranoia?

But I get it. Destroy ze food, and make zem eat ze lab meat and ze bugs. Population reduction, environmentalism, WEF elites.. The devil's gonna get me... etc... etc...

But what of Nigeria, Congo, India, and Bangladesh?

In 2100 these countries will have the most populous cities on the planet, AND THEY LARGELY CANT FEED THEMSELVES NOW.

So what are The Global Elite's plans for the countries where people are already starving? Are they going to send Bono there to walk around with his peace prize?

How will their dastardly plans affect the family in Kinshasa who live in a country that rely heavily on imports to sustain their population already? In fact 80% of their food is imported NOW. The United States is the largest exporter of meat to The DRC, with Texas leading the way.

Yet with a fertility rate of 6.2 children per woman, and even with AIDS still ravaging them, the DRC population will grow to 350-400 million by 2100. Tripling today's DRC population.

This is an issue only for people who have food. And also westernized medicine, and lower birth rates. 1st world problems.

I'm sure there's a ton of families in the aforementioned Kinshasa that would love the innovation of mass produced cultured meat. Like Lisa Simpson's Tomato

And not care about the WEF master plan because they're fucking starving.

So what if the world is trying to one-up itself in looking the most ready for the sustainable world of tomorrow? So what if many countries are trying to show they want to build a clean, sustainable future? So what of they do it to have the most prestige in changing the world. So what if mega corporations still profit off the green future immensely.

It used to be countries would strive to build the biggest military for prestige, so it seems like it's an arrow of progress towards a more advanced global society when it becomes centered on saving the planet. Or the imagination of doing so.

Not every political interest globally sees every year breaking the previous year's record for "hottest year ever" and has enough denial to cling to it still being part of a natural cycle. And it's not a cabal, IMO. Anthropogenic climate change is reality vs denial.

These evil plots many are so paranoid about is the change (the people who acknowledge the 98% scientific concensus on anthropogenic climate change) want to make. Even companies, like Tesla, that used to pride themselves on making a climate change impact. Everyone wants to look the most civilized and worldly caring for the future today. Everyone wants to make Lisa's tomato.

Especially collectivist societies like Singapore, where being the first to approve cultured meat is a source of national pride. Pride in the prestige of their society being leaders in the global magnanimous fight to not destroy our planet.
[Image: New%20signature-retake-again-again.jpg]
(06-13-2024, 12:56 AM)Karl12 Wrote: If you have friends, family or loved ones that eat food then you should probably give this new Corbett Report a watch.

Extra Link

Also here's what the Rockefellers have got planned for everyone when it comes to the future of food distribution.

Rockefeller's "Reset the Table:" Food Tyranny & Transform Food Supply

The Rockerfellers made their dollars in the US on railways.

Railways are no longer the big money spinners they once were, and the Rockerfellers are no longer valid as proponents of 'them' controlling everything.

Similarly, despite some dumb report, food will continue to be farmed and distributed as it has for millennia.

Only Qtards would be silly enough to swallow this guff.
Support the Christchurch Call
(01-21-2025, 04:13 PM)chr0naut Wrote: Similarly, despite some dumb report, food will continue to be farmed and distributed as it has for millennia.

Only Qtards would be silly enough to swallow this guff.

I agree about the Qtard remark, however innovations in agri-food are already being applied worldwide. This approach/program will start innovative solutions to combat climate change utilizing existing and innovative new technologies/approaches and different agri platforms coming together in what will be a thinktank scenario.

What I think the future of farming will look like will be governments assisting agri entrepreneurs with their start up businesses and educating people on how to grow their own food. Which could include vertical farming with robots, so our food will never be exposed to contaminated groundwater or humans that can't be bothered washing their hands then touching the food.

People get ready. What is your government doing to achieve sustainable farming?
Quote:The university received an almost $16.3 million government grant over five years to support the platform, called Sustainable Food Systems for Canada, or SF4C. The platform is designed to help agri-food entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
Canada’s agriculture industry is facing several major challenges, in particular climate change, said Rene Van Acker, interim president and vice-chancellor at the University of Guelph.
He says technology can help farmers face that challenge.
“Agriculture has always been an adapter of technology, whether that was mechanical or genetic or chemical, and now data,” he said.


We can't stay in one spot, we can't keep doing the same things that don't work, so we need to adapt.

"The real trouble with reality is that there is no background music." Anonymous

Plato's Chariot Allegory