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(05-27-2024, 11:34 AM)jaded Wrote: It's always difficult to find a discussion about BF that isn't so ridiculious my bloodpressure goes astronomical. CONGRATS!!!!
For Hart:
Robert Kryder's work is exactly up your alley. He's been "pulling a Jane Goodall" documenting scat,family units, ect. He goes at this 100% scientifically. He brought his presentation to the Community College of New Mexico to get more credentialed academic's involved. All his info was collected pre-2017 so why is the topic still stuck in the 1970's?
In General:
The problem (YMMV) is the hordes of folk who've decided to pick up bigfooting with almost no knowledge of the wilds. Don't know a rabbit screaming from a fox, don't know their botanicals,
don't know their birds OR bird calls. Most can't tell a normal game trail from a abnormal one. But there they are bloviating all over the interwebs.
If you say something enough unfortunately it becomes valid.
The whole "believer" thing is also out of hand.
There's people who "believe there are Elk" but haven't seen them in the wild (example) and people who've seen Elk in the wild. I have yet to hear anyone who hasn't seen a Elk, Bear, Wolverine in the wild called "A Believer". Wolverine & BF are equally elusive and just as difficult view on a casual camping trip, hike or fishing trip.
While it's true the major sticking point is no body yet, it boggles my mind people believe in the sham of string theory but can't fathom a relic hominid avoiding modern society like the plague. The Ape theory also is ridiculous. Monkey's and other types except gorillia's have no problem mobbing town's, villages and wreaking havoc. A fact conveniently forgotten by "researchers". So far the closest BF has come to ape behavior is territorial disputes with humans building/living or hunting in their area's.
Fred Roehl has finally gotten the Native Peoples of Alaska to open up about what's been going on up there. A lot of it isn't pretty.
LOL, I don't know why people get thier panties in a twist, somebody suggests they are open to the possibility of the existence of Sasquatch. It's no different than being open to the other possible mysteries of our world and universe. It's why I like Gymlan's episodes he looks at differently, it's not sensationalistic at all.
If you listen to people who know or believe whichever you prefer there seem to possibly be 3 or 4 species that sometimes interact for example the southern and eastern examples seem to be smaller and less formidable than the traditional PNW Bigfoot.
Ive spent enough time hunting in the Southeast to realize, there are plenty of land and resources. I've spent enough time in Florida to know a few people who have seen a traditional Florida "Skunk Ape", some are people who have no interest in the phenomena yet they say they have seen these creatures. The forests, hills, and valleys mountains and hollers are dwarfed by the land and expansive forests in the PNW, it would be incredibly easy for there to be an unknown smallish population of intelligent and shy reclusive animals.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....
Professor Neil Ellwood Peart
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Great reply Putnam6!
Am aware I come off "crusty".
Been in this 56yrs with on-off random events with them thru out & scratching for answers along the way. Fair to say my patience ran out a few miles back. You're very correct the east coast/southern varieties don't "seem" to have as many problems living "around" people as do the ones in the farther north or northwest. But then again they've had much more practice at it.
Constantly chewing over old news is exactly like a cow standing in a field chewing cud and what's dropping out of either are not pearls of wisdom.
Point of fact. Humans hunting humans is beyond the pale.
That's exactly what the hobby of bigfooting is. Call a spade a spade. Do I or anyone other than probably the govt know what genius Homo they are? Nope! But by their behavior it's pretty clear they are. Like any other group of indiginous peoples who want nothing to do with us, equally I have no issue with respecting their line in the sand.
What I've said is not aimed specifically at you! Truly!! It's because left on the internet someone who needs to see it will find it. There are too many gatekeepers of info in bigfootery, too much bs, too many people romping around looking for a BF but know virtually know nothing about the environment, wildlife, tracking, scat identification, or even what's REALLY edible. They however bought a thermal camera, bionic ear threw out some type of bait an expect results. If they aren't going to spend the time in educating themselves about the rest of it? Then it's fair to ask "Just what nonsense exactly are they playing at?"
Bear with me a sec.
For example, a bunch of humans go set up in a campground in a place near where there have been previously reported sightings hoping for a "experience". OK fair enough. I have yet to hear of any EVER scouting around the backside of the entire campground's sites looking for BF trails where campers are easy for BF to have observed in the past. If BF are anywhere remotely around you'll find one or two campsites that demonstrate easy sneak up trails. Easy for BF but usually not terrain a human would think is easy travel.
I swear to gosh this "snip" is NOT rocket science! None of it! Just common sense.
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(10-19-2024, 11:18 AM)jaded Wrote: Great reply Putnam6!
Am aware I come off "crusty".
Been in this 56yrs with on-off random events with them thru out & scratching for answers along the way. Fair to say my patience ran out a few miles back. You're very correct the east coast/southern varieties don't "seem" to have as many problems living "around" people as do the ones in the farther north or northwest. But then again they've had much more practice at it.
Constantly chewing over old news is exactly like a cow standing in a field chewing cud and what's dropping out of either are not pearls of wisdom.
Point of fact. Humans hunting humans is beyond the pale.
That's exactly what the hobby of bigfooting is. Call a spade a spade. Do I or anyone other than probably the govt know what genius Homo they are? Nope! But by their behavior it's pretty clear they are. Like any other group of indiginous peoples who want nothing to do with us, equally I have no issue with respecting their line in the sand.
What I've said is not aimed specifically at you! Truly!! It's because left on the internet someone who needs to see it will find it. There are too many gatekeepers of info in bigfootery, too much bs, too many people romping around looking for a BF but know virtually know nothing about the environment, wildlife, tracking, scat identification, or even what's REALLY edible. They however bought a thermal camera, bionic ear threw out some type of bait an expect results. If they aren't going to spend the time in educating themselves about the rest of it? Then it's fair to ask "Just what nonsense exactly are they playing at?"
Bear with me a sec.
For example, a bunch of humans go set up in a campground in a place near where there have been previously reported sightings hoping for a "experience". OK fair enough. I have yet to hear of any EVER scouting around the backside of the entire campground's sites looking for BF trails where campers are easy for BF to have observed in the past. If BF are anywhere remotely around you'll find one or two campsites that demonstrate easy sneak up trails. Easy for BF but usually not terrain a human would think is easy travel.
I swear to gosh this "snip" is NOT rocket science! None of it! Just common sense.
Ha Im crusty myself, just not about this topic, it's just a pastime, my opinion comes from all the reading and accounts well before the current Bigfoot mania, statistically there are so many reports it's hard to fathom every one of those accounts being lies, hoaxes or misidentifications. Especially the numerous and detailed accounts in Rain Coast Sasquatch and other books.
I watch podcasts sometimes but I prefer the more grounded ones that are less people and intrusive, It's more for entertainment than anything. I read and watch with a skeptical eye, even on Bigfootforums.com 90% could be BS but it's that 10% of the stories
But forget that it sounds like you have some experience. If you are up to it, I'd like to hear the stories
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....
Professor Neil Ellwood Peart
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(10-14-2024, 10:55 PM)midicon Wrote: Perhaps a reality that once was grew into mythology and folklore. The old wild man of the woods representing our last interaction with neanderthals.
I would think it was more likely to be based on "feral children"... basically the nonverbal autistic. The stories of the "last Neanderthal" were not something that would have been known by the world, but rather by a small band of people (30? 50? Fewer?) who met them. That's a tiny story and not one that would survive in the noise that came from those who survived.
Sasquatch mythos seems to be largely European in origin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigfoot
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10-22-2024, 12:42 AM
This post was last modified 10-22-2024, 01:16 AM by midicon. Edited 1 time in total. 
(10-22-2024, 12:22 AM)Byrd Wrote: I would think it was more likely to be based on "feral children"... basically the nonverbal autistic. The stories of the "last Neanderthal" were not something that would have been known by the world, but rather by a small band of people (30? 50? Fewer?) who met them. That's a tiny story and not one that would survive in the noise that came from those who survived.
Sasquatch mythos seems to be largely European in origin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigfoot
I think that we have always had recluses and hermits of a sort. Wild men too that live outside society.
Also perhaps not just feral children but feral families.
A bogeyman of sorts might have been useful too.
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