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(05-15-2024, 10:19 AM)Trillium Wrote: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

Robert Fico, the populist Prime Minister of Slovakia, has been rushed to hospital after a shooting, according to reports.

The terrifying attack took place in Handlova, a town located 93 miles north east of the country's capital Bratislava.

A suspect has been detained, according to local news station TA3, with a dramatic video showing the moment they were arrested.

A loud commotion can be heard, as police officers can be seen swarming the alleged attacker while sirens can be heard blaring in the distance.

Robert Fico has served as the Slovakian PM since 2023, after previously serving from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2012 to 2018.

He has recently come under fire for oppposing NATO membership for Ukraine.

His government has long opposed giving military aid to President Zelensky and his troops, and has bizarrely claimed that life is "normal" in Kyiv.

I was just going to post about this, it looks like someone is trying to create the scene for a European wide war, ala The Great War or better known as WWI. 

I do wonder if this assassination attempted has anything to do with this story getting put out there today,
Liberal billionaire George Soros has spent $80 million to 'silence' Americans, Media Research Center says | Fox Business
Quote: Free Press, a media group financed by liberal billionaire George Soros, "is looking to incorporate global pressure to push Big Tech platforms to juice their censorship operations before the 2024 U.S. presidential election," according to the Media Research Center. Free Press, which is not affiliated with journalist Bari Weiss’ The Free Press, bills itself as an organization that "closely watches as the decisions shaping the media landscape are made and sounds the alarm when people’s rights to connect and communicate are in danger." However, in a new report, the conservative MRC found that Soros gave over $80 million to affiliated groups calling for "censorship" ahead of November’s critical election. 
"One of the wealthiest men in the world is using his vast wealth and power to silence regular Americans ahead of the 2024 election. At a time when defending free speech is key, leftists are trying their best to shut down the voices of half of America, especially those who disagree with the radical agenda promoted by Biden, Soros and most Big Tech executives," MRC Free Speech America vice president Dan Schneider told Fox News Digital
MRC associate editor Joseph Vazquez reported the Soros-funded media group "is at the helm of a new push to restrict free speech online," pointing to a recent press release as evidence.
Last month, Free Press boasted about a letter urging executives at Discord, Google, Instagram, Meta, Pinterest, Reddit, Rumble, Snap, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter and YouTube to keep online platforms "safe and healthy" in 2024 through six specific "interventions."
The letter was signed by "200 civil-society organizations, researchers and journalists," according to Free Press. The MRC found that "at least 45 of the signatories have had their coffers packed with Soros cash to the tune of a whopping $80,757,329 between 2016 and 2022 alone."

Neat that as soon as Alex took over his dads work, things started to fall apart on the clandestine side. Now they are being exposed once again.  
Now back to the Prime Minister being shot. It's not like there isn't bad blood between Fico and Soros.
Soros denies trying to interfere in Slovakian politics – POLITICO (dated March 6th 2018)
Quote: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico alleged Monday that Soros had influenced President Andrej Kiska, who on Sunday called for significant changes to the Slovakian government following the recent murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak, the Slovak Spectator reported. Fico also said that the country’s focus has shifted from the murder investigation to “irrelevant things.”
A spokesman for Soros told the Associated Press Tuesday that “Mr. Soros played no role in President Kiska’s recent speech nor in recent demonstrations in Slovakia.”

Just putting this out there.
Yes LOL even here in Northwestern Ontario

Did anyone else in Ontario Canada receive this Emergency Alert???? Just wondering if it's just my area (close to Ottawa)?

Weird thing was - it came through as a PRESIDENTIAL ALERT. We do not have a President in Canada (last I heard). Even double-verified it with the person that did receive it (they have an older phone than mine).

Just wondering if all of Ontario received this one, or just my area?

Something coming down the pipe? Maybe we belong to the USA? Totally weird

I think the fat lady is going to sing.

Ok correction out off 3 house hold only one got it on TV my sister what strange is we are all on the same Bell dish sat. network and Roger for all our phone
Every snowflake in a avalanche ever feels responsible
They just following the flow
(04-15-2024, 08:37 PM)duncanhidao Wrote:


Sic transit Gloria Mundi
Quote:Given the news of his death, Klaus Schwab should have absolutely refuted the alleged falsehood with a video showing him alive and well.
Not so much out of vanity but in the interest of the WEF’ targets themselves.
(Debatable as it may be)
If King Charles III appeared in public only to deny the rumors about his health, right after them, I don’t see why Klaus Schwab couldn’t or shouldn’t have done so.
Secondly, it is not admissible, as I have already written in my article, that an event such as that in Riyadh was held without his presence, or at least a message from him or a video conference from him.
Especially after the rumors that he was dead! Only to unequivocally deny them.
Not only that, his name, memory and legacy has been cancelled, removed from the WEF organizational chart as if its Founder and Executive Chairman of WEF had never existed!
Finally in this recent article of January 17, 2023, which is not mine it said by WEF insiders:

”Klaus Schwab will stay in office until he dies, insiders say of World Economic Forum founder.”
Until he dies: so now he is dead!

[Image: GfYmT5b.jpeg]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
[Image: piBIIt5.jpeg]

 Video--->>>   Wartime President

Min 7.10
When do the trials for treason begin?
After the PAUSE
[Image: WiK9P3k.png]

Follow the pen...
How many executive orders has that pen signed?

[Image: lHTFzem.png][Video:]
[Image: 25Uaqbv.png]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
#BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan Demands Documents about Bragg Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo from Letitia James

Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom
(Don't Ya Jes Love It)
Every snowflake in a avalanche ever feels responsible
They just following the flow
[Image: vwmut7Q.gif]

[Image: zuHumZo.png]

[Image: m9S6dy9.gif]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
Smart Anon is going to have to grab this clip, because dis retard is thumbless wrt how to do it. Utter grenade. "Secretariat of Retribution"

Gonna need more than water to get this size Red Pill down…

Every anon will want to watch this…

The "mapping of the treasonous parties" was interesting and indicates that the comms networks of these people are known and compromised. THIS IS HOW LOCAL OFFICIALS will be arrested and mopped up and why we have 200k+ sealed indictments.

[Image: yEjRsV8.jpeg]
Every snowflake in a avalanche ever feels responsible
They just following the flow
Stories like this show us two things in my opinion:

1.) The deep state still has massive control, reach and power all around the world 

2.) The DS is resulting to old school CIA tactics and literally attempting to kill opposition in broad daylight to send a message and that message is above mentioned #1 (FAFO we run the world).

Makes me really question the entire "Q" movement when things like this are in the headlines every other week. I am a strong believer/hopeful that "Q" is real and I understand the level of secrecy they need to maintain but we need some hard evidence and proofs! 

If they have already completed the mission and most of what we see now are clones/body doubles etc playing out a movie to wake sheep up, at what point do they release those that are awake are awake and those that are not are comfortably living in this nightmare. 

A certain portion of the population no matter how damming the evidence is will never release the matrix from their minds bc they are not capable of questioning the very reality we are living in. But those of us that are hopeful for a better world need some evidence of that world being created in real time.  These "anons" that post do nothing but speculate, it is beyond frustrating for the masses.

(05-15-2024, 10:19 AM)Trillium Wrote: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

Robert Fico, the populist Prime Minister of Slovakia, has been rushed to hospital after a shooting, according to reports.

The terrifying attack took place in Handlova, a town located 93 miles north east of the country's capital Bratislava.

A suspect has been detained, according to local news station TA3, with a dramatic video showing the moment they were arrested.

A loud commotion can be heard, as police officers can be seen swarming the alleged attacker while sirens can be heard blaring in the distance.

Robert Fico has served as the Slovakian PM since 2023, after previously serving from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2012 to 2018.

He has recently come under fire for oppposing NATO membership for Ukraine.

His government has long opposed giving military aid to President Zelensky and his troops, and has bizarrely claimed that life is "normal" in Kyiv.

Peaceful ignorance... 
1990's work hard play hard
2000's work harder play less
2010's work hard no play
2020's work hard to pay tax


[Image: GGBdNDb.png]
Everyone made fun of Noah as he built the ark on sunny days.
Until one day it started to rain ...
Q is building the ark.The anon persist in wanting to guess the day it will begin to rain.
And they keep making mistakes.
But one day it will rain...and it will be biblical.
Finally, they admit their fault.
NIH director admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — four years after COVID pandemic began (
Quote: At long last, National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress Thursday that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China in the months and years before the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Dr. Tabak,” asked Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, “did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through [Manhattan-based nonprofit] EcoHealth [Alliance]?”
“It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.”

So a few loose ends:
Will Fauci get hauled in front of Congress to explain why he has repetitively lied in from of both the House and the Senate?
Will anyone get brought to Geneva for Crimes against humanity?
Will this madness ever end?

nuts indeed.

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