Today, 04:37 AM
(Yesterday, 09:32 PM)Maxmars Wrote: The algorithm will tell you what to feel. That is it's purpose.
And of course, true to conspiracy theorist thinking... there is more to the story.
It seems clear to me that someone wants this war to persist at least...
The algorithm is scary, and I know there is a lot of misinformation out there with some being credible. I'm sure the small percentage having access to some deep fortified long-term underground bunkers may also be worried, just not as much.
TSK here was talking about carrier transport for pets in case of emergency, and I've never been much of a doomsday prepper, but now I'm not so sure. I only have a couple cats, so maybe another carrier wouldn't be bad idea.
Not sure how much of a target central Maine would be, but with this continuing escalation my subconscious has even been prompting me to put a little extra gas in the car lately.
I just wish somebody would 'fold' already.