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Power Trips and Male Flight Attendants
After about several million frequent flyer miles, some of the stories I could tell about "stewardesses/stewards" (they absolutely HATE that term, hence my intentional use of it...frequently!) would blow the socks clean off your feet!  I practically 'lived' on an airplane for about 4 years back in the late 90's for business travel.

US airline 'stewardesses/stewards' thoroughly suck!  They are some of the most entitled, power-tripping, ego maniacs imaginable.  I've never managed to get kicked off a flight (although I did come close a couple times), but I have managed to get more than a couple flight attendants in the 'hot seat' with their company for stupid shit like what the OP speaks of.  There's no excuse for that kind of behavior.  (In their defense though (rare for me), they do get one or two Brownie points for dealing with some pretty nutty PAX.)

Flying anymore has become a pretty miserable experience.  It amazes me how far down the flying experience has come.  Flying has gone from this magical, elegant and happy experience where people dressed up and went on great adventures all the way down to an experience similar to going to a 3rd world dentist with a degree in proctology.  From the moment you get out of your car in the over-priced parking garage, to the rectal exam by TSA, to surly ticket agents, to seats which would be impossible to design more UN-comfortably, only to experience the joy of having your knees pushed up to your chin for 4 hours, all while being lectured by some overweight and scorned witch in a uniform with a pineapple stuck up their ass (backwards) who's "only here for your safety!" (put a sock in it, bitch, and get me a scotch, neat!), to having your luggage destroyed or better yet sent your luggage to Bangladesh when you're going to Cincinnati, only to have the rental car company tell you they're out of cars to rent.  (Sigh)  I could probably go on with permutations on the above too numerous to count.  And if all that wasn't enough, later in the month the credit card bill shows up and you get the pleasure of seeing how you rewarded all those people with several thousands of your hard earned dollars.  Yeah, I could tell you where they can stuff the..."we're only here for your safety"...trope.  I won't (tell you), but I could.  The one thing for sure I can say is...the sun damn sure doesn't shine there!

And you'd think I'd be more positive about the whole experience, working a career in aviation and all, but nope...I'm just a lot closer to it than most.  Trust me, the underbelly is even worse than the public facing side!

I've got an idea; let's change the subject.  How about we talk about cruises???  Yeah, then we can combine all the "lovely" air travel experiences with an equally "lovely" experience on a giant floating petri dish complete with 2,500 Jenny Craig ICU candidates cutting you off in the buffet line with their mobility scooters in a desperate dash to get to the mystery meatloaf, canned gravy and powdered mashed potatoes topped off with cherry bon-bons...and chocolate syrup!  I honestly saw this one guy, all 597lbs of him, wearing a hoodie which said..."I (heart) cruises for the...(and the words under that were obscured by this huge stain of spaghetti bolognese, peanut butter and shrimp curry)!  I honestly wondered how this dude could fit through the door of his cabin, but concluded he just got his Peterbilt-Kenworth mobility scooter going really fast first and just blasted his way through.  Pass the soft-serve ice cream please.

But hey, I'm not bitter.  Not at all!  Lol Lol

What were we talking about again????