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Overpopulation And Malthusian Propaganda.
2/3rds of the world’s population live in @ 20% of India and China 
but people believe the world’s overpopulated 
can’t make dumb people see simple logic
media controls the masses and
good thread, important message needing to be told
(05-25-2024, 04:16 AM)Creaky Wrote: 2/3rds of the world’s population live in @ 20% of India and China 
but people believe the world’s overpopulated 
can’t make dumb people see simple logic
media controls the masses and
good thread, important message needing to be told

Thanks mate and don't know if you watched this doco but thought it was extremely relevant to discussion.

Quote:Not surprisingly to those who have studied the confluence of eugenics, environmentalism and technocracy that formed the nucleus of our exploration of "Why Big Oil Conquered the World," the "answer" to the tehnocrats' (imaginary) problem is, once again, a global system of total control to implement the ultimate eugenics program of forced sterilization, forced abortion and selective breeding.

The worst part about this proposed system of population control is that it is not just based on a faulty premise, but a premise that is in fact the exact opposite of the truth. We are not facing the ticking time bomb of population explosion at all, but a demographic winter of plummeting fertility, where a growing number of countries, and eventually the world as a whole, will face terminal population decline.

Am just reading through this UN document at the mo.

United Nations Publish ‘Depopulation Plan’ On Their Website

I have never heard of this Malthusian theory.  
So I looked it up.   Can't say that I understand it all.
I will say that the world is overpopulated and we 
are artificially keeping certain demographics 
alive and mass reproducing when we shouldn't.
If a population cant' sustain itself with in regards
to food, and it needs artificial food donations for
the bulk of the population .. then it should not be
reproducing more population.   It doesn't make sense
to allow that to continue.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(05-25-2024, 06:36 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: I will say that the world is overpopulated and we are artificially keeping certain demographics alive and mass reproducing when we shouldn't.

Mate, according to official U.S. policy I don't think they are keeping certain demographics alive - when it comes to Africa Raymond De Souza discusses the Kissenger report below and there's more info at the link about Peru, Uganda and India.

Looks like the plan was/is to keep the pop as low as poss (or to actively shrink it) to facilitate easy access to 'resources' in the country.


The Kissinger Report also specifically declared that the United States was to cover up government population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the United Nations and various non-governmental organizations—specifically the Pathfinder Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the Population Council—to do its dirty work.

Exposing Global Population Control

If they're doing it to them, they're probably doing it to us.

As for 'food' distribution (and the future of it) thought there was a really relevant 'great reset' vid below concerning plans the Rockefellers have for everyone.

Lots of mealy mouthed public relations speak but apparently the assault on the world's food supply (and future distribution) does involve some extremely disturbing aspects.

• Rockefeller's "Reset the Table:" Food Tyranny & Transform Food Supply


Quote:The Rockefeller Foundation has released a new report, "Reset The Table" -- an implied part of "The Great Reset" -- describing a radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption to our food supply in history. The report calls to provide food to all (like UBI), use schools as community nutrition distribution anchors, de-fund farms/ranches via "true cost accounting" that includes CO2, provide funds to BIPOC, collect realtime data for AI/automation, and much, much more. Christian breaks down this report, which builds upon the assault upon global food supply and your ability to feed your family.

As well as the Rockefeller's involvement Bayer also now control one quarter of the world’s food supply - not potentially great news when one considers which side they were both on in WW2.

Malaysian Prime Minister warns back in 2015 about globalist elites (and how they want to kill billions of people).

Quote:Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, nations, and bodies but instead have only a one-world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites. People who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders, instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment,” Dr. Mahathir explained.

“And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order has annunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.”

Flashback : Former Malaysian Prime Minister Warned -'Elites Want to Reduce World Population to 1 Billion' (Videos)
I'm sure there are multitudes of reasons why people are/become homeless, but I suppose you can't blame someone for entertaining the thought of it being related to overpopulation. The homeless encampments have just gone off the charts in some of the more populated and climate friendly areas.

Squatting has gotten so bad in some places that they are incorporating new laws to deal with it. People live rent-free for months to years while exploiting the slow grinding wheels of the judicial system.

Covert sterilants in the water? Like industrial grade fluoride from China? This isn't really covert but maybe some of its effects could be. I just love the logic here: fluoride is good for your teeth so why not just drink it by the gallons, cook with it, and bathe and shower in it? Yeah, that's it. A great smile and healthy choppers is of such utmost importance there's just no way we can leave a thing of this magnitude to the devices of the general public. What's that you say? You do it for the children? Well, in that case since you mention "children" how could one not go along with it.

Humans however do appear so overly concerned with the population dynamics of many species except their own. Bob Barker seemed very concerned about it back in the 80s "Have your pet spayed or neutered!!" because we would want too many cats running around now would we? Of course humans are such a special breed that the aforementioned applied to them is absolutely unthinkable. Yes, it's true, in order to tackle this "overpopulation" problem we must resort to covert measures.

Is there in fact an overpopulation problem? I can't say for certain one way or the other, but I can say that humans are allowed to freely breed at will. You might say that we multiply like rabbits, but when I look outside or go for a drive, I don't see any rabbits; never see any cats or dogs running around for that matter. You know what I do see a lot of though? I'll give you two guesses and the first one don't count.

Human arrogance is off the charts, or maybe it's just a form of convenient ignorance. Take any population control and apply it to humans and it's then transformed into some evil abomination. Agent Smith used the "virus analogy". It corrupts, spreads, and destroys. Oblivious to its own evils and the fact that it might eventually kill the host and pay the ultimate price if it's allowed to get that far.
(05-24-2024, 02:32 PM)BeyondKnowledge Wrote: All of the rich get rich off the less rich. This also goes for taxes, the people pay taxes. If the people are reduced then the wealth and taxes are also reduced through both reduction in consumers and taxpayers. The rich and government types are just shooting themselves in both feet.

They seem to be of an intelligence level that cannot reason this simple fact out.

I see your point but you’re forgetting about what those people represent to “the rich” - labor.

Slavery in the US, as an example, was terrible and abhorrent. However, it was also born out of the need for labor in a non-mechanized or technologically advanced world. If slave owners, who were largely businessmen, could have purchased a machine instead of people they absolutely would have. It works 24/7, doesn’t need food or much in the way of shelter, doesn’t fight back - you see where I’m going.

“The Rich” still use this ideology - only people have “freedom” and “get paid” for their time.

Tech is on the verge of another major revolution. We will have a massively excess supply of labor. So, “population decline” is necessary.

And since killing a few billion people isn’t exactly a tenable solution for all of the obvious reasons, you get “infertility”, gender-reassignment, a forwarding of homosexuality, “forever wars” and I’m sure other things that tamp down the reproduction of more humans.

To those of us living through this it’s very concerning.

For “the rich” it’s just a math problem - and an opportunity. “The Rich” get to decide who stays and goes (to some extent). Which I bet they are excited about, too.
(06-01-2024, 05:41 AM)CCoburn Wrote: Covert sterilants in the water? Like industrial grade fluoride from China? This isn't really covert but maybe some of its effects could be. I just love the logic here: fluoride is good for your teeth so why not just drink it by the gallons, cook with it, and bathe and shower in it? Yeah, that's it.

Yes very well said and don't know if you've been following it but regarding floride toxicity in drinking water looks like there some extremely fishy courtroom developments at the ongoing trial.

Derrick Broze gives some good insight here into potential coverup of legitimate scientific data and amongst other things, internal emails between the NIH and CDC show how they 'squashed' the release of the May 2022 National Toxicology Programme Report.

Regarding overpopulation there does seem to be a small nucleus of families actively funding and promoting it and thought some fair points were raised here exploring the mythology of it - as for 'collapse' then it does seem that whatever the causative factors are, they are global.

See 2:50


A random thought I had…

Some folks who shake their fists at the sky about how terrible the “population control agenda” is also live in small towns/smaller communities/on large swaths of property.

Those folks are basically controlling how much population they experience and many avoid cities all together. It would seem to me that “population control” fits their agenda…
(06-01-2024, 10:33 PM)VulcanWerks Wrote: And since killing a few billion people isn’t exactly a tenable solution for all of the obvious reasons, you get “infertility”, gender-reassignment, a forwarding of homosexuality, “forever wars” and I’m sure other things that tamp down the reproduction of more humans.

To those of us living through this it’s very concerning.

Great post and yes it's very concerning mate and apparently nothing new.

[Image: la606b18fb.jpg]

Quote:In reality, the Rockefellers have been one of the largest financial backers and drivers of the eugenics and the depopulation agenda for over a century now.

Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize 15 Million Americans

Haven't 100% confirmed this claim yet but it also states Bill Gates is part of the Rockefeller family.

Will start a separate thread on the subject but would also really recommend this video exploring the idea that 'bioethics' is just rebranded 'eugenics'.

Bioethics and Eugenics: The Ugly Truth

Also found it interesting that Fauci's wife is head of the 'bioethics' department at the NIH.


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