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More Glitches in the ATS Matrix
(06-14-2024, 05:34 PM)KKLoco Wrote: I think you may be dead on with this. BC is decentralized. Why give the government 33% of your earnings when you can buy a private island and disappear. I’m personally 250% up on BC. And I bought in way late starting 3 years ago.

BTW, what was your ATS moniker?

I appreciate this very much, FCD. It’s interesting, the last 11 days has helped me come to reconciliation that it’s all officially over. We are on our own now. I prefer it this way, actually. I know it’s over, instead of waking up to being 404’d - and wondering WTF happened.

Then don’t be bashful!!! Beer

I honestly don't remember. I hadn't posted there in years and when I did, it was pretty few and far between. I was active on there early 2000s, but I have continued to lurk all this time. I tried to sign up a new account a few years back, but it wanted Facebook or something, which I don't use at all, and the email sign up either wasn't working at all or didn't want to send mail to my domain and I do not use Gmail either and will not sign up am account just to sign up for ATS.
(06-14-2024, 05:43 PM)l0st Wrote: I honestly don't remember. I hadn't posted there in years and when I did, it was pretty few and far between. I was active on there early 2000s, but I have continued to lurk all this time. I tried to sign up a new account a few years back, but it wanted Facebook or something, which I don't use at all, and the email sign up either wasn't working at all or didn't want to send mail to my domain and I do not use Gmail either and will not sign up am account just to sign up for ATS.
Well, you certainly seem to be in the know, for an obscure lurker. Very perceptive, indeed. Beer
(06-14-2024, 04:52 PM)FlyersFan Wrote: WEIRDNESS .... 

ATS is signing me out without me signing out.
Are you referring to the way that your on-screen mini-profile sometimes says "FlyersFan was on ATS ten minutes ago"?

That's been an oddity of the software for a number of years now.
(06-14-2024, 05:47 PM)KKLoco Wrote: Well, you certainly seem to be in the know, for an obscure lurker. Very perceptive, indeed. Beer

ATS was the first conspiracy site I discovered that really lit my interest in researching conspiracy topics. I had interest in conspiracies before that but I was always more a passive observer than an investigator.

This is heading in a particularly chilling direction!

The vacuum of information makes all possibilities available for some distinctly conspiratorial avenues of consideration.

I wish I could speak with any authority at all about the situation, but I really have the (blessed) circumstance of being a 'spectator.'

The idea that some "hink" (or is it "something hinky?") exists in all this is nigh inescapable isn't it?  That hink gets multiplied by an order of magnitude when you are 'expected' to know the answer.

Somewhere in the collection of all unknown answers is something that can only be called a "mistake."

Unless ATS has no value to the keyholders.  (Which I would also consider a "mistake.")
(06-14-2024, 06:19 PM)Maxmars Wrote: Ooohhh!

This is heading in a particularly chilling direction!

The vacuum of information makes all possibilities available for some distinctly conspiratorial avenues of consideration.

I wish I could speak with any authority at all about the situation, but I really have the (blessed) circumstance of being a 'spectator.'

The idea that some "hink" (or is it "something hinky?") exists in all this is nigh inescapable isn't it?  That hink gets multiplied by an order of magnitude when you are 'expected' to know the answer.

Somewhere in the collection of all unknown answers is something that can only be called a "mistake."

Unless ATS has no value to the keyholders.  (Which I would also consider a "mistake.")

Monetarily, it makes no money, so for a business sale, the site would only have asset value. I suspect any owned infrastructure is already fully depreciated, so it also has no value. There might be resale value in the domain. I doubt the messages have any real monetary value at this stage. The value in the data is in the research that was done, but for years now most of the posts have been political trolling.
(06-14-2024, 05:34 PM)KKLoco Wrote: I think you may be dead on with this. BC is decentralized. Why give the government 33% of your earnings when you can buy a private island and disappear. I’m personally 250% up on BC. And I bought in way late starting 3 years ago.

BTW, what was your ATS moniker?

I appreciate this very much, FCD. It’s interesting, the last 11 days has helped me come to reconciliation that it’s all officially over. We are on our own now. I prefer it this way, actually. I know it’s over, instead of waking up to being 404’d - and wondering WTF happened.

Then don’t be bashful!!! Beer

Probably pro Hamas ones, aye?

Nvm.  TMI.
(06-14-2024, 06:51 PM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: Naww...say it isn't so, my friend!!  Say it isn't so!  LOL!!!

Good play!

The "handwriting" is right here in front of us for all of us to see.  I just never saw it until today.  DOH!~!

Can you say..."Park Jin Hyok"???

Look deeper, friends!!

"Park Jin Hyok is allegedly a state-sponsored North Korean computer programmer who is part of an alleged criminal conspiracy responsible for some of the costliest computer intrusions in history. These intrusions caused damage to computer systems of, and stole currency and virtual currency from, numerous victims."

I wasn't aware of that guy. Very interesting.

He seems too advanced of a criminal to waste time on a place like ATS. That's not a slight against the site, I just don't see it being a big enough target, but maybe I am seriously underestimating the tactical impact of conspiracy sites.

I have always found it odd that so many entities seem to devote a lot of resources on these conspiracy sites in recent years. It's very clear to me that paid troll farms are being tasked with derailing these sites. To what end I don't know. I bet there are probably only a couple hundred posters on these sites and it's mostly the same people on every one of them for years. The only real posters still around are the "hardcore" theorists. Everyone else moved on to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit , and Tik Tok years ago.

It I were a State Actor, ATS wouldn't be at the top of my target list for conspiracy sites. 4-chan would be the first place I'd target followed by the other chan's. Sites like ATS would be way down the list. Not enough traffic to bother with, nor are any of these old forums really the breeding ground for the latest theories and memes. TBH, it's mostly older folks shit-talking each other. Most under 30 probably have never even seen a forum like this.

ATS interests me as it's the only one that every truly tried to commercialize and it's the only one that updated the layout to be mobile friendly.
(06-14-2024, 07:15 PM)l0st Wrote: "Park Jin Hyok is allegedly a state-sponsored North Korean computer programmer who is part of an alleged criminal conspiracy responsible for some of the costliest computer intrusions in history. These intrusions caused damage to computer systems of, and stole currency and virtual currency from, numerous victims."

I wasn't aware of that guy. Very interesting.

He seems too advanced of a criminal to waste time on a place like ATS. That's not a slight against the site, I just don't see it being a big enough target, but maybe I am seriously underestimating the tactical impact of conspiracy sites.

I have always found it odd that so many entities seem to devote a lot of resources on these conspiracy sites in recent years. It's very clear to me that paid troll farms are being tasked with derailing these sites. To what end I don't know. I bet there are probably only a couple hundred posters on these sites and it's mostly the same people on every one of them for years. The only real posters still around are the "hardcore" theorists. Everyone else moved on to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit , and Tik Tok years ago.

It I were a State Actor, ATS wouldn't be at the top of my target list for conspiracy sites. 4-chan would be the first place I'd target followed by the other chan's. Sites like ATS would be way down the list. Not enough traffic to bother with, nor are any of these old forums really the breeding ground for the latest theories and memes. TBH, it's mostly older folks shit-talking each other. Most under 30 probably have never even seen a forum like this.

ATS interests me as it's the only one that every truly tried to commercialize and it's the only one that updated the layout to be mobile friendly.

(06-14-2024, 07:28 PM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: Look at the "stepping stones" in between his start and the Sony takedown.  Sound familiar?  It's not about ATS being big; it's about ATS being vulnerable, and ATS being 'convenient'.

A convenient, "paid for", doorway.

Hehe..."All those 'tin-foil hat' F'ers over on ATS will never know the difference!  They're just a bunch of "conspiracy theorists"; they'll never know...and if they do...they'll think it's "UFO"s or some sh!t.

That is a very interesting take. I agree his timeline does roughly match up. It looks like there are 2 other state actors involved with him as well as a Canadian man who was laundering money.

I can tell you one thing, there was definitely a pattern of trolling from those flags on a couple of the CT boards that show them. I know the NK poster did seem to disappear at one point. There was also an asiatic man very poorly lit and appearing to reside inside a shipping container that was on midget's video chat in the early days that also stopped visiting. I was always curious about that given that NK doesn't allow citizens internet access. I guess we know who they are now. So, I conversed directly with a NK military cyber security expert, hacker, and Bitcoin robber - creepy.

Knowing what I know about ATS I know it is riddled with sql injections and out of date software. This wasn't hidden from the buyers. There was supposedly an initial group purchasing with a nearly complete deal that fell through at the last second. Maybe operatives from NK who wanted to familiarize themselves with the infrastructure using the purchase as a cover?

Going even deeper, maybe the new owners were agents of the state actors and now that the heat is on Bitcoin they abandoned ship?

When I first read that the buyer was a Bitcoin bro my first thought was that they planned to embed Bitcoin mining scripts on the site to make money. If the material is engaging you'll get lots of open browser screen time to run scripts.

I know exactly what you're saying about people thinking CT'rs are buffoons. It's a strange position given that most CT"rs are critical thinkers. The viewpoint doesn't align, but most of the people who think that way probably listen to whatever CNN and Fox News has to say about us.

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