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I'm Here But Where's My Pants?
Welcome Archie!   

When you call yourself an NPC, what do you mean?   I'm aware of Non-player Character, and I'm interested in your take, especially if that's what you meant.    Just a question, not a challenge.   I ask a lot of questions, because that's how I learn.  

Regarding the title of your thread -- which I like -- it's my belief that one can lose their pants on occasion through complete fault of their own, but the really important question as we grow  older is, how do we keep our pants from falling down?   I now realize why old men wear suspenders.   I was reaching up for the chips in the store, and I felt my pants slip an inch or so, and I thought, "this is where it begins."   Well, TMI, I guess.   

Welcome to the fray and feel free to contact staff if you have any questions.   I suspect you know what to do.  ;o)
"Pseudoscience depending for its “truth” on consensus is deeply hostile to challenge." -- Rael Jean Isaac
Good point!  As a question not asked is an answer never received.

Yes, the NPC in my name stands for Non-player Character.  In part I decided on this as I don't know how much I will participate in the forums here.  Sort of taking a car out for a test drive before buying such.  It also reflects my inner thoughts on where I stand in this world.  Meaning whatever I do or say is of little value or will cause any changes as well.

The pants?  In part a catchy phrase to draw attention to myself and the result of purchasing pants online that magically happen to be bigger than my last order of the same size.  

Archie?  Just over a year ago, before losing my mom, I was looking at her ancestry online.  Her family, like so many of past generations were not too creative when it came to naming their children.  Archie, as in Archibald, was a very common name in her family to the point that they all had nicknames in order figure out who was who.  The last Archie was her grandfather.  I believe he had 13 brothers and sisters.  Several were Archies but I don't recall the sisters' name.

Next question please.