deny ignorance.


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Haiku for life
They wait quietly,
knowing that they are the light,
waiting for the time.
Waiting for the time,
but in the absence of time
there is no "waiting"
We will be consumed
By our universe black hole
Before we know it.
"The real trouble with reality is that there is no background music." Anonymous

Plato's Chariot Allegory
Before we know it,
there won't be a memory
That will come later
That will come later
Unless a wormhole is found
Then future is past
[W]hen the future is passed,
Then the past is the future,
thus, a closed circle.
A circle closed
Comes from somewhere
Infinity is an endless loop

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.

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