deny ignorance.


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Columbia University has fallen
(05-20-2024, 04:18 PM)Notran Wrote: You cannot call students antisemitiic because they want the end of the war
But that's just it.  They don't want to end the war.  They are chanting the genocidal Hamas chant of 'from the river to the sea' which is a war cry to destroy Israel and genocide the jews.   The protestors are not antiwar peace protestors at all.  Just the opposite.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
More evidence of letting the protesters take over, intimidate and trash the campuses for days and weeks was the wrong response. Again there are ways to protest that do NOT stomp on other students and citizens civil rights, that's completely legal. Protest organizers don't want that because it doesn't move the needle and get enough publicity, they want it to be irritating and disruptive to the other 95% of the student body.
[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-23-10-40-27-175.jpg][Image: Screenshot-2024-05-23-10-39-38-660.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-22-2024, 10:14 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: But that's just it.  They don't want to end the war.  They are chanting the genocidal Hamas chant of 'from the river to the sea' which is a war cry to destroy Israel and genocide the jews.   The protestors are not antiwar peace protestors at all.  Just the opposite.
The protestors are against the war and against the killings of civilians. Israel is the invading force and nobody can argue the opposite.

(05-21-2024, 01:24 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: That reads to me like people are confused about what war is. War is not a moderated debate where rules matter. Hamas attacked Israel and Israel is defending its citizens. War is ugly.

Hamas was chosen by the Palestinians to lead them in Gaza. That means anything Hamas does is sanctioned by the Palestinians. Heck, the Palestinians are not even a definable group. They are a collection of outcasts that Egypt, Jordan and most countries in that region do not want. People forget that when propagandizing for Hamas. There is a reason the Palestinians are unwanted by their neighbors. Of course Iran loves them as Iran provides support for terrorist groups.

Going back, the students, the innocent students who are not part of this insane support for terrorists have a huge roadblock to overcome now. Businesses are going to be hesitant to hire young people from this batch of students. Between this antisemitic madness and what they went through during the pandemic, this group may not be employable. Their attitudes are not conducive to a good employee. Who wants out of control adults who act like hormonal adolescents.

Moms and Dads need to get ready to support their kids into their 30s. [Image:]

You cannot blame the killing of tens of thousands of civilians on war. It's the invading force that's killing them.
(05-24-2024, 09:26 PM)Notran Wrote: The protestors are against the war and against the killings of civilians. Israel is the invading force and nobody can argue the opposite.

You cannot blame the killing of tens of thousands of civilians on war. It's the invading force that's killing them.
Ummmm, that's what war is.
(05-20-2024, 06:33 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: Why are they calling for intifada then?

Intifada is a term used for 'uprising'.
I am sure people will normally uprise and fight against their invaders. Something wrong with resisting the invading force?
(05-24-2024, 09:32 PM)Notran Wrote: Intifada is a term used for 'uprising'.
I am sure people will normally uprise and fight against their invaders. Something wrong with resisting the invading force?

Ummm, they wouldn't be "invading" if Oct 7th hadn't happened.
(05-24-2024, 09:30 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: Ummmm, that's what war is.

Depends on how you see it but war doesn't happen on its own. The civilians in Gaza have died because of the Israeli operations which have been widely condemned and as a result there could be arrest warrants for various politicians and the military leadership of Israel.

(05-24-2024, 09:34 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: Ummm, they wouldn't be "invading" if Oct 7th hadn't happened.

History didn't start on that day. They have been invaded several times in the past and are under occupation for decades. The whole world knows it.

(05-23-2024, 09:50 AM)putnam6 Wrote: More evidence of letting the protesters take over, intimidate and trash the campuses for days and weeks was the wrong response. Again there are ways to protest that do NOT stomp on other students and citizens civil rights, that's completely legal. Protest organizers don't want that because it doesn't move the needle and get enough publicity, they want it to be irritating and disruptive to the other 95% of the student body.

The only evidence out there is that students have been attacked by the deep state. Don't try to overcomplicate masters speaking about students. They now have gained their own dynamic and it's impossible to be defeared.
(05-24-2024, 09:34 PM)Notran Wrote: Depends on how you see it but war doesn't happen on its own. The civilians in Gaza have died because of the Israeli operations which have been widely condemned and as a result there could be arrest warrants for various politicians and the military leadership of Israel.

History didn't start on that day. They have been invaded several times in the past and are under occupation for decades. The whole world knows it.

The only evidence out there is that students have been attacked by the deep state. Don't try to overcomplicate masters speaking about students. They now have gained their own dynamic and it's impossible to be defeared.

I have a hard time sympathizing with anyone who is against Israel.
(05-24-2024, 09:26 PM)Notran Wrote: The protestors are against the war and against the killings of civilians. Israel is the invading force and nobody can argue the opposite.

10/7 is the only reason Israel is in Gaza...If they want IDF to leave give up the hostages and Hamas, otherwise Israel has a right to defend itself too. 

Hamas miscalculated the response or worse they simply didn't care. Now they want to remain in power and steal all the funds that will come in to rebuild Gaza. The IDF isn't going to let that happen
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-24-2024, 09:34 PM)Notran Wrote: The only evidence out there is that students have been attacked by the deep state. Don't try to overcomplicate masters speaking about students. They now have gained their own dynamic and it's impossible to be defeared.
Deep State? LOL thats evidence I'd like to hear, and see, BUT I know you don't do links.

Please clarify overcomplicate masters??? LOL Im not the one plugging the "Deep State" into the situation. 

10/7 is the only reason Israel is in Gaza...If they want IDF to leave give up the hostages and Hamas, otherwise Israel has a right to defend itself too. 

Hamas miscalculated the response or worse they simply didn't care. Now they want to remain in power and steal all the funds that will come in to rebuild Gaza. The IDF isn't going to let that happen REALITY

The same is happening with the organizers behind the protests they miscalculated, they assume they could whip up the fervor of past protests, but they just could keep their bigotry and racism in check, consequently well-read the Harvard Polls. the protests are small and weakening, like the few days of hunger strikes at one location, think it was Harvard or MIT, but it was so non-descript I can't remember. 

What the protests did was take eyes off Israel and put them on the protests themselves. In this day and age if you don't get immediate results, you lose this generation, they become disillusioned and want to do something else. 

It isn't stopping Rafah either. 

[Image: TccpTLUr_normal.png]
Lee Harris

Quote:Over 900 Hamas terrorists have surrendered in Rafah. The IDF also discovered the bodies of 4 hostages in a tunnel INSIDE a UNRWA building in Rafah.  This clearly needed to be done.

Excellent article from Politico touches on a number of topics mentioned in this thread. If anything it shows how disjointed the protest have become. One student news reporter said there were disagreements between the protesters on what to do and how to protest. 

It actually makes me even less concerned about the protests.
 What’s Really Happening on College Campuses, According to Student JournalistsPOLITICO Magazine asked leaders of campus news organizations to set the record straight about campus unrest, antisemitism and what the media is getting wrong

Counterprotesters throw away camp equipment while pro-Palestinian protesters gather in an encampment at Arizona State University in Tempe, on April 26. | Paul Pascual/The State Press
[Image: ?]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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