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Caught in the act?
Uhh.... Fuck China!

Why does London hate its own?
got my ass ate, it was great, tell your dad thanks

[Image: eI0GGBm.gif]
Illegal Chinese Police stations in the US.
Quote:Safeguard Defenders has documented more than 100 of the outposts in dozens of countries, and officials are increasingly worried about them as a way for China to spy and keep tabs on its people abroad.
Quote:“As alleged, the defendants and their co-conspirators were tasked with doing the PRC’s bidding, including helping locate a Chinese dissident living in the United States, and obstructed our investigation by deleting their communications,” said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace for the Eastern District of New York. “Such a police station has no place here in New York City – or any American community.”   

I'd imagine most of us here are aware of this going on in the US. It explains fully what was happening in the video in the OP. Those people were scared and doing their best to make sure they looked innocent when the local Chinese goon squad noticed the video on YouTube.

It's sobering to see what can and may yet happen here as we are infiltrated by other cultures.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(01-27-2024, 05:00 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Illegal Chinese Police stations in the US.

I'd imagine most of us here are aware of this going on in the US. It explains fully what was happening in the video in the OP. Those people were scared and doing their best to make sure they looked innocent when the local Chinese goon squad noticed the video on YouTube.

It's sobering to see what can and may yet happen here as we are infiltrated by other cultures.

It was pointed out to me that on the "news" anything that's shown in a good light in the International District, the area is called "China Town" but if it's something that looks bad or highlights the crime there, then it's just called "The International District". 

The situation is so bad the identities of a couple found chopped up in some suitcases was withheld, not because of Family privacy concerns, but rather due to seeing if it was "OK" to say that the couple was Chinese. Instead, they were ID'ed as "Asian", and the story was ran as is at that point. CCP money via Chinese owned companies fund local news and threaten Station Managers and Producers to not run negative stories on China or Chinese interests, and out of fear of financial losses, the local news doesn't report on those stories or slants them away from CCP or Chinese involvements. 

Home cleaning needs to start with the public knowing how badly China has compromised local opinions and news reports, then those stations can start to purge out the people on the take (not purge as in killing, just exposing and firing the people).

(01-27-2024, 04:13 PM)Lysergic Wrote: Uhh.... Fuck China!

Why does London hate its own?

I don't think Londoners hate their own, I do think that due to Chinese media funding and social engineering, people are being less and less able to comfortably deal with being wrongfully, or even rightfully, accused of being something slanted as negative. 

This type of social entitlement is happening in every social group. It needs to be put in it's place by those that are targeted by the behaviors. At present we are only two-three generations out from the last World War, and look at how messed up we have become.  It can be mostly focused back to the 1970s. The same time that China started to open it's doors to the rest of the world. It might have started as a thing of culture awareness, but it's been hy-jacked by social engineers to demean and socially cripple the public into non-actions. Chinese War manual like "Art of War" have this styling all over it. The public shouldn't put up with this.
(01-27-2024, 01:28 PM)guyfriday Wrote: This video goes over the trip that is taken, but it doesn't go over the age of the people or the true purpose of these intrusions.

I saw clip originally in twitter , this one :


At 1:19   seen some ....part of those are military aged , nobody can really know for sure are they members of PLA or Chinese spy agency. so keeping in mind the current geopolitical situation between US and China it should not be allowed Chinese to enter .
(01-27-2024, 07:28 PM)guyfriday Wrote:  

China's way of keeping its people in line is clearly fear.

I know the US has been way too tolerant of the Chinese governments' actions here. The long game they are playing almost seems unstoppable.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
With this news about the Chinese invasion... err... asylum seekers coming across the border, and the attacks on China over issues of slave labor and enforced population control of certain ethnics (ie Genocide). China is now in full swing in showing that, "China isn't doing anything wrong, in fact America does the same thing". The thing is we don't do these things like China.

Hidden prison labor web linked to foods from Target, Walmart | AP News
Quote:ANGOLA, La. (AP) — A hidden path to America’s dinner tables begins here, at an unlikely source – a former Southern slave plantation that is now the country’s largest maximum-security prison.
Unmarked trucks packed with prison-raised cattle roll out of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where men are sentenced to hard labor and forced to work, for pennies an hour or sometimes nothing at all. After rumbling down a country road to an auction house, the cows are bought by a local rancher and then followed by The Associated Press another 600 miles to a Texas slaughterhouse that feeds into the supply chains of giants like McDonald’s, Walmart and Cargill.
Intricate, invisible webs, just like this one, link some of the world’s largest food companies and most popular brands to jobs performed by U.S. prisoners nationwide, according to a sweeping two-year AP investigation into prison labor that tied hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of agricultural products to goods sold on the open market.

Now first let me just say that except for some health and safety issues, I don't have a major issue with this Prisoner/workforce. These people in jail have been placed there for doing a crime against society, and they should have to provide some benefit to society to justify them living in jail. Otherwise, they would just sit it out doing nothing more than sucking off the tit of tax payer money. I don't like the image of private companies receiving the benefits for this workforce, but as long as they are paying the state for this service I don't see a major issue.

Now as to the issue with China getting caught. It's been shown recently that a higher number of Chinese have been coming across the southern border. 

California Sees Surge in Chinese Migrants (
Quote:There have been approximately 15,700 Chinese migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border just in the three or so months of fiscal year 2024, already topping the approximate 14,600 encounters in the entire 2023 fiscal year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

There have been approximately 15,700 Chinese migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border just in the three or so months of fiscal year 2024, already topping the approximate 14,600 encounters in the entire 2023 fiscal year, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

More than 24,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the 2023 fiscal year—a total higher than the past 10 years combined, and an approximate 7,000 percent increase from 2021 when 323 Chinese nationals crossed the border during the height of COVID.

To put that in perspective, according to a story from Business Insider.
New Pentagon Maps Show the Chinese Military's Growing Reach (
Quote: The brigades, each of which can have up to 5,000 troops, are the PLAA's "primary maneuver force" and are organized into heavy (tracked armored vehicles), medium (wheeled armored vehicles), and light (high-mobility, mountain, air-assault and motorized) categories.
So in '23 that would be the size of 5 Chinese Military Brigades entering the US, and while I doubt all the people coming across are CCP, if even half of that number is, then we already have a sizable military force within the US to deal with. 

Much as we saw with the video of Dr K getting yelled at by the Chinese Security Agent, throwing out distractions, such as this story of Prison Labor is par for the course of yelling that a person is racist. It's done to distract the real story (in the case of the Dr K incident the Chinese Spy). Here the real story is the number of Chinese personal of military age illegally coming into the US via a Swiss-cheese like border, then when in the country no accountability is provided on many of these people. 

I posted a story over at ATS (reported below):
Quote:originally posted by: [post=27286087]Guyfriday[/post]
More evidence that China is preparing for something big. I believe that it's closing its boarders, but that's just me.
From: Reuters
Quote:HONG KONG, Jan 29 (Reuters) - A Hong Kong court on Monday ordered the liquidation of property giant China Evergrande Group (3333.HK), opens new tab, a move likely to send ripples through China's crumbling financial markets as policymakers scramble to contain a deepening crisis.

Justice Linda Chan decided to liquidate the world's most indebted developer, with more than $300 billion of total liabilities, after noting Evergrande had been unable to offer a concrete restructuring plan more than two years after defaulting on a bond repayment and after several court hearings.

"It is time for the court to say enough is enough," said Chan, who will give her detailed reasoning later on Monday.
Evergrande chief executive Siu Shawn told Chinese media the company will ensure home building projects will still be delivered despite the liquidation order. The order would not affect the operations of Evergrande's onshore and offshore units, he added.

The decision sets the stage for what is expected to be drawn-out and complicated process with potential political considerations, given the many authorities involved. Offshore investors will be focused on how Chinese authorities treat foreign creditors when a company fails.

300 billion is going to hurt China's bottom line. I wonder how they will lie their way out of this, or will they just shut their doors and tell the world "Go to hell".
There are stories going around that some military units are not getting paid in China, and it's possible that these soldiers might not be as fighting ready as they are being advertised as, but it's also possible that China is projecting itself as being weak so that it can take a strategic advantage with the false story. Though it does seem that China will either be acting out soon, or it will be closing up it's doors to outside visitors to the country.

Either way we should stay on top of these actions and propaganda tactics being used so that we can dig through this mess they are projecting.
In this video and the next post with a video attached, China is talked about and exposed as using TikTok as a social modification experiment, as well as an espionage tool for the CCP.


Sorry that these are both from Forbes, but it's good coverage from the US Senate floor.
In this video it's talked about how the CCP uses targeted viewers for selective content, but not the way one thinks. This is the video that focuses back on the CCP Social Modification Experiments.

In the video linked below, FBI are even calling out how the CCP is using cyber and infrastructure attacks against American and it's Allies. They are also called out for using human resources in this affair, but It doesn't come from the FBI so while the dangers are being presented, I don't know how trustworthy the possible solutions are going to be.

Link to CSPAN Video:
User Clip: Wray's Opening Statement |

Important topic to know in this thread about exposing China's covert actions and exposing them to the public.
People's Republic of China State-Sponsored Cyber Actor Living off the Land to Evade Detection | CISA (a government website)

Quote: The United States and international cybersecurity authorities are issuing this joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to highlight a recently discovered cluster of activity of interest associated with a People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored cyber actor, also known as Volt Typhoon. Private sector partners have identified that this activity affects networks across U.S. critical infrastructure sectors, and the authoring agencies believe the actor could apply the same techniques against these and other sectors worldwide.
This advisory from the United States National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the Communications Security Establishment’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), the New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ), and the United Kingdom National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK) (hereafter referred to as the “authoring agencies”) provides an overview of hunting guidance and associated best practices to detect this activity.

And from Microsoft about this Volt Typhoon.
Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques | Microsoft Security Blog

Quote:Microsoft has uncovered stealthy and targeted malicious activity focused on post-compromise credential access and network system discovery aimed at critical infrastructure organizations in the United States. The attack is carried out by Volt Typhoon, a state-sponsored actor based in China that typically focuses on espionage and information gathering. Microsoft assesses with moderate confidence that this Volt Typhoon campaign is pursuing development of capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises.
Volt Typhoon has been active since mid-2021 and has targeted critical infrastructure organizations in Guam and elsewhere in the United States. In this campaign, the affected organizations span the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors. Observed behavior suggests that the threat actor intends to perform espionage and maintain access without being detected for as long as possible. Microsoft is choosing to highlight this Volt Typhoon activity at this time because of our significant concern around the potential for further impact to our customers. Although our visibility into these threats has given us the ability to deploy detections to our customers, the lack of visibility into other parts of the actor’s activity compelled us to drive broader community awareness and further investigations and protections across the security ecosystem.
To achieve their objective, the threat actor puts strong emphasis on stealth in this campaign, relying almost exclusively on living-off-the-land techniques and hands-on-keyboard activity. They issue commands via the command line to (1) collect data, including credentials from local and network systems, (2) put the data into an archive file to stage it for exfiltration, and then (3) use the stolen valid credentials to maintain persistence. In addition, Volt Typhoon tries to blend into normal network activity by routing traffic through compromised small office and home office (SOHO) network equipment, including routers, firewalls, and VPN hardware. They have also been observed using custom versions of open-source tools to establish a command and control (C2) channel over proxy to further stay under the radar.

So not only is China getting caught with it's pants down by You Tubers and being exposed by the people on the street, but it's at a point where even the media and special interest groups (FBI and such) are being forced in calling China out. 

Just the other day there was a report that Nancey Pelosi had stated that the group "Code Pink" was a CCP front. Even though she backed off that statement when it was shown that she was taking money from them, the statement still stands. Add this to the fact that a Chinese appointed Judge ordered a major CCP backed company to file for bankruptcy, and we have the starting points of a massive collapse in Chinese Government.

Story on that here:  Evergrande: Crisis-hit Chinese property giant ordered to liquidate (
Quote: Judge Linda Chan said "enough is enough", after the troubled developer repeatedly failed to come up with a plan to restructure its debts.
The firm has been the poster child of China's real estate crisis with more than $300bn (£236bn) of debt.

I believe that China is now entering a state of free fall, and the question remains if they are going to quietly close up it's borders, or try and fight a war to hide their crimes? Let's stay on top of this exposure so that we have both a record of what China did, as well as how they did it.

Probably my last video posting today, but when this came up I thought it should be included with all this Chinese exposure.


It covers a bit of how the CCP treats their own people. What should be kept in mind though, is that even these videos show China in a realistic light, these might be propaganda in order to make people feel like China isn't very fit to fight. My tip off is when people who claim to know that the inside story of China but fail to state that the population is only 400 million people.

Yes, China is hiding the fact that it's short about a billion people that never existed.

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