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At current rates of migration
(01-13-2024, 01:01 AM)putnam6 Wrote: Did you miss the point once established Immigration City or pre-America will be set up and functioning better than any situation these poor people were running from? Hell give them a house a job and check many will be content right there. As long as it is secure and relatively safe. Imagine a city where people are trained for jobs in construction,farming, health-care, police security, for example. People will be working and training there instead of sitting in some holding area or dumped into a hotel with a cell phone and nothing else. We train for the first few years worth then eventually it's totally run by immigrants.  

Once they have been here 6-12 months no court dates just a simple citizen test and placement in a community where they have a job and a place to live already or sponsors, instead of dropping them off no training, no home no job. Makes no sense and all it does is increase the welfare state. Having a place like this is to all countries involved advantage, these countries spend billions as it is. Why not try something different. If we don't our standard of living will plummet, we will have millions on welfare. 

The Ukraine war has shown we have billions to send for making Ukraine better why not spend billions to make America better

We need a place to hold and process them before they get in America without a chance in hell of finding work
They are sending immigrants into areas and then pining that they need redistricting because of the population influx already. No telling what other ways TPTB are gaming the system. I agree about immigration but we need to give them a better chance to succeed before they get thrown into NYC and basically are on thier own, or with an advocate whose caseload is so swamped that hundreds get lost and become issues one way or another through crime and gangs or just from the shear lack of basic skills.

so we would build a country for all the people 'fleeing' poverty.  Sounds awfully expensive!  Would this obligation be only on US taxpayers?   UN?   Starting to sound like Israel only larger scale.
(01-13-2024, 01:01 AM)putnam6 Wrote: We need a place to hold and process them

Short-term, yes, but the need for that would be eliminated if what I said happened.

What makes sense to me is that employers who want to hire, hire them first, and then they apply to come. It should be an easy thing to do. Let the employers do the background check first, then have a simple way for the already hired person to get a green card. As long as the employers have to pay the same wage they will hire citizens first, which would make it so only people who are needed would apply.

It all centers on making the border secure at the same time. The flood of people would stop and be replaced by those who are needed coming. Then it should be easy to apply for citizenship. This whole concept of it taking many years to do it legally is absurd.
(01-14-2024, 01:41 PM)CoyoteAngels Wrote: so we would build a country for all the people 'fleeing' poverty.  Sounds awfully expensive!  Would this obligation be only on US taxpayers?   UN?   Starting to sound like Israel only larger scale.
Just discussing this CA, so whats your answer, Is thats attainable, that stops the flood?

It's awfully expensive now, and we've been doing the minimalist effort we can for my whole adult life. Got to try something different because what TPTB is doing isn't working. We can't process them effectively and fast enough if we keep letting them all come through the front door, and we don't have the political will an determination to shut down our borders unless it is a crisis

So instead of going back and forth 4-8 years of open borders and 4-8 years of semi-lockdown. Find something semi-sustainable that doesn't erode those towns and communities on our border 24/7 365 days a year. And no we wouldn't be letting the numbers we are now. 

Unless we set up a way to process and hold them, to be sent back or forward incrementally that we control. We will always be at the whims of the living standards elsewhere it's so short-sighted.

Hell processed properly half of those that end up in the US, Canada would probably gladly take. They just now make it to America and we say you are on your own. Hell, we already have plenty of American citizens homeless we need to take care of.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Stop rewarding people with entry, they will quickly quit coming.   Start deporting in LARGE numbers and advertise that fact heavily, in Spanish, to all points south.   The rest of the world will get the message that human traffic has come to an end!
On a bigger World-wide scale look`s like somewhere 2056 World population change to going down, it other words we are not replacing ourselves . Allready seen in countries...China, Japan etc...

I am not fan of uncontrolled migration/ illegal entry to countries .

The only real solution to all of this is to change the countries they are escaping from.
(01-11-2024, 08:34 AM)crayzeed Wrote:
(01-11-2024, 08:34 AM)crayzeed Wrote: USA is a very large country, but here in the UK (a vastly smaller country) we are fully on the way to be taken over or even out bred. And the numbers keep growing. It's as if our government is actively trying to ruin our nationality. Or is that a racist comment?

Saw an interesting stat:   if we were to call the immigrants, as a sum, a state, they would be the  2nd largest state in the union behind California, with a conservative estimate of 32 million immigrants of all status.  !2 million new arrivals, in just the Biden admin would make 7th behind Illinois.    This is startling even to me living near the border.   It MUST stop.  Most states in the US are smaller.   So, who should host them?  
(01-19-2024, 05:04 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: The only real solution to all of this is to change the countries they are escaping from.

So lets send the citizens of those countries back and let them fix their countries!   Why is it the job of the US and the UK and Europe?  

Financial aid to good growing democracy and trade agreements which help them.  But it's up to them to change themselves.
(01-20-2024, 12:36 PM)CoyoteAngels Wrote: So lets send the citizens of those countries back and let them fix their countries!   Why is it the job of the US and the UK and Europe?  

Financial aid to good growing democracy and trade agreements which help them.  But it's up to them to change themselves.

The problem with aid America already sends lots of aid to Central and South America, but it no doubt gets siphoned off sold on the black market, and is poorly distributed. These countries don't care if the migrants leave either.

Yes we shouldn't have to pay to keep them there, but it's better than paying for and keeping them here undocumented, little chance to succeed and a strain on our economy. 

It's why we need a waypoint in between, hell anything to take some of the pressure off at the border. You build a camp for 25,000-50,000 and see how it goes. Has to be better than what is happening now.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(01-20-2024, 12:36 PM)CoyoteAngels Wrote: So lets send the citizens of those countries back and let them fix their countries!   Why is it the job of the US and the UK and Europe?  

Financial aid to good growing democracy and trade agreements which help them.  But it's up to them to change themselves.

I agree they need to work to change where they are rather than coming here, but helping them do that benefits us.

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