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The Power and Mystery of the Third Eye
(05-04-2024, 09:13 AM)Leftiris Wrote: The experience and journey of enlightenment is not for the weak. We must face our "demons" and accept ourselves for who wr truly are.

I imagine most people never set out on a journey but one day look back and realise all those things they refused to just forget pave a path they now realise they are on, so like you say, there is no turning back. Just a deep breath for all that has been learned and remembered as the lessons and another one for the most important part of being a human being..... the NEXT step.

Life = Momentum plus Potential over Time.

And Demons eh? When I confronted mine to finally be unafraid of personal truth, I imagined them living inside the back of the dark depths of my skull so I put little pink dresses on them and had a laugh while they stood there powerless like something from Walt Disney's Fantasia. They can't hurt me now, but they can prove useful if I need some intellectual self defence. The truth of their origins and inability to hide or disguise themselves any more was a monumental inner achievement. I'm not sure how I will deal with any new ones that may pop in for a visit, but I have friends on hand inside to be my bouncers

Pretty In Pink. Lol

(05-04-2024, 09:13 AM)Leftiris Wrote: Thanks, I think I'm going to do one on frequency next.

Can't wait and will contribute if possible.

Consider all the parts. Pulse, Amplitude, Waves, Hertz etc. And so important isn't just our own but the frequencies of the things around us like music and the technology surrounding us. There are many documentaries containing great information and something like ChatGPT can come in useful to explain the more technical aspects in laymans terms. I'm not academic but love to learn about these kind of things.

I am particularly fascinated by the double slit experiment and how the results can be affected by surroundings and observations. Crazy wierd stuff.

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Power and Mystery of the Third Eye - by Nerb - 05-04-2024, 11:23 AM

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