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Registration Date: 05-02-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 09:58 PM
Status: Offline

Leftiris's Forum Info
Joined: 05-02-2024
Last Visit: 05-10-2024, 12:06 AM
Total Posts: 32 (0.14 posts per day | 0.14 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 9 (0.04 threads per day | 0.45 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 8 Hours, 33 Minutes, 53 Seconds
Members Referred: 0

Leftiris's Latest Threads
Making friends with the crows
Forum: Pets, 05-09-2024, 06:31 PM
Replies: 15, Views: 869 I've decided to make friends with the crows that feed on on my property. I have three acres, of wh...
A weird place
Forum: Religion, Faith, & Theology , 05-08-2024, 12:33 PM
Replies: 4, Views: 344 File this one under faith. I'd like to write a little about something that been on my mind lately....
We assume too much
Forum: Rant, 05-07-2024, 04:23 PM
Replies: 4, Views: 488 This is something we all do, but it seems as time goes on we are living in a world where we assume ...
Pee Pants
Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest, 05-05-2024, 01:54 PM
Replies: 7, Views: 367 https://www.livemint.com/news/trends/lon...57664.html That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Pee pant...
Earth Angels
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 05-05-2024, 05:09 AM
Replies: 17, Views: 843 I'd like to switch gears from my first posts and write about the other end of the spectrum. In my t...
Things that go bump in the night
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 05-04-2024, 01:55 PM
Replies: 3, Views: 255 I had planned on posting on something else for my second OP, but something interesting kept occurri...
The Power and Mystery of the Third Eye
Forum: Psychology, Philosophy & Metaphysics , 05-02-2024, 12:15 PM
Replies: 5, Views: 389 This is something I have been studying and learning through experience for quite some time now. If ...
In for a wild ride
Forum: Introductions, 05-02-2024, 09:23 AM
Replies: 5, Views: 335 Greetings and salutations to all those who deny ignorance. I am an old school conspiracy theorist ...

Leftiris's Latest Posts
RE: Making friends with the crows
Forum: Pets, 05-09-2024, 06:41 PM
They are showing you respect by not cawwing at you. Or, so I'd like to believe. I think I read some...
Forum: Political Conspiracies , 05-09-2024, 10:04 AM
That last quote sounds exactly like something the antichrist would say.
RE: A weird place
Forum: Religion, Faith, & Theology , 05-08-2024, 05:49 PM
You gave me goosebumps; that was beauty. I am now speechless at the moment. "Contentment" That'...
RE: We assume too much
Forum: Rant, 05-08-2024, 07:38 AM
Plato and Socrates had a similar thought, and they came to mind. "I know that I know nothing" Plat...
RE: We assume too much
Forum: Rant, 05-07-2024, 05:08 PM
Haha see. :lol: I'm just an observer. I've always been a quiet one who sits and listens and watche...
RE: Question on AI Content and Disclosing it.
Forum: Board Questions & Business, 05-07-2024, 07:02 AM
From my vantage point it is absolutely dishonest/dishonorable to pass AI content off as your own wo...
RE: Pee Pants
Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest, 05-06-2024, 08:07 AM
:lol: That's hilarious; I had the same "puke shirt" idea after I saw this. :beer: Most assuredly...
RE: Earth Angels
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 05-06-2024, 06:46 AM
I had a thought after my last post and would like to add it in. This is just another of my wonderi...
RE: Earth Angels
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 05-06-2024, 05:45 AM
My apologies, I was pressed for time earlier but thought my response covered most of what ibsaw in ...
RE: Earth Angels
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 05-06-2024, 03:35 AM
I'd like to add a thought to the thread. For respect for everyone's beliefs I will just make it sho...

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