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So windows 11 update tanked my system…
(02-24-2024, 04:07 PM)Morrad Wrote: So you have used Linux previously?

Have you looked at Zorin OS?  It's built in a way for windows users to easily migrate.  It is setup for WINE and STEAM. I have used Linux on and off since the 90s but as my main OS for 15 years.  I only use Windows for my DAW now.


Years ago i had linux , ubuntu.....then buyed new pc with win 10 and had only it. Zorin OS look nice  , i might first get second ssd drive so would not have to partion the current drive , i would like to have both windows and linux . thanks for the tip , it`s also good to have back up system , like if windows would totally crash ,i could boot to linux .

(02-24-2024, 11:56 PM)pianopraze Wrote: Makes perfect since, if you need windows for something other than gaming.

I’ll check it out when I buy my next gaming pc and turn this one into Linux box.

I’m out of the loop… didn’t know they were going to start charging. 

you can go make a win 11 install usb drive right now for free. Then you don’t have to worry.

Really liked zoren… elementary os was my goto as a Mac guy and windows 11 feels like elementary os, that’s why I liked it until update ruined my system… I know correlation is not causation but my Bluetooth was working fine until that update. Now I’ll have to get an add-on card or do without. 

I use puppy for formating hard drives sometimes. I also liked solace. Mint was ok but just didn’t resonate with me. Liked running it on usb to fix windows. Ubuntu I just didn’t like. I know some of these are Ubuntu based but still… pop os just was broken and wouldn’t work. Tried manjaro and didn’t like it. Arch was too much to learn. 

if I had to do one today I would do elementary. It seemed most stable with least hassle on the pcs I was using. 

all my info is years old though… 2018 or so I spent a year daily driving Linux for web, email, paperwork etc… all music is on my Mac and gaming is windows.  I tried steam gaming on Linux and it was just too much work and to much missing. So I’m years out of the Linux loop…

I had completely forgotten that could also instal win 11 using USB drive , i think i try that ....i need buy the USB drive first thought .

I am not totally sure , but i assume microsoft will only give win 11 upgrade free for limited time , and then start charge .
(02-24-2024, 07:56 AM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: You could run Windows anyversion in a VM on top of a Linux host. VirtualBox is free VM software, and you can put it on a windows host, wich is how I'm using it ATM for trying to get back into dev work.

Its from ORACLE so, umm forget that Oak Ridge post of mine.

ETA: I once put Android in a VM on a laptop I had at the time. I'm poking the screen and wondering why no work?. Laptop not touch screen. Thas epic level idiot.

A fellow VirtualBox user! Oracle ftw!!!

I honestly don't understand how anyone can use VMware. Regan
[Image: marx.png]
First rule of engineering: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I figured out some time back how to actually get a computer to work with Windows. The trick is to not update the OS once it is stable. Microsoft releases upgrades when Microsoft needs money... as long as they release upgrades every few years, they always have a new product to sell. If they didn't release upgrades, the market would become stagnant. So we went from Win95 to Win98 to WinXP to Win2000/Vista to Win 7 to Win 8 to Win 10 and now Win 11.

The thing is, I am not interested in learning how to tweak a new OS every few years. WinXP was stable as a rock, so I saved a backup disc. Win 7 was also stable so again, I saved a backup disc, Win 10 is sunning on this laptop... it's fine for playing games and surfing the Internet, but for actual work like running simulations and creating data? Nope. It tends to reboot at will, runs the HDD excessively, and is way too heavy.

So when I built my office machine, I just installed Win 7. They said it wasn't possible to install Win 7 on a Ryzen5, and it is difficult... but not impossible. That machine runs like a champ, much faster than under Win 10. Now I have a backup Win 7 disc with keyboard support. If Microsoft wants me to upgrade, it's easy to convince me: make a new OS that works better than Win 7... otherwise I'll just use what works.

Linux is a far superior OS to any Windows version anyway... if only they can get a Windows emulator running right. I haven't checked on that in a few years now, so someone let me know if they have.

(02-25-2024, 03:34 AM)TheRedneck Wrote: First rule of engineering: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I figured out some time back how to actually get a computer to work with Windows. The trick is to not update the OS once it is stable. Microsoft releases upgrades when Microsoft needs money... as long as they release upgrades every few years, they always have a new product to sell. If they didn't release upgrades, the market would become stagnant. So we went from Win95 to Win98 to WinXP to Win2000/Vista to Win 7 to Win 8 to Win 10 and now Win 11.

The thing is, I am not interested in learning how to tweak a new OS every few years. WinXP was stable as a rock, so I saved a backup disc. Win 7 was also stable so again, I saved a backup disc, Win 10 is sunning on this laptop... it's fine for playing games and surfing the Internet, but for actual work like running simulations and creating data? Nope. It tends to reboot at will, runs the HDD excessively, and is way too heavy.

So when I built my office machine, I just installed Win 7. They said it wasn't possible to install Win 7 on a Ryzen5, and it is difficult... but not impossible. That machine runs like a champ, much faster than under Win 10. Now I have a backup Win 7 disc with keyboard support. If Microsoft wants me to upgrade, it's easy to convince me: make a new OS that works better than Win 7... otherwise I'll just use what works.

Linux is a far superior OS to any Windows version anyway... if only they can get a Windows emulator running right. I haven't checked on that in a few years now, so someone let me know if they have.


My win 10 has work perfectly , i would want to stay with it ....but microsoft tactics is to blackmail users saying they end the security updates , with win 10 it`s October 14, 2025  it seems....or have to pay money to get the updates.

I am not so expert to know the possible risk keeping this version and not having the security updates .
(02-25-2024, 02:58 AM)TSK Wrote: A fellow VirtualBox user! Oracle ftw!!!

I honestly don't understand how anyone can use VMware. Regan

I did a thread on TempleOS, chuck that in a VM if you're bored.

(02-25-2024, 03:34 AM)TheRedneck Wrote: First rule of engineering: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I figured out some time back how to actually get a computer to work with Windows. The trick is to not update the OS once it is stable. Microsoft releases upgrades when Microsoft needs money... as long as they release upgrades every few years, they always have a new product to sell. If they didn't release upgrades, the market would become stagnant. So we went from Win95 to Win98 to WinXP to Win2000/Vista to Win 7 to Win 8 to Win 10 and now Win 11.

The thing is, I am not interested in learning how to tweak a new OS every few years. WinXP was stable as a rock, so I saved a backup disc. Win 7 was also stable so again, I saved a backup disc, Win 10 is sunning on this laptop... it's fine for playing games and surfing the Internet, but for actual work like running simulations and creating data? Nope. It tends to reboot at will, runs the HDD excessively, and is way too heavy.

So when I built my office machine, I just installed Win 7. They said it wasn't possible to install Win 7 on a Ryzen5, and it is difficult... but not impossible. That machine runs like a champ, much faster than under Win 10. Now I have a backup Win 7 disc with keyboard support. If Microsoft wants me to upgrade, it's easy to convince me: make a new OS that works better than Win 7... otherwise I'll just use what works.

Linux is a far superior OS to any Windows version anyway... if only they can get a Windows emulator running right. I haven't checked on that in a few years now, so someone let me know if they have.


Agree with you on all that. I stuck with XP like forever it seemed.

I havnt used WINE for anything serious in a while, but its so much better that it was 20 years ago.
I was not here.
(02-25-2024, 03:34 AM)TheRedneck Wrote: First rule of engineering: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I figured out some time back how to actually get a computer to work with Windows. The trick is to not update the OS once it is stable. Microsoft releases upgrades when Microsoft needs money... as long as they release upgrades every few years, they always have a new product to sell. If they didn't release upgrades, the market would become stagnant. So we went from Win95 to Win98 to WinXP to Win2000/Vista to Win 7 to Win 8 to Win 10 and now Win 11.

The thing is, I am not interested in learning how to tweak a new OS every few years. WinXP was stable as a rock, so I saved a backup disc. Win 7 was also stable so again, I saved a backup disc, Win 10 is sunning on this laptop... it's fine for playing games and surfing the Internet, but for actual work like running simulations and creating data? Nope. It tends to reboot at will, runs the HDD excessively, and is way too heavy.

So when I built my office machine, I just installed Win 7. They said it wasn't possible to install Win 7 on a Ryzen5, and it is difficult... but not impossible. That machine runs like a champ, much faster than under Win 10. Now I have a backup Win 7 disc with keyboard support. If Microsoft wants me to upgrade, it's easy to convince me: make a new OS that works better than Win 7... otherwise I'll just use what works.

Linux is a far superior OS to any Windows version anyway... if only they can get a Windows emulator running right. I haven't checked on that in a few years now, so someone let me know if they have.
My macs I choose when or if I update. I don’t update until my music software is updated to new os version. 

windows you can only delay the updates.

It installed this without my knowledge or approval and bricked my machine and probably destroyed my Bluetooth… again correlation is not causation… but…

I hate windows.  

Linux is so close but just not there for gaming. When I buy my next expensive gaming rig in the next few years I will turn this pc into Linux gaming box and try again…
(02-24-2024, 12:09 AM)pianopraze Wrote: I used the chat feature.
I got real people almost instantly.  Both were helpful.
sadly the fix… rollback before the update… did not fix whatever the update actually did…

Well, that figures.  Even using System there such a thing anymore???
Quote:you can go make a win 11 install usb drive right now for free. Then you don’t have to worry.

I'd love to do that.  But I need a print tutorial that is very, very basic and so far I haven't found one.
I did it once with help but it would be a better learning  tool if I could muddle through alone successfully.
Thus far, I am still looking.

And I am too old for linux.  Maybe 30 years ago I would have happily embraced it.  Cool
(02-25-2024, 07:03 PM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote: Well, that figures.  Even using System there such a thing anymore???

I'd love to do that.  But I need a print tutorial that is very, very basic and so far I haven't found one.
I did it once with help but it would be a better learning  tool if I could muddle through alone successfully.
Thus far, I am still looking.

And I am too old for linux.  Maybe 30 years ago I would have happily embraced it.  Cool

Use second option on this page: Microsoft win 11 download

Click create windows 11 installation media - it will walk you through it. Very well done by Microsoft. 

They recommend 8gb I use 16gb usb drive. 

Linux is fun to play with but takes a lot of work.  You can instal Linux Mint on a thum drive and run it right off that without changing you PC.  Just boot to the usb drive and you can experience Linux.  Good tool if windows breaks and you want the files on your hard drive. You can access them even if you can’t boot to windows. Also useful for reformatting hard drives Microsoft updates ruin  [Image: ats2485_banana.gif]
(02-25-2024, 04:36 AM)Kenzo Wrote: My win 10 has work perfectly , i would want to stay with it ....but microsoft tactics is to blackmail users saying they end the security updates , with win 10 it`s October 14, 2025  it seems....or have to pay money to get the updates.

I am not so expert to know the possible risk keeping this version and not having the security updates .

Win 10 works good for most applications. My big machine is for engineering and data analysis, though... on those apps, Win 10 is just too heavy and slows things down too much. Plus, Win 10 refuses to have it's lifeline to Microsoft cut, and it will reboot when it feels like it. A reboot at 2:00 AM is fine for most people, because they're sleeping and the machine is idle, but mine might be in the middle of a three-day task. That's three days of data analysis and simulation results that have to be redone!




As for security updates, an OS is like a lock on your door... good to keep the uninspired out, but if someone wants in bad enough they'll get in. The updates are just workarounds to patch holes in security as they are exploited. Hackers usually go after the most popular/newest OS versions, because there's a better chance of success. There's very few Win 7 machines running today and even fewer XP systems. Ergo, there's no hackers looking to break into something that's just not available to break into any more.

Plus, I have a user-defined filing system since Windows default can't handle the amount of data I have here. My files are not where Win 7 puts files, and a little misdirection on folder names should keep any prying eyes looking at the wrong things for a good while. Cool

After my post to you I logged off, turned on my Fire TV Stick for a night of YouTube.  Ironically the first video in my feed was Liron Segev, a Windows tech guy I follow.  Talk about coincidence!

... an upbeat cynic

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