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Columbia University has fallen
Hunger strikes were a big thing in the 70s....

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-03-14-42-58-398.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
How much do you want to bet they'll abstain only while in public protesting?  They'll be on their cell phones calling GrubHub to meet them in the bathroom by lunchtime.
Pew Research poll 58% of Americans believe Israel has valid or somewhat valid reasons to fight Hamas 

[Image: PRC_2024.3.21_Israel-Hamas_00-01.png]

Yeah not sure how anybody can support this... well except America's enemies  

This element is why these protests are dangerous... 

Again are Americans and Israelis going to exist in these protestors' "brave new world"? 

Asking for a friend....

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-03-15-12-53-705.jpg]

Yeah students are tired of this completely unmitigated bullshit, and again something rarely seen in the 70s protests
[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-03-15-24-16-408.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
For the intents and purposes of dealing with realities, I find it useful to apply dispassion and examine the foundational arguments.

Fortunately for us, most of them are not contested.

The nation of Israel exists.  The nation of the Palestine, does not yet exist.

Palestinian leadership is agitated to violence.  They have spread that agitation to Israel... violently.

Each "side" has a lengthy treatise expounding the past, each invalidates that of the other.

Clowns and puppets have begun pantomiming the talking points of the sides engendering "appearances." 

Young people, doing what young people often do as a group, cheer or jeer endlessly on this "travesty of human behavior" as if it were the sum total of the entire world... thinking their outrage or stalwartness would save us all.

There was never a war between Israel and the Palestinian people... and there was always a war between them.  This is between them, and we can do little about it.

But most importantly we need to acknowledge - from the first - that it is the "leadership" and their messengers who forge the problems they think they are fighting about... the actual people must only to endure their bullshit... because the agitators and activists makes sure that it's not going away.
(05-03-2024, 01:41 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: It's obvious you were not around in the 60s-70s or you were perhaps, but lived in a place where you did not actually know the facts other than what was in the newspapers you read.

I was around then. You have your history wrong. The Peace Movement was anti-war, not antisemitic, nor was it about hate. The Weather Underground came along and it was a violent hate group, but it involved a small number of people, and even though those violent anarchists hitched a ride on the Peace Movement, we wanted no part of them. To conflate the distinctly different parts of the 60s-70s you cannot have been directly involved.

Death to America
Long live the intifada
Death to Israeli real estate
Disrupt/Reclaim/Destroy Zionist business interests everywhere

The above are quotes from literature being passed around at the hate gatherings. I can't call it protest as only peaceful lawful protests are legal and what's happening is not legal and it's all about hate.

It's being funded and orchestrated by outside groups. The Peace Movement was something that grew organically on its own.

Follow the money on this one. As time goes on who is actually behind this will be revealed I'm sure. Hitler would have loved this. People just like him are orchestrating all of this. Hate groups recruit students because they are easy to trick as their critical thinking skills have yet to evolve. People like Mao and Hitler relied on that.

The truly sad part of this is that all those kids are ruining their futures.

And the peace movement now is against the war and not antisemitic as you said, whatever this means. If it's to call out the crimes committed by the Israeli Army and be called antisemites then you extend the definition so much that it loses all its meaning.

It's a usual tactic to call peace protesters as anarchists, communists, antiamerican, traitors, antipatriots. Nothing new here just another war and if there are some bad apples within the protestors it doesn't make the peace protests any less important. You forget, the students didn't bother anyone and didn't kill anyone, it's the people who accuse who have committed serious crimes and crimes against humanity. The US has verified there have been too many civilians killed.

(05-03-2024, 01:36 PM)FlyersFan Wrote: NO, there is no confusion.  It is perfectly clear who is doing what.

Hamas and the 'palestinians' provoked a war with Israel.  A stupid thing to do.  They slaughtered 1200 people, mass raped men and women, burned families alive, and took 240 hostages who they tortured, starved, and raped.  Many are still being held.   The 'palestinian civilians' assisted, applauded, and supported this.   Then the perps ran back to Gaza and hid behind their own children putting them in danger for when Israel protected itself and fought back.  Israel isn't  killing civilians in Gaza ... it's Hamas and their 'palestinian' supporters that are killing civilians in Gaza.  None of this would be happening if they hadn't attacked Israel.  None of this would be happening if they'd give up the hostages and lay down their arms.  This is ALL on Hamas and the 'palestinians'.  

BTW .. that 30,000 dead women and children in Gaza is Hamas propaganda and totally bogus.  The math proves it is impossible.  Not to mention the fact that Hamas has been caught lying about how many are dead in Gaza.  

The useful idiots protesting on the college campuses are not anti-war protestors.  They are chanting the genocidal chant 'From the River to the Sea' which calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.  They are shouting 'we are hamas', 'long live the infitada', 'we know where you live', 'die Jews die', 'Go back to Germany to be holocausted', etc etc  and they are physically intimidating and assaulting Jewish students, and blocking their entrance to the classes they paid for.    That's not 'peaceful antiwar protesting'.   

If it were black students getting this kind of abuse, the country wouldn't stand for it.  But since it's Jews ... somehow that makes it okay.   Completely disgusting.  It's nothing less than 1938 Germany behavior.

Why, do you have the real numbers and you call the number of dead bogus? To remind you for a third time that the US officials have verified there are too many civilians who have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli Armed Forces which disproves your effort to downplay the number of dead people, mainly women and children.

I don't remember saying there have been 30,000 dead civilians in Gaza. You must have picked this number from somewhere else. An actual number is difficult to give but I am sure you can rely on many sources to conclude there have been thousands and thousands who died. The US officials for example, unless you don't trust them on this matter. But again, why an ally of Israel will admit too many civilians have lost their lives in Gaza?
47% of all registered voters in this poll want to BAN pro-Pally demonstrations on campus 41% want to ban pro-Israeli protests

76% want the police on campus to protect them from violence. Doubt police support was even half that in the 60s and 70s. Am I wrong? maybe in the south,elsewhere doubtful 

[Image: GMqSHBaXAAE5pnj?format=jpg&name=medium]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-03-2024, 12:43 PM)putnam6 Wrote: I am glad you appreciate my long post, too bad you obviously can't comprehend it even more telling that you have no links or articles to back your assertions.

Truthfully, I can cringe at the situations the innocent Gazans face, while understanding, Hamas, the authors of 10/7, have to be eliminated before Gaza can be anything else. Hamas is a cancer in their society, there will likely be others, but at the very least Hamas needs to cease to exist, considering Hamas continues to steal aid trucks from innocent Gazans, and lob mortars at US personnel building a HUMANITARIAN pier to delivery aid, it is far from accomplished.  

Since we are discussing the horrors of genocide and imperialism you've yet to comment on Sudan, why is that?

How are Sudan's atrocities off-limits for the movement?

Not one sign or chant for the Sudanese, yet the movement includes many other causes and concerns, does it not?

Are the Sudanese less human than the Gazans, respectfully Sudan has 20 times the population of Gaza? 

 War in Sudan is a crisis of epic proportions as atrocities abound

The 60s and 70s protests were about many issues including civil rights for all true or false? 

These protests have a huge element of racism and talk of the elimination of jews and Israel true or false?

Do you want Hamas to survive?

You do want the hostages returned?

The thread is about the protests here in the US not "all over the world".

They are nowhere near the size, scope, or disruptively that the 60s and 70s protests and RIOTS were. Because they are not generally supported by the American GP, just the 10-15% extremists for all causes. 

The US for better or worse plays to the beat of a different drum than any other country. Always has and hopefully always will, ironic how we loath imperialism yet we are supposed to listen to the countries whose histories are soaked in monarchies and hyper-imperialism as if now these countries have now figured it out.

Lastly here is the quotes from the NPR article about the differences in just protests for Columbia, please note the groups are all students very few outside agitators, why? because they were not needed. The students themselves were enough of a protest, that is a very important distinction.

You need links or articles for what exactly??
People are against the mass killings of civilians in wars and the student protests are a testimony to this. Not to mention what is happening around the world where Israel has lost all support they may had at the beginning. Posting some links doesn't change what happens in the real world, and that's massive demonstrations against Israel. Unless they haven't happened and we are all dreaming.

Are you saying the polls show Americans or Australians or anyone else, agree with the mass killings of civilians in Gaza for which US officials have verified there are too many. Do you think there aren't any civilian deaths or maybe the number is exaggerated?
(05-03-2024, 01:55 PM)LogicalGraffiti Wrote: How much do you want to bet they'll abstain only while in public protesting?  They'll be on their cell phones calling GrubHub to meet them in the bathroom by lunchtime.

I would be more impressed if they "fasted" from using thier imperialistic iPhones

(05-03-2024, 03:50 PM)Notran Wrote: You need links or articles for what exactly??
People are against the mas killings of civilians in wars and the student protests are a testimony to this. Not to mention what is happening around the world where Israel has lost all support they may had at the beginning. Posting some links doesn't change what happens in the real world, and that's massive demonstrations against Israel. Unless they haven't happened and we are all dreaming.

I just don't see the overwhelming support you see, again I am fully aware of your opinion. Here's another broader look at the GP emotions on this topic but first look at how much the American government wants to send to Israel now, almost 5 times as much as in 2023. I'd suggest so far the worldwide protests have made the US support Israel even more, well that and 10/7. 

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-03-17-01-40-050.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-03-2024, 03:46 PM)putnam6 Wrote: 47% of all registered voters in this poll want to BAN pro-Pally demonstrations on campus 41% want to ban pro-Israeli protests

76% want the police on campus to protect them from violence. Doubt police support was even half that in the 60s and 70s. Am I wrong? maybe in the south,elsewhere doubtful 

Banning what? Protests?
It doesn't sound very democratic to me.
Slippery slope.

The deep state wants to take advantage what the 40% or 50% says every now and then for its purposes but remember that students have repeatedly defeated the deep state on numerous occasions.
(05-03-2024, 01:46 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Hunger strikes were a big thing in the 70s....


Please, starve.  Do us all a favor.


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