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Registration Date: 10-01-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-22-2024 at 02:34 PM
Status: Online

Sirius's Forum Info
Joined: 10-01-2024
Last Visit: 6 minutes ago
Total Posts: 385 (4.67 posts per day | 1.73 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 42 (0.51 threads per day | 2.09 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 6 Days, 9 Hours, 48 Minutes
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 187 [Details]

Sirius's Latest Threads
Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, Yesterday, 07:59 AM
Replies: 8, Views: 127 If your already having an anxiety attack from the title, welcome to the thread and we are going on ...
The Lime Tree
Forum: Short Stories, Yesterday, 01:25 AM
Replies: 0, Views: 38 The Lime Tree One season I watched excitedly how the leaves sprouting from my lime tree looked dif...
Quantum Consciousness - “microtubules”
Forum: Psychology, Philosophy & Metaphysics , 12-20-2024, 11:07 AM
Replies: 1, Views: 41 Published: Dec 19, 2024 Your Consciousness Can Connect With the Whole Universe https://www.popula...
Forum: General Conspiracies, 12-11-2024, 10:17 AM
Replies: 10, Views: 408 Just casting this out there, why does the Moriarty exist? I have two theories to float. He stru...
Electrolytes Potentially Affected by Magnetic/Electric Fields
Forum: The Gray Area, 12-09-2024, 05:40 AM
Replies: 16, Views: 473 Don't know where to place this. It's all very speculative around how UFO's could be messing with us...
Google Earth Finds
Forum: Fragile Earth, 12-06-2024, 10:30 AM
Replies: 5, Views: 176 A place to post interesting finds. Giant iron ore mine in South Africa, it's about 22Km x 5Km. The...
4th asteroid to hit Earth’s atmosphere in 2024
Forum: Space, 12-04-2024, 01:26 AM
Replies: 1, Views: 76 This is only the 11th time ever and the 4th time this year that astronomers have spotted an asteroi...
Neuron Activation
Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest, 12-02-2024, 11:33 AM
Replies: 18, Views: 362 "they just don't get it" they especially don't get why old Joe get's allot of views, why is this tr...
Time Expansion Experiences
Forum: Psychology, Philosophy & Metaphysics , 11-27-2024, 04:58 AM
Replies: 5, Views: 185 Bit of a spurries here, a book by Steve Taylor on� Time Expansion. It looks like he did some case s...
Forum: Science & Technology, 11-26-2024, 06:50 PM
Replies: 1, Views: 58 I got some cool stuff! Wavefront sensors and wavefront cameras and let's just dig in to the science...

Sirius's Latest Posts
RE: It's Time My Story Needs To Be Heard [Redux]
Forum: The Gray Area, 20 minutes ago
Hectic, shit man they got me in the eye.� I can still feel it also.� � I wonder who or what she is. ...
RE: Are any of your dreams more than 'just dreams'??
Forum: Psychology, Philosophy & Metaphysics , 1 hour ago
Forgot there was a dream I wanted to share with the forum and now it's all hazy :sad: I had a visi...
RE: It's Time My Story Needs To Be Heard [Redux]
Forum: The Gray Area, 2 hours ago
Wow, incredible story!� I can relate to some of it, never seen any grays or gray like entities thoug...
RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, 11 hours ago
The Baining� people are interesting, they straight up just get possessed by animal spirits as part o...
RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, Today, 02:22 AM
It's easy to ridicule primitives dancing around a fire because your not having the experience.� Just...
RE: The little solar probe that could - December 24, 2024
Forum: Space, Today, 01:43 AM
They better make some progress here soon or we are doomed.� Something I didn't see coming is that we...
RE: Suddenly CIA
Forum: General Conspiracies, Today, 01:06 AM
The suits are coming for you max� :tongue: I'm less worried about them than billionaire� misanthrope...
RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, Yesterday, 03:27 PM
Yes but without� risking injury and for healing instead.� Pausing how we get there, this "awakening e...
RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, Yesterday, 02:15 PM
Dancing on burning coals is sure to bring intense psychological turmoil and a interesting ritual is...
RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
Forum: Paranormal Studies, Yesterday, 08:02 AM

Sirius's Signature
compassion, even when hope is lost

Sirius's awards.
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