deny ignorance.


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New Phone, Who Dis?
Ok, so every UFO discussion involves a government coverup.  9/11 is obviously still a topic of CT discussion here.   Politics.  Knowledge is power and viola...politics. I'm not sure conspiracy and politics can be separated.  

When the internet first took hold, I went straight to utilizing this vast library to research and discuss my favorite lifetime topics....Aliens and UFOs.   Hungry for a new and novel glimpse of info bits and speculation.

All the while, conspiracies more front, center and immediate took focus:  Waco, deaths around the Clintons, McVey, Mena,  Monica, Yugoslavia, 9/11,  anthrax attack on the US, Al Gore hustling climate change,  2000 election pregnant hanging chads, obama birth, iraq, afghanistan, Benghazi, Epstein, Russians,  Govt spying, FBI corruption, global pandemic and shut down, more crooked elections, more war in ME....what did I leave out?  

Disclosure.... ok, what are they who are they where they from? Until then, I will check in, but fresh and frightening conspiracy theory news isn't happening very fast on that front.  

Seems like there is more politics meat on the conspiracy bone than woooo.  And certainly effects our lives more.

eta: my manners are awful .... Nice to see ya Dew. Look forward to talking more.

Messages In This Thread
New Phone, Who Dis? - by dothedew - 12-14-2023, 02:22 PM
RE: New Phone, Who Dis? - by Quantum12 - 12-14-2023, 03:11 PM
RE: New Phone, Who Dis? - by DontTreadOnMe - 12-15-2023, 12:09 AM
RE: New Phone, Who Dis? - by CoyoteAngels - 12-15-2023, 09:32 AM
RE: New Phone, Who Dis? - by dothedew - 12-15-2023, 12:55 PM

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