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What will the future say... and will they even know?
My mother's dog died of leishmaniasis 20 years ago in Spain after being bitten by a sand fly.  It is very common there and is known as Canine AIDS.  I would say Canine Ebola as her dog started bleeding from the eyes and every orifice.  She was very ill and had  to be put down on the advice of the vet. The vet told us ex-pats living there don't know about it and just have a regular flea collar. There is a special collar for leishmaniasis. When the vet told my mother she immediately bought one of these collars for her other dog

I hope the dogs were kept sedated once symptoms became evident. I wasn't aware that humans can catch it. I am puzzled as to why this would warrant a cover-up?
.. an upbeat cynic

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RE: What will the future say... and will they even know? - by OneStepBack - 06-12-2024, 06:23 AM

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