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Are We Alone In The Galaxy? Updated Drake Equation Suggests We Might Be
(06-06-2024, 04:42 AM)CCoburn Wrote: I believe a lot of this speculation about alien life elsewhere in the solar system, galaxy, or even more remote areas of the universe may be flawed. I say this because if the universe is in fact created and is a product of design then probability theories may not have any place pertaining to such a model and would amount to nothing more than some trivial mathematical gymnastics.

Either the universe was designed, or it wasn't designed - a logical tautology. Although perhaps it may have been designed with dynamic unknowns such as alternate forms of life elsewhere in the cosmos, but it seems to me that probability is more geared towards an order from chaos(or nothing) model, and I just don't believe that to be the case in the absence of any initial design element.

One might incorporate precision elements such as the existence of Goldilocks zones to fortify a design argument, but there is a bit more to it than that. It would appear that there MUST also be a 'preservation' element as well. The universe can be a very hostile place sometimes referred as a "Cosmic shooting gallery" although such analogies and their effects may not be as random as they appear.

If star systems and their precision quarters of evolution were left solely to the devices of chaos(totally random occurrences) and nothing else, then it seems that they would likely fall prey to an uncaring universe at some arbitrary point and not have any chance to evolve unscathed for the several billion years that they have.

There is roughly nine billion years between Earth and a primordial beginning. There can be a lot of things coming into existence and evolving for eons in that amount of time - all part of the plan. As a matter of fact, the initial designer(God if you will), may not even be directly responsible for life here on Earth, but it's possible that secondary or tertiary beings that came into existence within some point during that initial timeframe might be responsible for that.

I don't believe the vastness of the universe matters much either with virtual infinity as an upper limit. There could be reasons for the numerous parsecs of apparently 'dead' space. If there are other civilizations evolving concurrent to ours it might be implemented as a form of encapsulation to distance and prevent them from interfering with one another.

I would say that whatever created this evolutionary zone that we call Earth is likely watching over it as we speak - the "preservation" factor for as long as it remains the current agenda.

Who said anything about intelligent design ?

I think you started your reply with a huge assertion but nevertheless it's a good point for debate.

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RE: Are We Alone In The Galaxy? Updated Drake Equation Suggests We Might Be - by K218b - 06-06-2024, 05:47 AM

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