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Are We Alone In The Galaxy? Updated Drake Equation Suggests We Might Be
The thing that has always bugged me about The Drake Equation ever since I watched Carl Sagan on TV talk about it, is just how simplistic it is and how it's limited in simplistic variables and just a single one added would be exponential to any result or negate it altogether especially when combined with even more variables.

What if Intelligent Life in the Universe also depends on some fundamental things that allow it to come into existance?

An atmosphere with clouds to create a static electrical charge as they skim the land and produce lightening which may create that spark to be the catalyst of life?

A Moon to create tides and an ebb and flow of the shores of the oceans and a secondary source of (reflected) light for all those blobs under the sea to begin their thought processes beyond survival and go exploring beyond their limited domain?

How about a non-stable and rapid constantly changing environment for that primitive life meaning that it must adapt rapidly to survive before those changes wipe it out?

Most importantly, a thought process that has reached beyond survival to thrive in it's environment and actually have the time to wander the possibilities of a future using the liberty of a free and unafraid imagination?

I like the concept of The Drake Equation, but to me, it just seems way too simplistic to be realistic without considering so much more and to also have the ability to consider things from a non human perspective. Perhaps Intelligent life is EVERYWHERE, but our biological vision sees nothing and our limited senses are stuck to that old survival mechanism.

I think the answers are all around us, not out there and the answers are not for seeing with our two eyes but vision with our third eye, activation of the Pineal Gland and a well grown Hippocampus, and if we believe in "them", they are maybe right there and have been a long time. Perhaps that works both ways, and the Intelligent life we seek will do the same and a huge Paradigm Shift will lead to Contact, beyond something physical.

Manifestation is a sensitive practice with outcomes that can be hard to accept and sometimes harder to realise, especially for third parties.....until the results show it's power, then it can flow it's energy and show how undeniable it is.

After all, we are here on D.I. aren't we? How often and for how long did we dream of a place without all the crap associated with ATS?

Thanks to Carl Sagan for sending me "out there" into the Cosmos all those years ago. Thumbup

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Are We Alone In The Galaxy? Updated Drake Equation Suggests We Might Be - by Nerb - 06-05-2024, 09:58 PM

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