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Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'.
Shame the full article is now behind a paywall but thought Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav gave a pretty powerful speech below and also warns of the 'current global threat confronting our civilization'.

Also some extremely important points raised about 'eugenics'.


"The real viral disease that infected Nazi Germany is Eugenics— Eugenics is the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides.

– Eugenics is cloaked in a mantle of pseudo- science.

– It was embraced by the academic & medical establishment as well as the judiciary — in Germany and the United States.

– Eugenicists justify social & economic inequality.

They legitimize discrimination, apartheid, sterilization, euthanasia, and genocide. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” — for the protection of the gene pool.
Medicine was perverted from its healing mission & was weaponized."

Also, considering his father's antics with Sanger's organisation did find it telling that Bill Gates chose to hold the Gates Foundation's London summit on the exact 100th anniversary of the first International Eugenics Conference in London.



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RE: Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'. - by Karl12 - 06-04-2024, 07:29 AM

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