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Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'.
(06-03-2024, 11:00 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: Apparently the Nazis liked Margaret Sangers take on eugenics.

There is a lot of panic coverup information out there put out by the "choice" crowd and Planned Parenthood types who don't want to admit that.  But it's true.

Yes very well said and Sanger was an absolute whackjob.


Fact Check: Progressive Hero Margaret Sanger Was a Racist Eugenicist


SANGER AND THE HOLOCAUST: Margaret’s Nazi Connections in Historical Context

Considering Bill Gates Senior was 'Co Chair' of the Gates Foundation and responsible for its 'guiding vision and strategic direction' then suppose serious questions have to be asked about the man's incredibly close connections to the American Eugenics Society (rebranded as Planned Parenthood) and the direct influence of its founder.. Margaret Sanger.

NB: According to this link Bill Gates is part of the Rockefeller family and Fauci's wife is head of the 'bioethics' department at the NIH.


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RE: Nazi Eugenics Rebranded As 'Bioethics'. - by Karl12 - 06-03-2024, 11:30 AM

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