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Overpopulation And Malthusian Propaganda.
Lots more factual info out there but did think this was a good final article on the 'poisonous ideology' of Malthusian cultists - also a nice cartoon.

• Bill Gates and the Myth of Overpopulation

[Image: qj61a76d5c.jpg]

Quote:"I am publishing this excerpt now because the poisonous ideology of “population control” — a branch of eugenics — is rapidly being revived in Western public discourse"



• Malthusians:

Looks like lots of infamous folk have also fallen for (and actively promote) misanthropic Malthusian pseudoscientific propaganda and there are some relevant historical examples below - don't know how long the vids will be up so you may want to download (the first one's a classic).

Video Links:

• Ted Turner

• Prince Phillip (See 1:00)

• David Rockefeller

PP's Bill Gates Senior (Co Chair of the Gates Foundation) was also a rabid advocate of Thomas Malthus and there's some interesting info below about a secret meeting between David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg etc. which took place in Manhattan on May 5th, 2009.

Quote:One would have to turn to print sources to discover that the meeting was held at the personal residence of Sir Paul Nurse, then-president of Rockefeller University; that the invitation to the gathering was co-written by Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and David Rockefeller; or that the aim of the meeting was "to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world's population."

There's also this part about 'covert vaccine birth control' from the same link:

Quote:But the idea of using vaccines as sterilization agents—even without the public's knowledge or consent—is not conspiracy lore, but documentable fact.

In its 1968 annual report (PDF), the Rockefeller Foundation addressed the "Problems of Population," lamenting that "very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here." The Foundation vowed to correct this problem by funding "established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control."

This was no empty promise. By the time of its 1988 Annual Report (PDF), the Rockefeller Foundation was able to report progress on its funding into contraceptive research, including NORPLANT, a contraceptive implanted under the skin of a woman's upper arm and effective for five years. In its 1988 report, the Rockefeller Foundation was pleased to announce that NORPLANT—which was developed by the Rockefeller-founded Population Council—was "now approved for marketing in 12 countries."

The Rockefellers' Population Council and other research organizations joined with the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1972 to create a Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. By 1995, they were able to report progress in "developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine," which works by combining an immunogen formed from a synthetic peptide of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)—a hormone secreted by the surface of the early embryo to remain implanted in the womb—with a toxoid carrier molecule. The vaccine stimulates an immune reaction, causing women to develop antibodies against the hormone, thus preventing them from carrying babies to term.

Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid

It's been said there's a kind of 'profound anti-humanism' at the centre of the Malthusian 'anti natalist' agenda so would be interested in folk's views on the content of the links and vids (if they view them).


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RE: Overpopulation And Malthusian Propaganda. - by Karl12 - 05-24-2024, 11:04 AM

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