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Opinion: California drought manmade intentionally
The source for this thread is an opinion piece.  That means that it will pretty much be ignored by most people who aren't interested in opinions.

But the information relayed seems very real and quite worthy of consideration.  Especially since California advocate journalists and activist whine about the climate most, and loudest.

Source The Epoch Times: California’s Perpetual Drought Is Manmade and Intentional

...Over several decades, the public has been deceived into voting for water bonds that have little new water in them—phony promises to build new water storage and aqueducts. About 12 percent of bond funds are spent on new water storage. The rest of the bond funds have been squandered on scores of local and special-interest environmental projects, e.g., tearing down four Klamath-area dams—killing fish to save them—and opposing substantial new water projects, e.g., raising Shasta Dam and building Auburn Dam.
Further, by California law, water must be equitably distributed, pumped “equally”—half to human beings (if you count agriculture) and half to fish (the water-short Pacific Ocean, 187 quadrillion gallons). During the big rains of 2024, about 90 percent of the water was flushed to the Pacific through the gills of perhaps a half dozen delta smelt.

Water management for a population on the edge of a desert is crucially important... but not important enough to threaten commerce it would appear.  Damn the citizens, we have profit to make.

As I have said before, California wastes tens of billions of dollars’ worth (at a conservative $100–$200 an acre-foot) of precious fresh water to save handfuls of delta smelt and “restore” salmon runs where salmon never ran before.

I thought some might like to backcheck these statements, or at least register them in their internal databases of memory.

Messages In This Thread
Opinion: California drought manmade intentionally - by Maxmars - 05-02-2024, 11:00 PM

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