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17 Places That Undercover Cops Will Always Monitor
You obviously have a lot more experience here, Waterglass.

My commentary is purely from observation and triangulation.

The odd part to me is that I can’t easily identify what constitutes a “threat”. It so happens that a lot of people who tend to fall in the “don’t tread on me” camp seem to fall into many other buckets that might be viewed as alarming. Are they alarming? Meh, depends. And that’s the squishy part.

ZeroHedge has an interesting article on this subject right now. It’s a good read.

The idea the the IC has a lot of power makes sense to me. Someone has to represent continuity. That said, “continuity” can be abused. So it seems that’s where the concern lies - not in the continuity itself.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 17 Places That Undercover Cops Will Always Monitor - by VulcanWerks - 04-22-2024, 10:35 AM

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