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Systemic Euthanasia
(04-11-2024, 06:38 AM)TheRedneck Wrote: I don't doubt any of this.

Let's face it, governments all across the globe are in need of money. The reasons may be overspending, skimming by politicians, poor monetary policy, excessive public services... but the result, whatever the reason, is the same: they need money.

Governments have one and only one source of income: taxes. Governments do not make products; governments do not provide services for profit. They survive by taxation. This is not necessarily a bad thing in all cases, as government is indeed, as it has been characterized many times, a "necessary evil." There will always be those individuals in society who prefer to cheat, swindle, and even harm others for personal gain, and thus there must be some rule of law, enforced by an "ultimate authority," to prevent such for a thriving society to exist.

The problem is, all authority on the planet is through people, potentially the same people who would prefer to cheat, swindle, and harm others for personal gain. Democracy is intended to combat that potential, by spreading the ultimate power of choosing government officials via power spread amongst the population equally. However, recent years have shown a flaw in that check on power: people who are uneducated in human nature are likely to be swayed in large numbers to elect the wrong people to power.

The politicians and power brokers know all this. They didn't get to where they are by some stroke of luck or being born with a silver spoon. They understand human behavior and know how to manipulate it. That's how they attain and maintain their power base. That power base is then used to obtain large sums of money, which further solidifies their power, which further enhances their ability to obtain money. Wash, rinse, repeat a few times and we have a society where government now operates for the sole benefit of government, using the people being governed as a resource for personal gain.

We (should) all know this already.

So when a government needs money, they have only one source from which to draw it: taxes. There is a limit, however... too much taxation implemented too quickly or causing too much suffering among the population will result in an overthrow of said government. This can be violent as in a revolution, or it can me peaceful as in through the ballot box. So now we're looking at a limit on how much a government can tax and still remain in power. How to avoid that? Simple... the same way we as individuals avoid such issues: cut costs where they can be easily cut and put that savings toward things that are wanted.

The largest single expenditure for almost any government is elder care. Even the USA, with its astronomical military budget, spends more on services to the elderly that it does on defense. Other countries, most of which have more services and less military expenditures, have relatively even greater differentials. With health care costs rising quickly due to kickbacks from pharmaceuticals/administrators, and increased greed from insurers and providers, it has become a huge problem. Socialized retirement, such as Social Security in the USA, is no longer a hole in the financial bucket... it is a missing bottom.

Removing such services is out of the question; that would immediately result in the ousting of the present government and the politicians know this. They also know that the elderly are living longer than ever before and thus costing more than ever before. So the answer is: stop them from living longer.

Obviously, this cannot be a publicly known agenda. That would be worse than cutting services!

So we have policies to literally promote death among those who do not generate a taxable income and instead cost the government. COVID-19 vaccines were one method: ineffective, but at the same time damaging to the heart muscle and the immune system. This immediately kills off the present elderly and weakens the healthy so they cannot live as long. I have already mentioned that elsewhere. However, it does not address those who are not elderly and yet are unable to provide a taxable income for themselves... the infirm and mentally incapacitated. For them, more is needed. Even with the vaccine, they can live a "new normal" lifespan and cannot contribute to the tax base, Instead, they are a drain on the tax base. But, if we can make it easier for them to commit suicide, under the guise of alleviating pain or distress, we can also eliminate them while establishing a narrative of compassion and caring.

That's what is being done here. expect the call for assisted suicide to increase dramatically in the near future in the USA. Other countries are regularly used as a testing ground; the USA has more than its fair share of tough, independent thinkers even today, plus there's that pesky Constitution to get in the way. We may have the most powerful government in the world today, but we also are the hardest country to control. We are the last to be humbled.

That doesn't mean it can't happen, though. Watch your backs, everyone.


Really good thinking Redneck  Thumbup That´s  definitely one big issue with all this , the benefit/gain an entity could get financially if an human individual is " removed from equation"

In here something else just happened that may have similar sinister motives perhaps . They decided to shut down dozens and dozens municipal clinics / health centers in country because earlyer they make mistakes to create money deficiency in the health sector . So who  will suffer the most if they shut down the clinics....elderly do. So i am this all planned plan, a sinister agenda.

With assisted suicide there is another big issue. There are health conditions that may be caused by something , that may be cured....but the health officials dont have a clue / dont know / dont care ..what ever....Example : Lyme disease is not called The Great Imitator without reason , meaning its symptoms mimic many other diseases , like depression , neurological conditions  etc.....

But the health professionals most likely wont know that . A sick person may have in great suffering, and has view that doctors cant help . If that then proceed to thinking , "  i want assisted suicide "  even thought  the person might have a real change to get real help to condition, if only could see a person who really knows health issues and how to fix them.

I think in many ways this goes to dangerous territory , too many issues to ignore , too many things that can and will go wrong....

Messages In This Thread
Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 03-16-2024, 02:13 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by FlyersFan - 03-16-2024, 06:38 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 03-16-2024, 08:26 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by DISRAELI - 03-16-2024, 07:26 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-06-2024, 01:18 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Maxmars - 04-06-2024, 12:47 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-07-2024, 01:07 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-07-2024, 09:25 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-07-2024, 11:32 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-07-2024, 12:07 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-07-2024, 01:10 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-07-2024, 02:13 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-07-2024, 11:52 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-08-2024, 06:35 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by quintessentone - 04-08-2024, 10:27 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Maxmars - 04-08-2024, 10:08 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-08-2024, 01:44 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by TheRedneck - 04-11-2024, 06:38 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Maxmars - 04-11-2024, 01:30 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by TheRedneck - 04-11-2024, 10:47 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-12-2024, 12:09 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-12-2024, 06:26 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by TheRedneck - 04-19-2024, 10:04 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Maxmars - 04-12-2024, 09:38 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by IdeomotorPrisoner - 04-12-2024, 11:48 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-13-2024, 12:20 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-13-2024, 07:12 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-13-2024, 09:12 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-14-2024, 06:26 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-14-2024, 09:56 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by ArMaP - 04-14-2024, 04:14 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-14-2024, 10:39 PM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 04-29-2024, 01:35 AM
RE: Systemic Euthanasia - by Kenzo - 06-22-2024, 12:05 AM

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