02-26-2024, 01:17 PM
(02-25-2024, 04:36 AM)Kenzo Wrote: My win 10 has work perfectly , i would want to stay with it ....but microsoft tactics is to blackmail users saying they end the security updates , with win 10 it`s October 14, 2025 it seems....or have to pay money to get the updates.
I am not so expert to know the possible risk keeping this version and not having the security updates .
Win 10 works good for most applications. My big machine is for engineering and data analysis, though... on those apps, Win 10 is just too heavy and slows things down too much. Plus, Win 10 refuses to have it's lifeline to Microsoft cut, and it will reboot when it feels like it. A reboot at 2:00 AM is fine for most people, because they're sleeping and the machine is idle, but mine might be in the middle of a three-day task. That's three days of data analysis and simulation results that have to be redone!
As for security updates, an OS is like a lock on your door... good to keep the uninspired out, but if someone wants in bad enough they'll get in. The updates are just workarounds to patch holes in security as they are exploited. Hackers usually go after the most popular/newest OS versions, because there's a better chance of success. There's very few Win 7 machines running today and even fewer XP systems. Ergo, there's no hackers looking to break into something that's just not available to break into any more.
Plus, I have a user-defined filing system since Windows default can't handle the amount of data I have here. My files are not where Win 7 puts files, and a little misdirection on folder names should keep any prying eyes looking at the wrong things for a good while.