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Non-Human Intelligence (The Melting Pot)
Completely a melting pot of UAP/UFO/Aliens/Orbs/Consiousness/gravity propulsion/unknown physics/time travel you name it like spaghetti sauce "it's in there". What's now being refered to as Non-Human Intelligence formerly known as "The Control System" or the Phenomena has us casting a wide net trying to make sense of all manner of high strangeness in a effort to see the bigger picture. 

 In my ramblings I'm open to hearing intelligent discourse on all manner of unrelated things as a stress reliever to daily life. The higher above my "pay grade" the better. Call it escapism sans the video game console. In the UAP/UFO NHI arena there's been a deficit of using philosophical constructs to assist in defiining a bigger picture. Turns out we have the tools & someone finally made a decent stab at it giving us a "beginning vocabulary" to frame the current mess.

James Madden's Book "Unidentified Flying Hyperobject; UFO's Philosophy and the End Of The World" He asks us to consider UFOs as “objects” spread out in a way that transcends our ordinary senses, as well as our rather limiting notions of space and time. We only ever encounter these objects (or this one object, depending on the realities we have yet to perceive) from within what he labels our “Umwelt,” or world perspective, which is necessarily limiting.
The reality of flying saucers, tic tacs, and illuminated spheres — along with all the other denizens of Vallee’s Magonia — may be a kind of encounter, communication or psychic manipulation from a wider realm of reality, what he calls the “Uber Umwelt.”

I caught his interview on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland YT channel. Madden went into much greater depth about a NHI poking us or trying to communicate with us in a "clumsy" mish-mash of events unavoidable due to the massive divide between itself & humanity.

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Non-Human Intelligence (The Melting Pot) - by jaded - 02-24-2024, 12:06 PM

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