01-18-2025, 04:27 AM
Within image 13 you can see:
(13) FEMALE (MARY) is leaning outwards from her MALE EQUIVALENT (1) and EXTERNALISING
(11) MALE is leaning inwards INTERNALISING
The heads of (11) MASCULINE and (13) FEMININE come together as TWO HALVES OF A WHOLE
Which is counter to:
The outwards lean between her (13) FEMININE half and her externalised MASCULINE (1) half
Which is also counter to:
The space between internal (1) MASCULINE and his external MASCULINE (2) reflection
Likewise, as (3) creates space between (1) and (2), so too is (12) pushed outwards by the coming together of (11) and (13). Opposite ends, representing the masculine and feminine ends of the cycle of 13
When we look at the 3 windows, these represent the balance of internal and external cycle within a torus
(1) Jesus is centred INTERNAL, of the 1st sphere leaning towards the EXTERNAL masculine Thomas (2)
Counter to Thomas facing inwards, is Mary (13) with her head outside the window facing outwards
A good way to explain this is to picture these dimensions as being a round room, with 2 doors, one on each side of the diameter
One door on one side opens inwards. The door in the other side opens outwards
Jesus sits perfectly in the middle of the room, facing outwards at the door which opens inwards
Thomas stands just inside this door which opens outwards, facing the centre of the room
On the other side, Mary stands just outside the door which opens inwards, facing outsider
The important consideration within this, is that these directions are cyclical
Meaning that if Mary standing outside the door looking away was to go full circle to end up on the right of Jesus, she would superimpose perfectly
As would Thomas, if he went full circle around you the left of Jesus. He would superimpose perfectly over Mary
The door that is facing outwards, would become inwards, because outside would become inwards
Just the same as the door facing inwards, would become outwards the opposite direction in cycle, because inside became outside
It illustrates the cycles which promote all existence, which can only exist within a sphere that cycles inwards, outwards and through itself seamlessly. In all directions, at all times
This is the essence of TORUS, TORAH, HORUS, TAURUS
In the TORAH, these are explained (when translated correctly) within:
Internal - Beresh!t / Biology
External - Shemot / Geometry
Direction - Vayikra / Vectoring