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Is Anyone Here Taking Preparations in Case of US Civil War?
My wife and I currenty live among a neigborhood of one percenters. We didnt pick the nighborhood to move here as back in 2017 we didnt have many choices in lieu of my wifes job. We left the Atlanta region to move here. Our 1st choice was to move to Greenville, SC  but we had to settle on the Columbia region. The neighborhood is lilly white and is a blend of native born South Carolina and the rest are out of state born in the USA citizens. 

We are also done with living here and will sell the home this year and move 17 miles towards the center of the state before the 2024 election. That location will be 100's of miles away from the larger cities including Charlotte, Columbia, Greenville and others. The lot is on a dead end cul de sac and is surrounded by water, Lake Murray. The neighbors are friendly and watch each others back. Assumming a civil war begins in this country that neighborhood would be my choice for protection and distance from large population centers. We own over an acre so we can grow food and have water access for irrigation and fishing. We arent what I would consider as preppers but we do make our moves based on strategic surroundings. In this neighborhood all are either hunters or fisherman. They also work hard and many are former US military. All own boats. 

Our current neighboorhood isnt like the above. IMO many traffic Fentanyl and much worse. The HOA is useless and scared. Assumming all hell breaks loose I would not feel comfortable living among them as I can see them turning on and eating each other as social elites are social elites. Plus they have kids in the twenty year old age group. 

So in brief I am not sayng all is well as all I am trying to do is the best for our safety without total disruption of our lives. We are closer to her employer, the people are nicer and many raise their own food. We will enjoy our life better. Many of our contractors are in the area and I have a source for range fed chickens and beef as a result. We have hunting and fishing gear, boom booms, bikes, a canoe and other non electric equipment. Toilets can be filled with buckets of water by hand if the city water ever shuts off. We can also boil water. We do have several solar panels and a portable Inverter with battery for a small chest frezzer. The home will have two fireplaces, one wood burning the other wood with a natural gas insert. Outside we have two grills. One gas and the other is a Belson Park Grill for charcoal or wood. Like our current home the new one will have a walk out ground floor. The temperature in the current home never drops below 60 degrees nor above 75 on the ground floor so if no power we can live there with minimal disruption.  We have never turned the HVAC on for that entire floor since 2017. Dirt is an  excellent insulator. 

I consider ourselves as lucky to the extreme as I can only pray for those in the cities as a resultbof the administrations policies. 

Were just bidening our time

Messages In This Thread
Is Anyone Here Taking Preparations in Case of US Civil War? - by Waterglass - 01-29-2024, 10:18 AM

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