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Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters
(12-21-2024, 07:59 AM)Sirius Wrote: Finally, there is "sudden wakefulness," which involves an instantaneous and dramatic identity shift, and occurs most frequently in response to intense psychological turmoil, such as bereavement, loss, failure, or severe stress.

Still sounds like psychosis. Dissociative identity psychosis. Like the weird Kevin Spacey movie where some guy who lost his family snaps and believes he's an alien.

But what's a spiritual awakening.

Quote:I define spiritual awakening as a shift into a different, higher-functioning state in which a person’s vision of the world and relationship to it are transformed, along with their subjective experience and sense of identity. This shift brings a sense of well-being, clarity and connection. The person develops a more intense awareness of the phenomenal world, and a broad, global outlook, with an all-embracing sense of empathy with the whole human race, and a much reduced sense of for group identity.

These spiritual awakenings or whatever people call them seem to come off like "spirit possession," or at least a psychological analog of as much. They can get possessed by angels instead of demons too.

And I mean they go down some occultnik rabbit hole and deem themselves on a wavelength of getting coded messages from the universe. With pieces fitting to craft a narrative in their minds. It gets driven by abstract reasoning and while it can express the shadow self, or a repressed avatar of yourself, it mostly ends up in the psyche ward for a reason.

Often times it hits every diagnosis point on the schizoaffective checklist, such as delusions of grandeur.

And that's why spirit possession. It's the way these spiritual awakenings lead people down these paths of destruction and psychotic break, even if empathy is gushing through their very essence.

Heightened senses aren't necessarily good, and resemble experiences of schizoaffective or dissociative identity, leading to alleged misdiagnosis.

Finally, the ones that develop this internally awoken empathy become really fake people in my experience. Like you want to strangle their spirit after they turn into hamsters running on a wheel of their angelic messages.

Psychologically, I think it's all Jungian at heart. Shadow personæ, collective forms, and heavy dose of social archetypes. All the gods and goddesses, and spiritual modes exist in this collective unconscious well of our experience. The spiritual universe is primarily a psychological landscape of mountains we build.

For example spiritual awakenings aren't universal to a single spirituality. While Betty Noteworthy in Biloxi, Mississippi has experiences with The Archangel Gabriel from the bible, Deepak Chakrabarti over in Mumbai has the multiverse appear in the avatars of Brahman like Sanjay from the Mahabharata. And to top it all off, The Amazonian medicine man drinks vision vine tea (takes DMT) and see the sky spirits of their culture's spirituality.

It's always interpretation of regional spiritual forms.

And because of this it can be flawed, manipulated, and even triggered.

Conspiracy segue.

What if I said these spiritual awakenings are in the same ballpark of the "causal agency" that created the kid that almost killed Trump? And a known process to instill belief, motivation, and actions. They can be political and people's awakening can lead them to a martyrdom trap, or be exploited.

Those abstract forms can be crafted in a very human way. People can be spiritually awoken by nothing more than shit on the internet, interest in spirituality, or someone in their ear selectively feeding them their "awakening."

Now this is getting into MKULTRA mind control territory. Like ultra low frequencies, dream manipulation, remote viewing, and psychic ability, but this is a conspiracy site, so.
[Image: New%20signature-retake-again-sorry.jpg]

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RE: Intense psychological turmoil - and encounters - by IdeomotorPrisoner - 12-23-2024, 02:58 PM

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