12-15-2024, 01:00 PM
This post was last modified 12-15-2024, 01:19 PM by IdeomotorPrisoner. Edited 5 times in total.
Edit Reason: Yay, got it in 5 this time.
Quote:It's though by some that the inner voice is not us, but a projection into us, speaking to us. That kind of disassociation isn't always productive, but it can help those who are lost in a maze of trying to figure things out with narrative to break free. Our voices tell us narrative, give us models to communicate, and they are a tool, but if we let the tool control us we may never find peace.
Do others here experience the "inner voice" this way? Anyone here naturally "narrative free"? Any other thoughts about the "inner voice"? I am just going to post this little ramble without proofreading, haha.
It all depends how depraved of a shadow self you have.
How often does that inner voice screw up?
Like consider a girl with a controlling abusive piece of trash of a father. He abuses and intimidates her. What's her self-voice gonna say? Anything to lead to an endless cycle of self-sabotage and replicating abuse? Addiction to being a victim?
It starts off like looking through pristine glass at the world, but from the moment you can process stimuli the glass becomes dirtied by everything being thrown on it, altering your view. Including what your elders teach you, warp you with, and what social concepts (like religion or politics) are put in your head.
It's created by your experience/damage and then projects itself into your conscious like it's some bit of imparted wisdom. In reality it just throws shit all over your world window.