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World will become exponentially weirder
(01-16-2024, 10:36 PM)putnam6 Wrote: ...

Regardless this isn't what Terrance McKenna is postulating, he suggests time is speeding up not the illusionary effects of a drug, unless you are asserting time speeding up affects our nerve receptors like Mollie or any other drug. Isn't it a different process, almost instinctually, like the hairs standing up on the back of your neck when you are being followed? Or are you suggesting it's just the cumulative effect of more bad times than good. Which doesn't quite fit the greatest generation hypothesis were those born where they experienced the Great Depression and WWII still, were well grounded and more capable than all future generations so far. 

Apologies for so many questions, but I appreciate the discussion

The ecstasy example was more in general to your thought that it is just part of the process vs. your fault or the fault of some generation.  It is both.  There is an external force driving the decay, but every being/particle/process within it still has choices to make.  The process is the degeneration of matter at all particle sizes and levels and the result is the weirdness -- it's not just here, but universally.  Think of there being hills and valleys in the substates of things, but also major hills and valleys in a much longer period of time.  This is a much bigger and farther reaching one. 

The time speeding up is a secondary thing made to force the process to go at the fastest rate so as to minimize the dysfunctional period to something more palatable. It is unique to 'this' time vs prior degeneration.

I am purposefully trying to keep the terminology pretty secular, and there are terms other than particles and forces that could be used that might be understood in other context, but you can think of it from the standpoint of all matter being interconnected but also having independent self-managed lives.  The white blood cell in your little toe has its own existence and it knows what to do when it encounters a pathogen or foreign entity, and you really don't control it much, but its life and quality are impacted by your choices. 

I am in no way trying to be cryptic, but human language begins to fail pretty quickly when you go beyond the concept of our dimension of molecular surface material, and people have certain notions about what can and can't exist.

Messages In This Thread
RE: World will become exponentially weirder - by Halfswede - 01-17-2024, 01:55 PM

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