11-27-2024, 01:45 AM
(11-26-2024, 07:56 PM)Byrd Wrote: The walls are nice, but if someone advanced had REALLY done it (or explained how to do it - or if it had been done with "advanced technology") then the blocks would be nice and square and identical sizes (much easier to place and shift and construct) and the surfaces would be nice and smooth.
This is wrong, your wall would just fall down. The reason the shapes are irregular is so that the walls are stable and the fact that they still stand is pretty strong argument for how effective is.
The stones are as old as the mountains they come from and impossible to date, so we look at other artifacts and if found then go humans made this. We are the lions of the apes, opportunistic scavengers.
IdeomotorPrisoner was wrong also but scary
compassion, even when hope is lost